Displaying: 376 400 of 463 matches for “stalin”
376. Albert Dov Sigal watercolor sketch of a woman in a headdress and gown attended by servants offering gifts to a king with a scepter
authoritarian Communist regime, backed by Stalin, was established. Rozi and Albert had a son, Daniel Moses, on
377. Albert Dov Sigal watercolor of a giant man with a shield, sword, and spear threatening an unarmed youth
authoritarian Communist regime, backed by Stalin, was established. Rozi and Albert had a son, Daniel Moses, on
378. Albert Dov Sigal watercolor sketch of a boy in tallit and tefillin receiving religious instruction with a rough pencil sketch on the reverse
authoritarian Communist regime, backed by Stalin, was established. Rozi and Albert had a son, Daniel Moses, on
379. Albert Dov Sigal gouache and gold leaf painting of a seated man gazing at a large golden lion and another man with his finger raised in admonishment
authoritarian Communist regime, backed by Stalin, was established. Rozi and Albert had a son, Daniel Moses, on
380. Albert Dov Sigal muted watercolor painting of a young woman, holding an infant, walking with her family on a seaside road based upon his arrival in Palestine
authoritarian Communist regime, backed by Stalin, was established. Rozi and Albert had a son, Daniel Moses, on
381. Albert Dov Sigal watercolor painting of men seated in a tent in a detention camp created during his imprisonment
authoritarian Communist regime, backed by Stalin, was established. Rozi and Albert had a son, Daniel Moses, on
382. Albert Dov Sigal monochrome sepia etching of men near a metal hut in a detention camp created from a drawing done during his imprisonment
authoritarian Communist regime, backed by Stalin, was established. Rozi and Albert had a son, Daniel Moses, on
383. Albert Dov Sigal etching of 2 men at the detention camp fence created from a drawing done during his imprisonment
authoritarian Communist regime, backed by Stalin, was established. Rozi and Albert had a son, Daniel Moses, on
384. Humorous drawing of an English officer and Soviet soldiers by a Jewish soldier, 2nd Polish Corps
Anders per agreement with Stalin. In August 1942, the unit left Soviet territory and became the 2nd
385. Defence Medal 1939-1945, ribbon and box awarded to Jewish soldier, 2nd Polish Corps
excluding them from the Victory Parade of 1946 due to pressure from Stalin. Edward, age 19, left Łódź
386. 1939-1945 Star medal, ribbon and box awarded to a Jewish soldier, 2nd Polish Corps
government for excluding them from the Victory Parade of 1946 due to pressure from Stalin. Edward, age 19
387. War Medal 1939-1945, ribbon and box awarded to a Jewish soldier, 2nd Polish Corps
to pressure from Stalin. Edward, 19, left Łódź, Poland, shortly after Nazi Germany occupied the
388. Italy Star 1943-1945 medal, ribbon, and box awarded to a Jewish soldier, 2nd Polish Corps
for excluding them from the Victory Parade of 1946 due to pressure from Stalin. Edward, 19, left Łódź
389. Zbigniew Antonii Piotrowski papers
him to Lodz which was in the Soviet Union, under the Stalin regime. To avoid this situation, on his
390. ¿Cómo se definieron los crímenes?
Joseph Stalin anunciaron en la declaración de Moscú que los autores de atrocidades, como el asesinato ... y Stalin se inclinaban por la idea de simplemente ejecutarlos. Después de que terminó la
391. Como os Crimes Foram Definidos?
Winston Churchill, e o premiê soviético Joseph Stalin anunciaram na Declaração de Moscou que os autores ... não estava especificado ainda. Algumas vezes, Churchill e Stalin simplesmente favoreciam a execução
392. Wie wurden die Verbrechen definiert?
Churchill und der sowjetische Premier Joseph Stalin in der Moskauer Deklaration an, dass den Verbrechern ... Churchill und Stalin dafür aus, sie einfach hinzurichten
393. Comment a-t-on défini les crimes ?
Winston Churchill et le premier secrétaire soviétique Joseph Staline avaient annoncé dans la Déclaration ... les puniraient, mais il est arrivé que Churchill et Staline penchent en faveur d’exécutions sommaires
394. Bagaimana Kejahatan Didefinisikan?
dan Perdana Menteri Soviet Joseph Stalin mengumumkan dalam Deklarasi Moskwa bahwa para pelaku ... dan Stalin lebih memilih untuk mengeksekusi mereka
395. Come furono definiti i crimini?
britannico Winston Churchill e il premier sovietico Joseph Stalin avevano annunciato nella Dichiarazione di ... Stalin propendevano per la condanna a morte dei colpevoli
396. Suçlar Nasıl Tanımlanmıştır?
İngiltere Başbakanı Winston Churchill ve Sovyetler Lideri Joseph Stalin, II. Dünya ... Churchill ve Stalin bu suçluların doğrudan idam edilmesini destekliyordu
397. Le front de l’Est : la guerre de l’Allemagne contre l’Union Soviétique
’État en 1922. Dictature communiste dirigée depuis Moscou, c’est Joseph Staline qui était à sa tête pendant ... déclarée en Mandchourie. En août, Staline accepta le pacte offert par l’Allemagne. Il voulait éviter de s ... . Pendant des mois, Staline avait refusé d’entendre les avertissements envoyés par le Royaume-Uni et les ... de sacrifier leur vie pour le régime de Staline. En effet, dans certains des premiers territoires
398. 유럽의 제 2차 세계대전
협정을 직접적으로 위반하는 것이었다. 1941년 6월과 7월, 독일은 발트해 국가들까지 점령하였다. 그러자 소련의 지도자인 죠셉 스탈린(Joseph Stalin)은 전시 연합국
399. Avrupa'da II. Dünya Savaşı
Temmuz 1941'de, Almanlar, Baltık devletlerini de işgal ettiler. Sovyet lideri Joseph Stalin, daha sonra
400. II wojna światowa w Europie
krajów bałtyckich. Radziecki przywódca Józef Stalin został wówczas ważnym dowódcą aliantów, przeciwników