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Ways to Give

Gifts of Securities


Thank you for your interest in supporting the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Please fill out the following form to make an outright gift of securities. Upon submission of the form, you will receive instructions for completing your transfer.

If you have any troubles using this form, please contact us at 202-314-7865.

Donor Information

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Information about your donation will be sent via email upon submission.

Broker Information


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Please apply this gift to:

Thank you for your donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Here are the instructions for completing your transfer.

Please instruct your broker to wire your securities gift to the Museum's broker:

Janel Liddelow Johnson, Gift Administrator
Dawn Keevill-Carey, Gift Administrator-Alternate
Truist Bank
Physical Custody, Mail Coded 803-05-15-10
303 Peachtree Street, N.E.
15th Floor, Suite 1520
Atlanta, GA 30308
Tel: 404.230.5076
Tel: 404.588.8296

DTC No: 2039
ACCT#: 7998260
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Tax ID: 52-1309391

Note: If you are donating Vanguard shares, Mutual Funds, Global or Fed Securities, please email to facilitate their direct transfer to the Museum's Vanguard account or send further instructions for all other securities listed.