Displaying: 251 275 of 463 matches for “stalin”
251. Oral history interview with Exequiel ben Dov Pollak
through Moscow on November 7, the day of the revolution, and seeing Stalin from a block away; arriving in
252. Gessner visits Moscow
with covers in Russian like “Mаркс” [Marx] and “Сталин” [Stalin], "Ленин" [Lenin]. Very young children
253. David J. Selznik
ülkeleri Stalin ve Hitler'e karşı korunmasızdı. Ben de eve dönerek, artık Kovno kentinde yaşayan anneme ve
254. Helena Manaster
Ekim başlarındaysa Sovyetler Birliği geldi. Hitler ve Stalin Polonya'yı kendi aralarında paylaşmışlardı
255. Emigrantenorganisationen (Fond 1313)
-humanistic base position against the Nazi and Stalinism. Thus, the BFPL was from the outset isolated among
256. Medal for Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 awarded to a Jewish Polish veteran of the Soviet Army
a mustache, Stalin, in military uniform. There is embossed Cyrillic Russian text above and below
257. Medal for Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 awarded by the Soviet Union to a Czech Jewish soldier
front is a relief portrait of a man with thick hair and a mustache, Stalin, in military uniform with
258. Doğu Cephesi: Almanya’nın Sovyetler Birliği’ne Karşı Savaşı
diktatör Josef Stalin tarafından yönetiliyordu. Sovyetler Birliği, Rus İmparatorluğu ... Sovyetler Birliği arasında çatışmalar yaşanıyordu. Aynı yılın ağustos ayında Stalin Almanlardan gelen pakt ... imzalama fikrine sıcak bakmıştır. Hitler gibi Stalin de iki cephede birden ... savaşmaktan kaçınmak istiyordu. Stalin birbirleriyle savaşan Almanya, Büyük Britanya ve Fransa
259. Brown leather trifold wallet used by a Jewish medical officer, 2nd Polish Corps
the East, known as Anders Army, formed by General Anders per agreement with Stalin. In August 1942 ... unit known as Anders Army, formed by the Polish General Anders per agreement with Stalin. In May 1942
260. Leather wallet with embossed images of Egyptian pharaohs acquired by a Jewish medical officer, 2nd Polish Corps
East, known as Anders Army, formed by General Anders with through an agreement with Stalin. In August ... unit known as Anders Army, formed by the Polish General Anders per agreement with Stalin. In May 1942
261. Mister C
possible aid from the Soviet Union, despite the Hitler-Stalin nonaggression treaty then still in effect
262. Łódź Ghetto grave marker for a Jewish woman recovered by her daughter
1943, Polish communists, controlled by Stalin, created the Union of Polish Patriots. In May, this group
263. Guderian's forces in and around Smolensk
rubble. A large statue, possibly of Stalin, has lost its face and has had a drum, a rifle, and a flag
264. German occupation of Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine
their helmets placed over their gravestones when buried. Translation of narration: Stalin refuses to
265. Singer sewing scissors used by Jewish Romanian woman who was killed during a massacre
death of Stalin.
266. David J. Selznik
Estados Unidos y luego a Portugal. Pero en 1936 los países bálticos estaban vulnerables a Stalin y Hitler
267. David J. Selznik
Etats-Unis puis au Portugal. Mais en 1936, les états baltes étaient aux prises avec Staline et Hitler et
268. David J. Selznik
negara-negara Baltik rentan terhadap serangan Stalin dan Hitler sehingga aku putuskan untuk pulang
269. David J. Selznik
Stalin che di Hitler. La minaccia della guerra si stava profilando, ma gli Ebrei non potevano andarsene
270. David J. Selznik
Stalin e a Hitler, decidi voltar para casa para ajudar minha mãe e minhas irmãs, as quais haviam mudado
271. David J. Selznik
Vereinigten Staaten und dann nach Portugal. 1936, als die Baltischen Staaten von Stalin und Hitler ins Visier
272. "Cabinet of the Jewish Culture of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences" from the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (Fond 190)
of Stalinism, the institute suffered persecution (eg, the harassment of Shtif [d 1933] and the
273. One-sheet poster for the film, “Hotel Berlin” (1945)
signatures of Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, that they didn’t want to punish the German people as a whole
274. Front Timur: Perang Jerman Melawan Uni Soviet
USSR diperintah oleh diktator Josef Stalin. Uni Soviet ... perang. Pada bulan Agustus tahun itu, Stalin menyambut tawaran perjanjian Jerman. Seperti ... Hitler, Stalin ingin menghindari keterlibatan dalam perang dua front. Selain itu, dia berharap bahwa ... Stalin telah menolak untuk mengindahkan peringatan dari Inggris dan Amerika Serikat bahwa Jerman akan
275. Ralph Fiennes
purgações da Rússia stalinista [quando Stalin executou milhões de opositores às suas idéias] foram outra