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Displaying 1,2511,275 of 2,321 matches for All Fields: nazis
1251. TABEL NOMINAL De țiganii nenomazi condamnați pentru delicte si care au fost recenzați de noi pe raza Legiunei la 25 Mai 1942 ca unii ce intra in prevederile ordinului circular No.34.050/942 al I.G.J. dar care îm prezent sunt mobilizati sau mobilizabili, după cum se specifică in tabel (Categoria II-a mobilizați si mobilizabili) (ID: 45986)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of non-nomadic Romani who have been convicted of crimes, who have been counted in the area of the region of the Legion on 25 May 1942 and some of which fall under the provisions of circular order Number 34.050/942 of the I.G.J. who are currently mobilized or able to be mobilized, as specified in the table (Category 2-a mobilized or able to be mobilized)
Creator: Inspectoratul Jandarmi Bucuresti Inspectorate of Bucharest Gendarmerie
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1252. Tabel Nominal De țiganii nomazi ce se găsesc în prezent (13-V-942) pe raza secțici Jand. Cerbureni (ID: 47236)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of nomadic Romani existing currently (13 May 1942) in the area of Gendarme section of Cerbureni
Creator: Inspectoratul Jandarmi Argeș Gendarme Inspectorate of Argeș
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1253. Tabel Nominal De țiganii nomazi evacuați după raza Secției Coțofenii (ID: 47229)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of nomadic Romani evacuated from the area of the Coțofenii Section
Creator: Legiunea Jandarmi Dolj Gendarme Legion Dolj
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1254. TABEL NOMINAL De țiganii stabili depe raza orasului Focsani care desi nu sunt recidivisti sau condamnati, nu au mijlocace de existenta sau o ocupatiune precisa din care sa traiasca in mod cinstit prin munca. -si deci consituie o povara si um pericol pentru ordinea publica- (ID: 46573)
Title (In English): Nominal Table or Romani settled in the city of Focșani, although not recidivists or convicts, do not have a means of existence or a precise occupation from which to live honestly through work -and therefore constitute a burden and danger to the public order-
Creator: Politia Orasului Focșani City Police of Focșani
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1255. Tabel Nominal de Tigani hotărâți pentru lucrul la grădina R.I.V. (ID: 47278)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani who decided to work at the R.I.V.
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1256. TABEL NOMINAL De tiganii care cer repatrierea in tară și cari arată că au fost evacuate contrar ordinelor, depe raza orașului Bâilesti (ID: 46068)
Title (In English): Nominal Table or Romani who demand repatriation to the country and who demonstrate they were evicted contrary to orders from the town Bâilesti
Creator: Comisariatul de Poliție Băilești, Județul Dolj Police Commissioner of Băilești, Dolj County
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
Title (In English): Nominal Table Romani convicts, recidivists, or those lacking a means of existence, not mobilized or not able to be mobilized
Creator: Comisariatul de Politie EBES Ebes Police Station
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1258. TABLOU de țigani din Targoviște (ID: 46530)
Title (In English): Table of Romani in Targoviște
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1259. TABLOU de țiganii din Targoviste (ID: 46719)
Title (In English): Table of Romani from Targoviste
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1260. Block No. B/2 Pawia 4 Str. No. (ID: 39840)
Title (In English): Block Number B/2 Pawia 4 Street Number
The Nazis renamed the streets in Łódź. Pfauenstrasse is the Nazi name for Pawia.
1261. [List of Romani] (ID: 47413)
Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1262. [Table of Romai] (ID: 47381)
Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1263. Block No. A 68 Zielna Kräutergasse Str. No. 28a (ID: 39052)
Title (In English): Block Number A 68 Zielna Kräuter Alley Street Number 28a
The Nazis renamed the streets in Łódź. Kräutergasse is the Nazi name for Zielna.
1264. Kühlegasse (Chłodna) Str. Nr. 16 (ID: 39385)
Title (In English): Kühle Alley (Chłodna) Street Number 16
The Nazis renamed the streets in Łódź. Mühlgasse is the Nazi name for Młynarska.
1265. Lista junakow, nalezacych do "Baudienst'u" Abtl. 2/204 w Czestochowie, ktory zamieszkuja okolice, przylege do stacji Potok-Zloty (ID: 22389)
Title (In English): List of labor battalions, belonging to "Baudienst" Dept. 2/204 in Czestochowa, who live around, adjacent to the station Potok-Zloty
Baudienst was the labor battalion created in Nazi-occupied Poland (General Government).
1266. Marysińska Siegfried Str. Nr. 74 (ID: 41185)
Title (In English): Marysińska Siegfried Street Number 74
The Nazis renamed the streets in Lodz. Siegfriedstrasse is the Nazi name for Marysińska.
1267. SITUATIE De țiganii ce fuseseră evacuați in Transnistria și s'au inapoiat deacolo in țară, stabilindu-se cu domiciliul pe teritorul Legiunei Jand. Covurlui, intocmit conf. Ord. Nr. 36.258 din 2 Maiu 1944 al I.G.J. (ID: 46282)
Title (In English): Situation of Romani who had been evacuated to Transnistria and returned back to the country, settling their domicile in the territory of the Gendarme Legion of Covurlui, drawn up in accordance with order 36.258 of May 2 1944, of the IGJ
Creator: Inspectoratul Jandarmi Galați Gendarme Inspectorate of Galați
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1268. TABEL Cuprinzând țiganii nominal (cu membrii familiei numeric) cari cer repatrierea în țară arătând că au fost evacuați, contrar ordinilor (ID: 46163)
Title (In English): Table including name of Romani (and number of family members) who demand repatriation to the county showing they were evacuated, contrary to orders
Creator: Legiunea Jandarmi Turda Gendarme Legion Turda
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1269. Tabel Nominal De țigani nomazi de pe raza acestei secției, care se înamteaza Legiunei Jand. Argeș conform ord. teleg. No. 487/942 urmănd a se vărsa Legiunei Jandarmei Buzău (ID: 47222)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of nomadic Romani in the area of this section who are being arrested by the Gendarme Legion of Argeș in accordance with telegraphic order number 487/942, to go to the Gendarme Legion of Buzău
Creator: Legiunea Jandarmi Argeș Gendarmes Legion Argeș
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1270. TABEL NOMINAL de țiganii condamnați recidiviști sau cari nu au mijloace de existentă și ocupație precisă din care să trăiscă în mod cinstit (ID: 46373)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani convicts and recidivists or who have no means of existence or precise occupation from which to live honestly
Creator: Politia Orasului Vaslui City Police of Vaslui
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1271. TABEL NOMINAL De țiganii mobilizabili din raza acestui Comisariat, cari condorm ordinului Nr. 7573/942 al Poliției de Residință Piatre Neamț au fost evacuati în Transnistria (ID: 47323)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani who are able to be mobilized within the area of the Commissariat's office who, in accordance with order number 7573/942 of the Piatre Neamț Residential Police, were evacuated to Transnistria
Creator: Comisariatul de Politie Alexandria Alexandria Police Station
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1272. Tabel Nominal De numele si Pronumele țiganilor din raza Postului si urmează a fi concentrati in Transnistira (ID: 47262)
Title (In English): Nominal table of the surnames and given names of Romani in the area of the post and are to be concentrated in Transnistria
Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1273. TABEL NOMINAL De tiganii nenomazi, de pe teritorul Postului jand Lungani Cof Ord Nr. 11229./942 Al Leg Jand Iași (ID: 45814)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of nomadic Romania from the territory of the Gendarme post in Lungani in accordance with order number 11229./942 of the Gendarme Legion of Iași
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1274. TABLOU NOMINAL De țiganii cunoscuți infractori cari nu au ocupație precisă si cari sunt mobilizați, împreună cu mebrii familie lor (ID: 46454)
Title (In English): Nominal Table or Romani known as criminals who do not have a precise occupation and who are mobilized, together with their family members
Creator: Politia de Residinta Turnu Severin Turnu Severin Residential Police
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1275. TABLOU NOMINAL De tiganii cunoscuti infractori cari nu au ocupatie precisă si cari sunt mobilizați, împreună cu membrii familie lor (ID: 46699)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani known as criminals who do not have a precise occupation and who are mobilized together with their family members
Creator: Politia de Residinta Turnu Severin Turnu Severin Residential Police
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania