Displaying: 76 100 of 738 matches for “homosexuals”
76. [Index to the Visual History Archive of Holocaust oral testimonies from the USC Shoah Foundation Institute]
survivors, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jewish survivors, liberators, political prisoners, rescuers ... Homosexual
77. Propaganda slide showing Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, founder of the Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin.
sexuality. Jewish and homosexual himself, Hirschfeld's personal background played an important role in his ... political struggle to end the legal and social discrimination of homosexuals. To this end Hirschfeld ... homosexuality as a criminal offence. In 1899 the Committee launched the publication of Jahrbuch für sexuelle ... Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for the Sexual Intermediates), the world's first journal devoted to homosexual studies
78. Harvey Meyerhoff
million Jews, and millions of others—Poles, Gypsies, Soviet prisoners of war, homosexuals, the handicapped
79. Scope and Nature of the Collections
centers Fate of Poles, Roma/Sinti (Gypsies), homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the mentally and
80. World War II and the Holocaust
decimation for racial, ethnic, or national reasons. Millions more, including homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses
81. Letter to Commandant of Flossenbürg Camp
campaign against homosexuality. Learn more about Josef Kohout's story in
82. [Gestapo Case Files]
83. Josef Kohout/Wilhelm Kroepfl papers
homosexuals and Roma, were immediate priorities.. On April 13, 1939, Josef was arrested for homosexual ... regime viewed homosexuality as a threat to the racial health of the Reich and its population policies ... of homosexuality was sufficient for arrest; gossip, kissing, and letters were accepted as evidence. A ... later referred to Sachsenhausen as "the 'Auschwitz' for homosexuals." Gay prisoners were assigned to
84. Museum Exhibition on Nazi Propaganda to Open at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris
who would destroy it. Jews were cast as the primary enemies, but others, including Roma, homosexuals
85. "State of Deception" Museum Exhibition Opens at the European Parliament in Brussels
who would destroy it. Jews were cast as the primary enemies, but others, including Roma, homosexuals
86. International Educational Outreach Staff
persecution of homosexuals—a theme that he continued to work on independently as a filmmaker with the
87. History of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Arthur Szyk Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals 1933-1945; Fighting the
88. Gay Men and Lesbians under the Nazi Regime
these men were sent to concentration camps as “homosexual
89. Arbeitskommando der [Par.] 175 Häftlinge.
90. Liste der Zugäge vom 12. September 1941
91. Liste der Zugänge vom 11. Mai 1943
92. Liste der Zugänge vom 21.März 1942
93. Liste der Zugänge vom 23. Juni 1944
94. Liste der Zugänge vom 30. August 1944
95. Liste der Zugänge vom 5. September 1941
96. Todesmeldung
97. Veränderungsmeldung für den 11. April 1941.
98. Veränderungsmeldung für den 22. Juli 1941
99. Veränderungsmeldung für den 24. Januar 1945
100. Veränderungsmeldung für den 24. März 1943