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The Moment She Lost Her Family Captured in a Photo

Public Program
Irene Weiss, a Holocaust survivor and Museum volunteer, stands in front of a photograph of herself when she was a child arriving at Auschwitz-Birkenau, on display in the Museum’s main exhibition. USHMM (historic image Yad Vashem)

Irene Weiss, a Holocaust survivor and Museum volunteer, stands in front of a photograph of herself when she was a child arriving at Auschwitz-Birkenau, on display in the Museum’s main exhibition. USHMM (historic image Yad Vashem)

The scene is seared in Irene Weiss’s memory. One minute she was holding hands with her younger sister. The next, a Nazi officer separated them with his baton, and 11-year-old Edith was swallowed into a crowd, unknowingly bound for a gas chamber at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Decades later, Irene discovered the most painful moment of her life had been documented by a Nazi photographer. She saw her 13-year-old self, wearing a scarf and leaning forward, searching for Edith.

As we commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Irene will share the story of the day her family was torn apart.

Irene Weiss, Holocaust survivor and volunteer, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Dr. Edna Friedberg, Historian, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Watch live at You do not need a Facebook account to view our program. After the live broadcast, the recording will be available to watch on demand on the Museum’s Facebook and YouTube pages.

There will be participatory commemorative activities featuring Holocaust survivors happening at the Museum throughout International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Reserve your ticket for January 27.