Displaying: 51 75 of 1,022 matches for “Holocaust Encyclopedia: Warsaw”
51. Poverty in the Warsaw ghetto
in an old baby carriage. Warsaw ghetto, Poland, wartime.
52. German victory parade in Warsaw
was short and decisive. Warsaw, the capital of Poland, surrendered on September 27. In early October ... Adolf Hitler visited Warsaw to review his forces. This footage shows victorious German army units
53. German troops parade through Warsaw
German troops parade through Warsaw after the ... German invasion of Poland. Warsaw, Poland, September 28-30, 1939.
54. Warsaw environs with Pawiak prison
55. Home destroyed during Warsaw bombing
home, destroyed during the German bombing of Warsaw. They have
56. Ruins of the Warsaw ghetto
view of the wall surrounding the ruins of the Warsaw ghetto in German-occupied Poland a few
57. Ruins of buildings in Warsaw
bombed out home in Warsaw, the besieged ... culture of individuals and communities in a variety of countries around the globe. In Warsaw following the
58. Deportation from the Warsaw ghetto
Deportation of Jews from the Warsaw ghetto during the ghetto ... uprising. The original German caption reads: "To the Umschlagplatz." Warsaw, Poland, May 1943.
59. Ruins of the Warsaw ghetto
Ruins of the Warsaw ghetto after the Warsaw ghetto uprising
60. Deportation from the Warsaw ghetto
Jews from the Warsaw ghetto are marched through the ghetto during deportation. Warsaw, Poland
61. Deportation of Jews from Warsaw
Deportation of Jews from the Warsaw ghetto. Jews from the ghetto board a deportation train with ... the assistance of Jewish police. Warsaw, Poland, 1943.
62. Daily life in the Warsaw ghetto
bridge connected areas of the Warsaw ghetto to prevent Jews from entering the streets that
63. Captured Jewish resistance fighters in Warsaw
Jewish resistance fighters who were captured by SS troops during the Warsaw ghetto uprising ... Warsaw, Poland, April 19-May 16, 1943. The original German caption reads: "These bandits offered
64. Deportations to Warsaw ghetto, 1941-1942
65. Street scene in the Warsaw ghetto
Street scene in the Warsaw ghetto. The sign at left announces ... "Soup in the courtyard, first floor, apt. 47." Warsaw, Poland, 1940-1941.
66. Street scene in the Warsaw ghetto
Stall of a street vendor selling old Hebrew books. Warsaw ghetto, Poland, February 1941.
67. Checking papers in the Warsaw ghetto
Warsaw ghetto. Warsaw, Poland, February 1941.
68. Ruins of a marketplace in Warsaw
Warsaw, Poland, September 1939.
69. Group portrait taken in prewar Warsaw
children standing outside in Warsaw before the war. Warsaw, Poland, ca. 1938.
70. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Photograph
71. Warsaw (Abridged Article) - Animated Map/Map
conditions. In October 1940, a ghetto was established in Warsaw, Poland. Before the war, Warsaw had the ... largest Jewish community in Europe. At its height, the Warsaw ghetto held more than 400,000 Jews.
72. Warsaw (Abridged Article) - Historical Film Footage
conditions. In October 1940, a ghetto was established in Warsaw, Poland. Before the war, Warsaw had the ... largest Jewish community in Europe. At its height, the Warsaw ghetto held more than 400,000 Jews.
73. Warsaw - ID Card/Oral History
The Germans established a ghetto in Warsaw in October 1940. All of Warsaw's Jews were required ... . These ID cards and oral histories describe individuals' experiences in Warsaw.
74. Assembly point in the Warsaw ghetto
An assembly point (the Umschlagplatz) in the Warsaw ... ghetto for Jews rounded up for deportation. Warsaw, Poland, 1942–43.
75. Scene during the Warsaw ghetto uprising
Warsaw ghetto uprising. Warsaw, Poland, April 19-May 16, 1943.