Displaying: 351 375 of 5,976 matches for “the netherlands”
351. Ida Johnson poses next to a canal in The Hague.
The Hague, [South Holland] The Netherlands ... INTERWAR EUROPE -- Netherlands
352. Ephraim Rosenbaum, along with his brother Sallie, stands at the entrance to the government office where he went to register the birth of his daughter Betty
Amsterdam, [North Holland] The Netherlands ... INVASION & OCCUPATION -- The Netherlands -- JEWS -- Jewish Council ... where he went to register the birth of his daughter Betty
353. Louis Baars and Engelien Roselaar stand in front of the sign of a company on the Sarphati Straat in the Jewish quarter of Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, [North Holland] The Netherlands ... LIFE BEFORE THE HOLOCAUST -- Netherlands -- Family/Friends/Portraits ... Leah Brounstein Baars, known as Ineke as she grew up in the Netherlands, was born in hiding during ... t Leah Brounstein Baars, known as Ineke as she grew up in the Netherlands, was born in hiding during
354. A Dutch Jewish family celebrates a wedding. Pictured at the end of the table are the bride and groom, Shela (Shifra) Thaler Erlich and Mr.
Amsterdam, [North Holland] The Netherlands ... LIFE BEFORE THE HOLOCAUST -- Netherlands -- Religious Life/Weddings ... German forces invaded the Netherlands. The Netherlands was forced to surrender, and was placed under
355. The bridegroom Herman de Leeuw is given a sip of wine during his wedding ceremony at the Sephardic synagogue in the Jewish quarter of Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, [North Holland] The Netherlands ... INVASION & OCCUPATION -- The Netherlands -- JEWS -- Religious Life ... synagogue in the Jewish quarter of Amsterdam.
356. Members of the Dutch resistance and home army inside the Vught internment camp, which the Dutch used to intern collaborators after German forces retreated.
Vught, [North Brabant] The Netherlands ... TRANSIT CAMPS/INTERNMENT CAMPS -- Netherlands -- Vught -- LIBERATION
357. Bertus Hornsveld, who together with his brother, Hank Jr., urged their mother to open the door in the middle of the night for Flory and Felix Van Beek.
Amersfoort, [Utrecht] The Netherlands ... the middle of the night for Flory and Felix Van Beek. ... RESCUERS & RESCUED -- Netherlands
358. Invitation to the reopening of the Zion clothing and fabric store in Eibergen, which includes a brief account of its history during the war.
Eibergen, [Gelderland] The Netherlands ... brief account of its history during the war. ... DISPLACED PERSONS/RETURN TO LIFE -- DP Camps/Postwar Communities -- Netherlands
359. Invitation to the reopening of the Zion clothing and fabric store in Eibergen, which includes a brief account of its history during the war.
Eibergen, [Gelderland] The Netherlands ... brief account of its history during the war. ... DISPLACED PERSONS/RETURN TO LIFE -- DP Camps/Postwar Communities -- Netherlands
360. Stephanie Benzaquen
University Rotterdam in the Netherlands. She received master’s and bachelor’s degrees in art history from the ... researcher in the Theory Department at Jan van Eyck Academie in the Netherlands. She has language skills in ... the Centre for Historical Culture, School of History, Culture, and Communication, at Erasmus -
361. Dr. Bettina Brandt
of 2016 she was a Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in the Netherlands. Dr ... Professional Background Dr. Bettina Brandt currently works as Teaching Professor in the Department ... of German and Russian Languages and Literatures at the Pennsylvania State University (USA). She holds -
362. Prosecuting the Crime of Genocide
offenses. Situated in The Hague, the Netherlands, the ICTY charged 161 people. These include heads of ... ruled in June 2017 that the Netherlands was partly responsible for the deaths of approximately 350 -
363. Rosa de Jong
bachelor’s degrees in history and philosophy (2016) from the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands). She ... researcher at the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) in Leiden and ... is currently a PhD candidate at the history department at the University of Amsterdam and a guest -
364. Group portrait of the children in the Birnbaum postwar orphanage.
Bussum, The Netherlands ... children. Following the German May 1940 invasion of the Netherlands, the Birnbaums were sent back to ... Holland. However when they arrived in The Netherlands, The Dutch said they were not wanted and did not
365. Group portrait of the children in the Birnbaum postwar orphanage.
Bussum, The Netherlands ... children. Following the German May 1940 invasion of the Netherlands, the Birnbaums were sent back to ... Holland. However when they arrived in The Netherlands, The Dutch said they were not wanted and did not
366. A family portrait at the wedding of Ephraim Izaak Levie (Eil) Rosenbaum and Johanna Frederika Suzanna (Jo) Zion taken in the garden of the of the Zion family in Eibergen.
Eibergen, [Gelderland] The Netherlands ... INVASION & OCCUPATION -- The Netherlands -- JEWS -- Daily Life/Families ... Suzanna (Jo) Zion taken in the garden of the of the Zion family in Eibergen.
367. Members of the Wijnberg family sit on the roof of their apartment house during the period in which they were prohibited by Nazi decree from going out into the garden.
Zwolle, [Overijssel] The Netherlands ... INVASION & OCCUPATION -- The Netherlands -- JEWS -- Daily Life/Families ... they were prohibited by Nazi decree from going out into the garden.
368. Members of the Dutch resistance, the Dutch police, and an American soldier search for uniforms and weapons belonging to Dutchmen suspected of collaborating with the Germans during the occupation.
Zundert, [North Brabant] The Netherlands ... weapons belonging to Dutchmen suspected of collaborating with the Germans during the occupation. ... PURSUIT OF JUSTICE -- Collaborators' Trials/Punishment -- Netherlands
369. Portrait of Hendrik (Hank) Jacob Hornsveld XIV, who together with his brother Bertus convinced his mother to open the door in the middle of the night to Dutch Jews who were fleeing from the Gestapo.
Amersfoort, [Utrecht] The Netherlands ... RESCUERS & RESCUED -- Netherlands ... mother to open the door in the middle of the night to Dutch Jews who were fleeing from the Gestapo
370. The Most Difficult Decision of My Life
from the Netherlands, and one of only 5,000 who returned. It was not until I was five or six that I ... when I was three and a half. She was one of 110,000 Jews deported from the Netherlands, and one of only -
371. Voyage of the St. Louis
the Netherlands, England, and France admitted the passengers. But within months, the Germans overran ... western Europe. Hundreds of passengers who disembarked in Belgium, the Netherlands, and France eventually ... return to Europe. Other countries agree to take the refugees. Belgium takes 214, the Netherlands 181 ... Belgium, the Netherlands, and France eventually fall victim to the Nazi "Final Solution."
372. A Symbol of Hope: Louise-Lawrence Israëls’s Chair
Encyclopedia—Children during the Holocaust Holocaust Encyclopedia—The Netherlands Bibliography—Hidden ... give her and her brother a normal upbringing despite the circumstances. The doll’s chair she received ... Louise, a volunteer at the Museum, narrates the story behind the chair with curator Susan Snyder -
373. Alicja Podbielska
at the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Ms. Podbielska has held several Fellowships ... ). As the Fred and Maria Devinki Memorial Fellow, at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for ... Advanced Holocaust Studies, Dr. Podbielska will be conducting research for her study “The Memory of Rescue -
374. Dr. Ferenc Laczo
History at Maastricht University (The Netherlands). He had previously served as Guest Lecturer at the ... University of Basel (Switzerland), as well as Researcher for the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure ... (EHRI) and at the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena (Germany). As the Yetta and Jacob Gelman Fellow on the -
375. Tobias Wals
research assistant at the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Netherlands), for a ... Professional Background Tobias Wals is currently PhD candidate at the Center for Holocaust Studies ... at the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History in Munich (Germany). His research deals with the