Displaying: 276 300 of 463 matches for “stalin”
276. Vernier calipers used by a Jewish Polish worker in Oskar Schindler's armament factory
The camp was liberated on May 9 by Soviet forces who gave the prisoners vodka and cheered Stalin. They
277. Metal bowl recovered from a concentration camp by a Polish Jewish man
restrictions and psychological abuse by the Soviets, under the leadership of Joseph Stalin. In June 1941
278. Singer Model 15 sewing machine and table used by Jewish Romanian woman who was massacred
death of Stalin.
279. Metal bowl recovered from a concentration camp by a Polish Jewish man
restrictions and psychological abuse by the Soviets, under the leadership of Joseph Stalin. In June 1941
280. Propaganda catalog featuring a series of pro-American war paintings by Thomas Hart Benton
the fascist dictatorships of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Joseph Stalin in the 1930s.
281. La Pologne en 1945
soviétique, Joseph Staline lors de la Conférence de Yalta (tenue en février 1945 en Crimée soviétique), l
282. Pair of lobby cards for the film, “Hotel Berlin” (1945)
Churchill, and Stalin, that they didn’t want to punish the German people as a whole, just the Nazi party and
283. Pair of leather slippers received from Oskar Schindler by a Jewish Polish worker
The camp was liberated on May 9 by Soviet forces who gave the prisoners vodka and cheered Stalin. They
284. Jak definiowano zbrodnie?
Roosevelt, premier Wielkiej Brytanii Winston Churchill oraz premier Związku Radzieckiego Józef Stalin w ... karać głównych zbrodniarzy wojennych. Momentami Churchill i Stalin opowiadali się za tym, by po prostu
285. Defence Medal 1939-1945 and ribbon awarded to a Jewish medical officer, 2nd Polish Corps
Army of the East, known as Anders Army, formed by General Anders with through an agreement with Stalin ... unit known as Anders Army, formed by the Polish General Anders per agreement with Stalin. In May 1942
286. War Medal 1939-1945 with ribbon awarded to a Jewish medical officer, 2nd Polish Corps
with Stalin. In August 1942, the unit left Soviet territory and became the 2nd Polish Corps, British ... unit known as Anders Army, formed by the Polish General Anders per agreement with Stalin. In May 1942
287. Hersh Smolar - Minsk ghetto
organization and hanged all the members in the street with signs saying, "Stalin's Bandits". Joffe, a Jew from ... with Stalin's portrait for victory over Hitler's Germany, and a Polish officer's cross. Smolar left
288. British Army bomb report cover acquired by a Jewish medical officer, 2nd Polish Corps
East, known as Anders Army, formed by General Anders with through an agreement with Stalin. In August ... unit known as Anders Army, formed by the Polish General Anders per agreement with Stalin. In May 1942
289. Die Ostfront: Krieg gegen die Sowjetunion
Zweiten Weltkriegs amtierende Diktator der UdSSR war Josef Stalin ... Kriegserklärung in der Mandschurai. Im August desselben Jahres begrüßte Stalin daher das deutsche Paktangebot ... Genau wie Hitler wollte Stalin einen Zweifrontenkrieg vermeiden. Er hegte ... im Süden erstreckte. Monatelang hatte sich Stalin
290. El frente oriental: la guerra de Alemania contra la Unión Soviética
Segunda Guerra Mundial, la URSS estuvo gobernada por el dictador Josef Stalin ... en Manchuria, así que, en agosto de ese año, Stalin le dio la bienvenida al ofrecimiento alemán de ... entablar un pacto. Al igual que Hitler, Stalin quería evitar involucrarse en ... . Durante meses, Stalin se había negado a reconocer las advertencias de Gran Bretaña y Estados Unidos de que
291. A Frente Oriental: a Guerra da Alemanha Contra a União Soviética
Guerra Mundial, ela era governada pelo ditador Josef Stalin. A criação da União Soviética foi ... Manchúria [na China]. Em agosto daquele mesmo ano, Stalin aceitou a oferta de um pacto proposto pelos ... alemães. Assim como Hitler, Stalin queria evitar o envolvimento da URSS em uma ... Báltico, ao norte, até o Mar Negro, ao sul. Por meses, Stalin havia se recusado a escutar os
292. Il fronte orientale: la guerra tedesca contro l’Unione Sovietica
Seconda guerra mondiale, l’URSS era guidata dal dittatore Josef Stalin ... dichiarata in Manciuria. Nell’agosto dello stesso anno, Stalin accolse positivamente il patto offerto dalla ... Germania. Come Hitler, Stalin voleva evitare il coinvolgimento in una guerra su ... sud. Per mesi, Stalin si era rifiutato di ascoltare gli
293. Front wschodni: Wojna Niemiec ze Związkiem Radzieckim
II wojny światowej Związkiem Radzieckim rządził dyktator Józef Stalin ... sierpniu tego roku Stalin przyjął niemiecką ofertę zawarcia paktu. Tak jak ... Hitler, Stalin chciał uniknąć zaangażowania w działania wojenne na dwóch frontach. Ponadto miał nadzieję ... Bałtyckiego do Morza Czarnego. Od miesięcy Stalin nie
294. ¿Cómo se definieron los crímenes?
Joseph Stalin anunciaron en la declaración de Moscú que los autores de atrocidades, como el asesinato ... y Stalin se inclinaban por la idea de simplemente ejecutarlos. Después de que terminó la
295. Como os Crimes Foram Definidos?
Winston Churchill, e o premiê soviético Joseph Stalin anunciaram na Declaração de Moscou que os autores ... não estava especificado ainda. Algumas vezes, Churchill e Stalin simplesmente favoreciam a execução
296. Wie wurden die Verbrechen definiert?
Churchill und der sowjetische Premier Joseph Stalin in der Moskauer Deklaration an, dass den Verbrechern ... Churchill und Stalin dafür aus, sie einfach hinzurichten
297. Comment a-t-on défini les crimes ?
Winston Churchill et le premier secrétaire soviétique Joseph Staline avaient annoncé dans la Déclaration ... les puniraient, mais il est arrivé que Churchill et Staline penchent en faveur d’exécutions sommaires
298. Bagaimana Kejahatan Didefinisikan?
dan Perdana Menteri Soviet Joseph Stalin mengumumkan dalam Deklarasi Moskwa bahwa para pelaku ... dan Stalin lebih memilih untuk mengeksekusi mereka
299. Come furono definiti i crimini?
britannico Winston Churchill e il premier sovietico Joseph Stalin avevano annunciato nella Dichiarazione di ... Stalin propendevano per la condanna a morte dei colpevoli
300. Suçlar Nasıl Tanımlanmıştır?
İngiltere Başbakanı Winston Churchill ve Sovyetler Lideri Joseph Stalin, II. Dünya ... Churchill ve Stalin bu suçluların doğrudan idam edilmesini destekliyordu