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Museum Closed

The Museum will be closed on Monday, January 20, due to security, road closures, and other restrictions for the Presidential Inauguration. It will re-open on Tuesday, January 21, from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Names Reading in the Hall of Remembrance

Remembrance Event
On April 19, 2023, visitors from the Archdiocese of Washington and Catholic school students read names in the Hall of Remembrance. USHMM

On April 19, 2023, visitors from the Archdiocese of Washington and Catholic school students read names in the Hall of Remembrance. USHMM

Each year during Days of Remembrance, the nation commemorates the six million Jews who were murdered during the Holocaust and the other victims of Nazi persecution. Preserving the memory of the victims provides an opportunity to learn about how and why the Holocaust happened and to reflect on our common humanity. Their history warns us of the consequences of unchecked antisemitism, while inspiring people everywhere to confront hatred.

Reading names this week is an especially meaningful way to honor the Jewish people who were killed, along with other victims of Nazism. Visitors are welcome to read names from their own connections to this history, or names provided by the Museum from historical records. You may also listen or light a memorial candle.

This event is free and open to the public. Passes are not required to visit the Hall of Remembrance.