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Voices on Antisemitism: All Episodes

Voices on Antisemitism features a broad range of perspectives about antisemitism and hatred. This podcast featured dozens of guests over its ten-year run.

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  • Beverly E. Mitchell

    In Plantations and Death Camps: Religion, Ideology, and Human Dignity, Beverly Mitchell looks at the history both of the Holocaust and of slavery in the U.S. to see what lessons about human dignity can be learned.

  • Albie Sachs

    As a lawyer defending victims of South Africa's apartheid government, Albie Sachs was harassed, jailed without trial and eventually driven into exile. After the fall of apartheid, President Nelson Mandela appointed Sachs to South Africa's Constitutional Court.

  • Judea Pearl

    Judea Pearl, father of slain journalist Daniel Pearl, describes himself as a soldier battling the tsunami of hatred that has defined the twenty-first century.

  • Mark Potok

    After reporting on extremism for many years, Mark Potok decided to move from journalism to activism. Today, he directs the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project, which tracks hate groups in the United States.

  • Christopher Caldwell

    Listen as Christopher Caldwell explains that the recent wave of Muslim immigration has brought a new strain of antisemitism to Europe.