Displaying: 151 175 of 738 matches for “homosexuals”
151. Veränderungsmeldung für den 21. Januar 1945
152. Veränderungsmeldung für den 28. Januar 1945
153. Veränderungsmeldung für den 7.Januar 1945
154. [Data compiled by the KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau regarding Dachau concentration camp inmates]
155. Nazi Camps
homosexuality, and persons accused of "asocial" or socially deviant behavior. Many of these sites were called
156. Buchenwald
claimed would "cure" inmates who had been imprisoned for homosexuality. In particular, these were
157. Mosaic of Victims: In Depth
their perceived corrupting influence. Tens of thousands of men were indicted for alleged homosexual acts
158. Political Prisoners
Social Democrats, Democrats), spiritual (Jehovah's Witnesses), or “social” (Homosexuals) opponents—Nazi
159. Documenting Numbers of Victims of the Holocaust and Nazi Persecution
undetermined Homosexuals
160. Jewish Badge: During the Nazi Era
originally black), pink (“homosexual” [“homosexuell”] offenders), among others. These
161. White badge with an inverted red triangle and number 1896 worn by a gay concentration camp inmate
March 1938, German laws were aggressively enforced. The Nazi regime viewed homosexuality as a threat to ... Germans. The suggestion of homosexuality was sufficient for arrest. A Christmas card sent by Josef to ... homosexuals and Roma, were immediate priorities.. On April 13, 1939, Josef was arrested for homosexual ... regime viewed homosexuality as a threat to the racial health of the Reich and its population policies
162. Reunion in Ebensee
were no Spaniards, no Italians, no French, no Jews, no homosexuals, no Russians in Mauthausen,” he said
163. Acerca de los campos
Marrón – gitano Violeta – testigo de Jehová Rosa – homosexual Verde – delincuente habitual Rojo
164. Robert T. Odeman
175 of the Nazi-revised criminal code, which outlawed homosexuality. He
165. Harry Pauly
outlawed homosexuality. He was imprisoned in a camp at Neusustrum, where he worked in the marshes 12 hours
166. The Nazi Kripo (Criminal Police)
called the Reich Central Office for the Combating of Homosexuality and Abortion (Reichszentrale zur
167. 16.5.42
168. Anhang zur Veränderungsmeldung.
169. Anlage zur Veränderungsmeldung vom 10. Juni 1941.
170. Aufstellung der am 5.3.1944 vom K.L. Neuengamme nach der Baubrigade 5 überführten 525 Häftlinge mit alter Nr. und neuer Buchenwald-Nr.
171. Häftlinge die am 23.1.42 K-Häftlinge geworden.
172. Liste der Zugänge v.26. Februar 45, von KL Sachsenhausen
173. Liste der Zugänge vom 10. Februar 1944
174. Liste der Zugänge vom 11.März 1944/217 Häftlg. vom KL Floßenbürg
175. Liste der Zugänge vom 13. Mai 1943