Displaying: 1 12 of 12 matches for “Holocaust Encyclopedia: Warsaw”
1. Poland 1933, Warsaw indicated
2. Warsaw environs, 1940
3. Warsaw ghetto, 1940
4. Warsaw ghetto uprising, 1943
The city of Warsaw is the capital of Poland. Before World War II, Warsaw was the center of ... Jewish life and culture in Poland. Warsaw's prewar Jewish population of more than 350,000 constituted
5. The Warsaw Ghetto
Before World War II, Warsaw was a center of Jewish life and ... in Warsaw—the largest in Europe—held over 400,000 Jews engaged in a constant struggle for survival.
6. Warsaw ghetto uprising, 1943
7. Warsaw environs, 1940
8. Deportations from Warsaw ghetto, 1942
9. Warsaw environs with Pawiak prison
10. Deportations to Warsaw ghetto, 1941-1942
11. The Lodz Ghetto
after Warsaw. German troops occupied Lodz in September 1939. In early February 1940, the Germans
12. Ghettos in occupied Poland, 1939-1941
population as a whole and from neighboring Jewish communities. The Warsaw ghetto, established on October 12