Displaying: 26 50 of 1,022 matches for “Holocaust Encyclopedia: Warsaw”
26. Bombing of Warsaw
German troops invaded Poland in September 1939. The city of Warsaw suffered heavy air attacks
27. Warsaw Ghetto Sealed
German authorities order the Warsaw ghetto to be sealed. It is the ... before the deportations of July 1942 began, the actual population in Warsaw ghetto approached 500,000.
28. Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Warsaw ghetto beginning on April 19, 1943, the eve of the Jewish holiday of Passover. When SS and police
29. Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Photograph
30. Warsaw (Abridged Article) - Photographs
conditions. In October 1940, a ghetto was established in Warsaw, Poland. Before the war, Warsaw had the ... largest Jewish community in Europe. At its height, the Warsaw ghetto held more than 400,000 Jews.
31. Warsaw - Historical Film Footage
32. Warsaw Polish Uprising
The Warsaw uprising begins. On August 1, 1944, the Polish ... Warsaw. The impetus for the uprising was the appearance of Soviet forces along the east bank of the
33. Warsaw environs, 1940
34. Refugees leave Warsaw
Civilians flee Warsaw following the German invasion of Poland. Hundreds of thousands of
35. Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
36. Underground bunker in Warsaw
An underground bunker, built by Jews in Warsaw in preparation for anti-Nazi resistance ... systematically destroyed the ghetto during the uprising. Warsaw, Poland, April 19–May 16, 1943.
37. Memorial service in Warsaw
Adolf Berman speaks at a memorial service commemorating the Warsaw ghetto uprising. The building ... in the background, destroyed during the 1943 uprising, held the office of the Jewish council. Warsaw
38. Warsaw ghetto uprising, 1943
39. The Warsaw ghetto Jewish council
meeting of the Warsaw ghetto ... Adam Czerniakow; and lawyer Gustav Wielikowski. Warsaw, Poland, between 1939 and 1942.
40. Deportation from the Warsaw ghetto
Deportation of Jews from the Warsaw ghetto during the uprising ... resistance. Warsaw, Poland, April 1943.
41. Deportation from the Warsaw ghetto
Deportation of Jews from the Warsaw ghetto during the uprising ... resistance. Warsaw, Poland, April 1943.
42. Deportation from the Warsaw ghetto
Deportation of Jews from the Warsaw ghetto during the uprising ... Jews who were captured by the SS during the suppression of the Warsaw ghetto uprising marching past the
43. Deportation from the Warsaw ghetto
Jews being deported from the Warsaw ghetto board a freight train ... Warsaw, Poland, July-September 1942.
44. Deportations from Warsaw ghetto, 1942
45. Conditions in the Warsaw ghetto
After the Germans established the Warsaw ghetto in October 1940, conditions deteriorated rapidly ... German food ration for Warsaw ghetto inhabitants amounted to less than 10 percent of the ration for a
46. Conditions in the Warsaw ghetto
The Nazis sealed the Warsaw ghetto in mid-November 1940. German-induced overcrowding and food ... Warsaw was packed into 2.4 percent of the city's area. The Germans set a food ration for Jews at just 181
47. Conditions in the Warsaw ghetto
The Nazis sealed the Warsaw ghetto in mid-November 1940. German-induced overcrowding and food ... Warsaw was packed into 2.4 percent of the city's area. The Germans set a food ration for Jews at just 181
48. Prison in the Warsaw ghetto
After the Germans established the Warsaw ghetto in 1940, the Jewish council in Warsaw became
49. Children in the Warsaw ghetto
In the Warsaw ghetto, Jewish children with bowls of soup. Warsaw ... Poland, ca. 1940. During the Holocaust
50. Entrance to the Warsaw ghetto
Entrance to the Warsaw ghetto. The sign states: "Epidemic ... Quarantine Area: Only Through Traffic is Permitted." Warsaw, Poland, February 1941.