Professional Background
Dr. Khudish currently serves as an Assistant Professor at the Department of History and International Relations in Uzhhorod National University (Ukraine). He received his PhD in History from the Uzhhorod National University (Ukraine). Dr. Khudish has authored several academic publications, including “Migration Experiences of Jewish Holocaust Survivors from Transcarpathia,” in Holocaust and Modernity: Studies in Ukraine and the World (2019). He has further been the recipient of several awards throughout his career, including the Grant for Doctoral Students and Young Scholars (The Moshe Mirilashvili Center for Research on the Holocaust in the Soviet Union, Yad Vashem, 2018), the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure Fellowship (2017), and the Eastern Partnership of Visegrad Fund Scholarship (2015, 2016).
Fellowship Research
Dr. Khudish was awarded a 2019-2020 Judith B. and Burton P. Resnick Postdoctoral Fellowhip at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies for his research project, “Holocaust Aftermath: Jewish-Gentile Relations and Antisemitism in Postwar Transcarpathia, 1944-1946.”
Drawing on Museum resources, Dr. Khudish researches on a little-recognized issue of antisemitism in postwar Transcarpathia by closely examining the relationship between Jews and non-Jews. He seeks to demonstrate how the dominant position of local Ukrainians in the political life of the region in 1944-1945 transferred social antisemitism onto the state level, especially in the rural areas. His work addresses a series of questions focusing on the local Gentile neighbors’ perception of the legitimacy of Jewish property distribution and the attitude towards Survivors in general.