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Displaying 2,2762,300 of 2,321 matches for All Fields: nazis
2276. Work permits of forced laborers at Ehrich und Grätz, a defense firm in Berlin. Entries include photographs. (ID: 31243)
Jews --Nazi persecutions --Germany.
children, mainly orphans, who escaped the Nazi German occupation of Poland, found temporary refuge in
2278. Yizkor Book Translations. [Internet resource] (ID: 31958)
and surroundings -- Florina, Greece: List of Jews deported from Florina by the Nazis -- Florina ... Authority -- Lists of Victims -- List of Citizens Murdered by the Nazis from the documents of the Russian ... Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes -- Cemetery List -- List of inscriptions and map of Ivano-Frankivsk ... Nazi occupation; History of Polonnoye Jews -- Praga, Poland: Sefer Praga; mukdash le-zekher kedoshei
2279. ZUM GEDENKEN : ZUCHTHAUS BRANDENBURG-GOERDEN / verantwortlich, Ferdinand Nowak. (ID: 30669)
Anti-Nazi movement --Germany --Registers.
2280. Geflüchtet, vertrieben, deportiert und ermordet – Jüdische Schicksale in der NS-Zeit (ID: 20599)
Title (In English): Fled, displaced, deported and murdered - the fate of Jews during the Nazi period
Fled, displaced, deported and murdered - the fate of Jews during the Nazi period
Electronic data regarding Jews deported from Italy or killed in Italy due to Nazi and Facist
2282. Spisok: rasctreliannykh i zamuchennykh sovetskikh grazhdan nemetskimi zakhvatchikami i ikh posobnikami v gody VOV v sёlakh Oktiabr', Novodarovka, Temirovka, Rozovka, Priiutnoye, Oktiabr'fel'd pereselentsev s byvshikh zapadnykh oblastei i Podol'skoi oblasti, zhitelei Novozlatopol'skogo sel'skogo soveta Guliaipol'skogo raiona Zaporozhskoi oblasti Ukrainy (ID: 20864)
Title (In English): List of Soviet citizens who perished and were tormented by the Nazis and their collaborators during WWII in the villages Oktyabr, Novodarovka, Temirovka, Rozovka, Priyutnoye, Oktiabr'fel'd, evacuees from former west districts of Podolsk district, residents of Novozlatopolsk rural council of Gulyaypolsk region of Zaporozhye district of Ukraine
List of Soviet citizens who perished and were tormented by the Nazis and their collaborators during ... Electronic data regarding Soviet citizens who were shot and tortured by the Nazis and their
2283. [Documents related to Police Activity in various Landratsaemte] (ID: 22308)
- Der Landrat des Kreises Wollstein The District Administrator of Wollstein (Wolsztyn)
- Die Geschäftsstelle des Amtsgerichts The Office of the District Courts
- Geheime Staatspolizei, Staatspolizeileitstelle Frankfurt (Oder) Secret State Police, State Police Office in Franfurt (Oder)
- Gendarmerie Station Deutsch Gabel Police Station in Deutsch Gabel
- Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei in Posen The Commander of Security Police in Poznań
- Geheime Staatspolizei, Staatspolizeileitstelle Chemnitz Secret State Police, State Police Office Chemnitz
- Verwaltung Konzentrationslager Sachsenhausen Administration of Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen
- Gendarmerie Station Rakwitz Police Station in Rakwitz
- Der Oberstaatsanwalt bei dem Landgericht The Chief Prosecutor at the District Court
- Geheime Staatspolizei, Staatspolizeileitstelle Posen Secret State Police, State Police Office Posen
- Kriminalabteilung Tarnowitz Criminal Division in Tarnowitz (Tarnowskie Góry)
- Gendarmerie Posten Wollstein Police Station in Wollstein
- Das Amtsgericht The District Court
- Gendarmerie Posten Teichrode Police Station in Teichrode
- Die Staatsanwaltschaft bei dem Landgericht The Prosecutor at the District Court
- Die Amtsanwaltschaft The District Attorney
- Gendarmerie Posten Klosterwiese Police Station in Klosterwiese
- Justizsekretärin als Urkundsbeamter der Geschäftsstelle des Landgerichts Justice Secretary as the Clerk of the Office of the District Court
- Gendarmerie Posten Weißberg Police Station Weissberg
- Gendarmerie Posten Groß-Nelke Police Station at Groß-Nelke
- Der Oberreichsanwalt beim Volksgerichtshof The Chief Prosecutor at the People's Court
- Meister der Gendarmerie Master of the Gendarmerie
- Gendarmerie Posten Deutsch Gabel Police Station in Deutsch Gabel
This grouping contains various documents relating to local, state, and secret police in Nazi
2284. [Miscellaneous documents related to refugees] (ID: 19604)
- Konsulat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Port Louis Consulate The Republic of Poland in Port Louis
- Australian Jewish Historical Society Inc.
- Spielberg / Shoah Foundation
- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
- Australian Jewish Genealogical Society, Inc.
- Wentworth Courier
Grouping contains correspondence regarding refugees detained in Mauritius, refugees who fled Nazi
2285. [Persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis] (ID: 42337)
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Reichenberg Secret State Police. State Police Control Center Reichenberg
List of persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis. Includes name, date and place of birth
2286. [Persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis] (ID: 42203)
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Reichenberg Secret State Police. State Police Control Center Reichenberg
List of persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis. Includes name and date and place of
2287. [TABEL Cuprinzând țiganii nominal (cu membrii familiei numeric) cari cer repatrierea în țară arătând că au fost evacuați, contrar ordinilor] (ID: 46097)
Title (In English): Table including name of Romani (and number of family members) who demand repatriation to the county showing they were evacuated, contrary to orders
Creator: Politia Orasului Leova City Police in a
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
2288. Altreichseinsatz (ID: 23448)
Title (In English): Old Empire use
List of potential forced laborers to be sent to the Old Empire (territories that were part of Nazi
2289. B Tabel de țiganii veniți fraudulos din Transnistria și cari lipsesc în prezent din localitate (ID: 47251)
Title (In English): B Table of Romani arriving fraudulently from Transnistria and currently missing from the locality
Creator: Politia Orasului Pitești City Police of Pitești
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
2290. B. TABEL De țiganii veniți fraudulos din Transnistria și care lipsese in prezent din localitate (ID: 47297)
Title (In English): B. Table of Romani who arrived fraudulently from Transnistria and are currently missing from the locality
Creator: Politia Orasului Pitești City Police of Pitești
Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania ... Romanies--Nazi persecution
2291. Block No. 54 Siegfriedstr. (Marysińska) Str. No 36 (ID: 41906)
Title (In English): Block Number 54 Siegfried Street (Marysińska) Street 36
Creator: HAUS-KOMITEE Litzmannstadt, Siegfriedstr. 36 House Committee, Litzmannstadt Seigfried Street 36
The first two pages of this list are missing The Nazis renamed the streets in Łódź ... Siegfriedstrasse is the Nazi name for Marysińska.
2292. Kreis Konskie (ID: 22413)
Title (In English): Gmina Końskie
Creator: Baudienst im Generalgouvernement Kommandostelle II Construction Services in the General Government Command Post II
Baudienst was the labor battalion created in Nazi-occupied Poland (General Government).
2293. Lettres a/s de l'emigration, causées par la publication dans la presse allemande le ler Févr. (ID: 49427)
Title (In English): Letters regarding emigration, produced by the publication in the German Press in February
desired destination, and notes (nationality, whether they were direct victims of Nazi persecution, and if
2294. Padli za vlast, v boji proti odvěkému nepřiteli (ID: 42851)
Title (In English): They laid down their lives, in the fight against the ancient enemy
List of Czechoslovakians who were sentenced to death by the Nazi Military Court and were publicly
2295. Poliției orașului Focșani (ID: 45774)
Title (In English): Police of Focșani city
Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
2296. SITUATIE NOMINALA De țiganii fără ocupație și recidiviști de pe raza orașului Roman nemobilizabili (ID: 46372)
Title (In English): Nominal Situation of Romani who are without occupation and are recidivists from the area of the city of Roman, who are not able to be mobilized
Creator: Politia Orasului Roman City Police of Roman
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
2297. TABEL Cuprinzând țiganii nominal (cu membrii familiei numeric) cari cer repatrierea în țară arătând că au fost evacuați, contrar ordinilor (ID: 46085)
Title (In English): Table including name of Romani (and number of family members) who demand repatriation to the county showing they were evacuated, contrary to orders
Creator: Politia Orasului Slatina, Olt City Police in Slatina, Olt
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
2298. Tabel De țigani din comuna Lupeni cu ocupație și fară ocupatie (ID: 47390)
Title (In English): Table of Romani from the Lupeni commune with an occupation or without an occupation
Creator: Politia Lupeni Lupeni Police
Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
2299. Tabel De țiganii din acest oras cari posedă Caziere (ID: 46470)
Title (In English): Table of Romani in this city who possess criminal records
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
2300. TABEL De tiganii de pe raza Comisariatului de Politie Marasesti mobilizabili si condamnati pentru diferite fapte penale (ID: 46579)
Title (In English): Table of Romani from the area of the Mărășești Police Station, able to be mobilized and convicted of various criminal offenses
Creator: Comisariatul de Politie Mărășești Mărășești Police Station
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania