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What You Do Matters 2020 New York Virtual Event

Benefit Event
Candles at a Museum event. Leigh Vogel for the US Holocaust Memorial Museum

Candles at a Museum event. Leigh Vogel for the US Holocaust Memorial Museum

Resolve. Resilience. Hope. At this difficult time for our nation—a time for reflection and action—members of the Museum community from New York, Boston, and across the Northeast Region will come together for a virtual tribute event. Together, we will renew our pledge to ensure that the critical lessons of the Holocaust—lessons about the fragility of freedom, the nature of hate, and the consequences of indifference—help shape the way forward.

This moving experience will feature special guests, inspiring stories, and important messages about the Museum’s role in these challenging times. We also will recognize our New York Tribute Dinner honorees from the last ten years:

2010 Howard Ganek
2011 Oliver Stanton
2012 The Halpern Family | The Pantirer, Pines, and Schwartz Families
2013 Jill and Peter Kraus
2014 Eva Cooper | the Honorable Michael B. Mukasey
2015 Todd Fisher | Howard Unger
2016 Alan Lazowski
2017 Elisa Spungen Bildner and Robert Bildner | in memory of Sheila Johnson Robbins
2018 Howard M. Lorber
2019 Gary Jacob | Stacey Saiontz

Registration is required. You will receive an email before the event with a link to join the digital program.

For questions or to discuss sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Northeast Regional Office at 212.983.0825 or