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Displaying 2,2262,250 of 2,321 matches for All Fields: nazis
2226. Typed lists from the Stettin 'Jewish Women's Union' concerning the emigration or resignation of 11 Jewish women in 1938. (ID: 31095)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2227. Typed lists from the Union of Jews in Germany including a list of 31 Jews from Stettin who wanted to emigrate. (ID: 31110)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2228. Typed lists prepared in 1933 by the local police in Usedom-Wollin, Saatzig, Goellnow and Greifenhagen with the names of 51 Jews. (ID: 31107)
'. This archive was established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi regime
2229. Typed lists submitted by the emigration office of the Jewish community in Stettin to the Stettin Gestapo including a list of Jews (ID: 31113)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2230. Typed lists with the names of c. 2400 Jews recorded in 1936-1938 by different Jewish schools in Germany concerning young Jews wanted (ID: 31082)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2231. Typed note dated 1939 from Karlsbad Gestapo to Berlin Gestapo concerning a Jewish couple who escaped from Karlsbad. (ID: 30689)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2232. Typed note written in 1938 from the Gestapo Stettin to the Brasilian consulate in Berlin concerning the political activities of one (ID: 31058)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2233. Typed registration form from the Gestapo Stettin concerning the investigation of one Jew who lived in Stettin in 1936. (ID: 31084)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2234. Typed registration form from the Stettin Gestapo written in 1938. Entry include name, profession, salary, date of birth, place of (ID: 31056)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2235. Typed registration form with handwritten entries dated July 1941 written by the Sachsenhausen personal effect chambers (storage warehouse) (ID: 31073)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2236. Typed registration form with handwritten entries from the Stettin Gestapo concerning one Jew who was arrested in November 1938. (ID: 31048)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2237. Typed registration forms dated 1939 completed by Gestapo concerning Jews. Entries include name, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, (ID: 30676)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2238. Typed statement written by the Gestapo Stettin in 1933 concerning three Jews who lived in Stettin. (ID: 30706)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2239. Typed telegram sent by the Gestapo Stuttgart to the Gestapo Stettin in 1940 concerning an arrested Jew who lived in Greifenhagen. (ID: 31062)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2240. Typed telegram sent to all frontier offices in the north of Germany written by the Gestapo Stettin concerning activities of two Swedish (ID: 31051)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2241. Typed undated list ( so called 'black book' about 920 pages) concerning Hungarians who were suspected by the police. (ID: 31070)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2242. Typed undated list concerning 41 Jews who lived in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. Entries include last and first name, profession and last (ID: 31078)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2243. Typed undated list concerning 61 Greek Jews who lived in Salonika and Athens and whose houses were searched. (ID: 31076)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2244. Typed undated list concerning people (probably partisans) who were to be arrested. (ID: 29950)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2245. Typed undated list relating to the 46 members of the committee of the 'Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland'('Union of German (ID: 31096)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2246. Typed undated lists of members of the Vienna 'Jewish States Party'. Entries include name and address (ID: 29973)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2247. Typed, undated list in alphabetical order concerning Jewish authors who lived in Germany. (ID: 30549)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2248. Typed, undated list of about 250 people- partially illegible- completed by the Security Police(SD). (ID: 31091)
established as a secret, non-public institution holding records of the Nazi Regime, World War II material
2249. Überstellungsliste KL Ravensbrück nach KL Sachsenhausen. Arbeitslager Oranienburg (Auer-Werke). (ID: 32062)
Warsaw : Archives of the Main Commission for the Investigation of the Nazi Crimes in Poland. ... and 140 in the Archives of the Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland in
2250. Überstellungsliste vom KL Ravensbrück in das KL Sachsenhausen. Arbeitslager Genthin. (ID: 32071)
Warsaw : Archives of the Main Commission for the Investigation of the Nazi Crimes in Poland. ... and 140 in the Archives of the Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland in