A student works with a Museum educator on a Holocaust timeline activity developed by the Museum. US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Designed to support accurate, meaningful teaching about the Holocaust, the Belfer National Conference for Educators is the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s flagship event for secondary school educators across the country.
This free, virtual conference invites participants to engage with current historical research and instructional best practices. Educators discover and learn how to use various classroom resources, find inspiration in new ideas, and connect with peers engaged in similar work.
The conference features sessions for teachers who have limited experience teaching about the Holocaust, alumni of past Belfer conferences, school administrators, and curriculum leaders.
More details on the virtual platform for this event, Whova, will be sent in June before the conference. The full schedule is available here. All participants living in the continental United States will receive a free resource bundle.
This program is made possible with support from the Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Foundation.