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The Clean Desk

By George Salamon

The poet wrote, “You should have the cleanest desk of all

To have bright thoughts, or you will not have them at all.”

Against this idea I absolutely vote,

Quoting Einstein—his famous quote:

 “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind,

Of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?”

My desk is messy a little, I admit

But contrary to some, I find everything I need.

My wife does not think my desk is really fine

She disagrees with Einstein’s theory, and mine.

But I’ll make a statement if you do not mind:

The desk has nothing to do with somebody’s mind.

© 2022, George Salamon. The text, images, and audio and video clips on this website are available for limited non-commercial, educational, and personal use only, or for fair use as defined in the United States copyright laws.