Displaying: 726 738 of 738 matches for “homosexuals”
726. Unused white concentration camp prisoner patch found by US forces
political prisoners, prisoners of war, and asocials, such as criminals, homosexuals, Roma, and vagrants
727. Crematorium tag, number 5893, acquired at Dachau postwar by a US soldier
time, other groups were interned there, including Jehovah's Witnesses, Roma, homosexuals, repeat
728. Crematorium tag, number 5896, acquired at Dachau postwar by a US soldier
time, other groups were interned there, including Jehovah's Witnesses, Roma, homosexuals, repeat
729. US 4th War Loan poster with a soldier throwing a grenade
States entered World War II, Bernard was barred from the military because he was openly homosexual
730. Oral history interview with Arie Taboh
later; registering himself and a friend as non-Jewish political prisoners; harassment by a homosexual
731. Records of the Gendarmerie Kreis Hermansbad (Ciechocinek, Poland) (Sygn. 71)
nationals; homosexuals placed in preventive custody; deportations of Jews and non-Jews; Jewish communities
732. Fritz Weinschenk papers
government leaders, finger printing technology, and homosexuality. These files also include two letters to
733. Five magazine ads for the film “Crossfire” (1947)
focusing on a group of demobilized soldiers. In the novel, the victim was homosexual, however, depicting a ... homosexual on-screen was deemed unacceptable by the censors at the Production Code Administration. He was
734. Unused black triangle concentration camp patch found by a US military aid worker
homeless, homosexuals, pacifists, or Roma. The patch would be attached on the left breast of the jacket or
735. US propaganda poster depicting World War II and Revolutionary War soldiers
States entered World War II, Bernard was barred from the military because he was openly homosexual
736. Bar of soap from Stutthof labor-concentration camp given to a Polish Holocaust survivor
homosexuals. While imprisoned at Stutthof, Czeslaw was a slave laborer, making armaments for the German
737. Bar of soap from Stutthof labor-concentration camp given to a Polish Holocaust survivor
homosexuals. While imprisoned at Stutthof, Czeslaw was a slave laborer, making armaments for the German
738. Unused green triangle concentration camp patch with an S found by a US military aid worker
fit to be released into German society. It was often used to keep homosexuals from being released from