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Displaying 1,3761,400 of 2,321 matches for All Fields: nazis
1376. Tabel De ţigani cari an coriere achitaţi sau condamnaţi (ID: 47396)
Title (In English): Table of Romani who have been acquitted or convicted
Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1377. Tabel Nominal De familiile de țigani nenomazi mobilizabili și mobilizați, din raza Legiunei Jandarmi Chilia, întocmit conform ord No 38137/942 al Insp. Gl. Jand. cifrat (ID: 46012)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of families of non-nomadic Romani who are mobilized or able to be mobilized, from the area of the Gendarme Legion of Chilia, compiled in accordance with order number 38137/942 of the Gendarme Inspectorate General
Creator: Inspectoratul Jandarmi Chisinau Gendarme Inspectorate of Chisinau
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1378. TABEL NOMINAL De familiile țiganilor situați pe raza orașului Slatina, in prezent mobilizați și cari nu au mijloace de existență ori ocupație precisă (ID: 46456)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani families living in Slatina, currently mobilized and without a means of existence or precise occupation.
Creator: Politia Orasului Slatina City Police of Slatina
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1379. TABEL NOMINAL De familiile țiganilor situați pe raza orașului Slatina, in prezent mobilizați și cari nu au mijloace de existență ori ocupație precisă (ID: 46451)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani families living in Slatina, currently mobilized and without a means of existence or precise occupation.
Creator: Politia Orasului Slatina City Police of Slatina
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1380. TABEL NOMINAL de țiganii condamnați, recidiviști, sau care nu au mijloace de existență ori ocupație presisă /mobilizabili/ din raza acestei poliție, intocmit la data de 16 August 1942 (ID: 46346)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani convicts, recidivists, or who have not means of subsistence or occupation /able to be mobilized/ within the radius of this police station, drafted on August 16, 1942
Creator: Politia Orasului de Residinta Sighișoara Sighișoara Residential City Police
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1381. TABEL NOMINAL DE țiganii din raza acestei Legiuni recenzați conform Ord. Nr. 34050/942, la I.G.J. care în prezent sunt mobilizabili (ID: 45923)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani from the area of this Legion, compiled in accordance with order number 34050/942, of the I.G.J. who are currently mobilizable
Creator: Inspectoratul Jandarmi Timișoara Gendarme Inspectorate of Timișoara
Romanies--Nazi persecution
1382. Tabel Nominal De țiganii evacuați in Trasnistria și inapoiați pe raza Legiunei (ID: 46285)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani who were evacuated to Transnistria and have returned to the area of the Legion
Creator: Inspectoratul General al Jandarmeriei Inspectorate General of the Gendarme
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1383. TABEL NOMINAL De țiganii întorși clandestin din Transnistria până la 1 Mai 1943 (ID: 47209)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani who returned clandestinely from Transnistria before 1 May 1943
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1384. Tabel Nominal De țiganii nomazi din raza posturi J. Colopar care se transfera conform ordinului Legiunii Jandarmi Dolj Nr 571/942 telefonic (ID: 47224)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of nomadic Romani from the area of the Gendarme Post of Colipar who are to be transferred in accordance with order of the Gendarme Legion of Dolj number 571/942 by phone
Creator: Legiunea Jandarmi Dolj Gendarme Legion Dolj
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1385. Tabel nominal De țiganii revenifi din Transnistria (ID: 47197)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani returning from Transnistria
Creator: Politia Slatina Slatina Police
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1386. TABEL NOMINAL De țiganilor situați pe raza orașului Slatina, in prezent mobilizați și cari nu au mijloace de existență ori ocupație precisă (ID: 46701)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani situated in the area of Slatina, currently mobilized and without a means of existence or precise occupation
Creator: Politia Orasului Slatina City Police of Slatina
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1387. TABEL NOMINAL De țiganni ce se evauează în baza ordinului Inspectoratului General al Jandarmeriei Nr. 41485 din 12 Sept. 1942, telefonic, fiind găsiți vagabondând pe raza orașului Bacău (ID: 45837)
Title (In English): NOMINAL TABLE Romani evacuated in accordance with order number 41485 of the General Inspectorate of the Gendarme of 12 September 1942, by phone, who were found wandering around the city of Bacău
Creator: Inspectoratul Jandarmi Iași Gendarme Inspectorate of Iași
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1388. Tabel Nominal Despre țiganii de pe raza acestui Comisariat (ID: 47435)
Title (In English): Nominal Table about Romani within the area of this commission.
Creator: Comisariatul de Politie Brad Brad Police Station
Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1389. TABEL NOMINAL Despre tiganii mobilizabili și familiile lor de pe raza acestui Comisaria, cari au fost evacauti in Transnistria (ID: 47398)
Title (In English): Nominal table of Romani who are able to be moblized and their families from the area of this Commission, who were evacuated to Transnistria
Creator: Comisariatul de Politie Brad Brad Police Station
Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1390. Tabel Nominal No 1 De tigani nemobilizabili după raza postului Jd. Slăveşti aflați aus Comune Costești Valcea la data de 15 Novembrie 1942 (ID: 45695)
Title (In English): Nominal Table Number 1 of non-mobilized Romani from the area of the Gendarme Station in Slăveşti, locate in the commune of Costești Valcea on November 15 1942
Creator: Legiunea Jandarmi Vâlcea Gendarmes Legion Vâlcea
Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1391. Tabel Nominal numeric e. - De țigani din categoria e concubinele cu copii ale ostașilor mobilizați pe front sau concentrați și aflați evacuați în Transnistria contrar ordinelor și posedă acte (ID: 46191)
Title (In English): Nominal Numeric table e. Romani in category e, concubines with children of soldiers who are mobilized on the front or concentrated, who were evacuated to Transnistria contrary to orders and posses papers
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1392. TABEL-NOMINAL De țiganii stabili mobilizabili ce au fost evacuați sau țiganii mobilizați ale căror familii au fost evacuate (ID: 46264)
Title (In English): Nominal table of stable Romani who are able to be mobilized and have been evacuated or mobilized Romani whose families have been evacuated
Creator: Inspectoratul Jandarmi Timișoara Gendarme Inspectorate of Timișoara
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1393. Block No. B/2 Pfauen (PAWIA) Str. No. 1a (ID: 39837)
Title (In English): Block Number B/2 Pfauen (PAWIA) Street Number 1a
The Nazis renamed the streets in Łódź. Pfauenstrasse is the Nazi name for Pawia.
1394. [Persons from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia whose property was confiscated by the Nazis] (ID: 42193)
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Prag Secret State Police. State Police Control Center Prague
List of persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis. Includes name and date and place of
1395. [Persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis] (ID: 42377)
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Reichenberg Secret State Police. State Police Control Center Reichenberg
List of persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis. Includes name, date and place of birth
1396. [Persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis] (ID: 42371)
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Reichenberg Secret State Police. State Police Control Center Reichenberg
List of persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis. Includes name, date and place of birth
1397. [Persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis] (ID: 42429)
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Reichenberg Secret State Police. State Police Control Center Reichenberg
List of persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis. Includes name, date and place of birth
1398. [Persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis] (ID: 42280)
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Reichenberg Secret State Police. State Police Control Center Reichenberg
List of persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis. Includes name, date and place of birth
1399. [Persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis] (ID: 42231)
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Reichenberg Secret State Police. State Police Control Center Reichenberg
List of persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis. Includes name and date and place of
1400. Block No. A 68 Zielna Kräutergasse Str. No. 33 (ID: 39056)
Title (In English): Block Number A 68 Zielna Kräuter Alley Street Number 33
The Nazis renamed the streets in Łódź. Kräutergasse is the Nazi name for Zielna.