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Displaying 125 of 624 matches for All Fields: the netherlands
1. Camp Westerbork Memorial - A Name and a Face (ID: 49481)
During the Second World War, Camp Westerbork, Netherlands, was known as “the gateway to Hell”. It ... was a transit camp to concentration camps like Auschwitz and Sobibor. However, the camp, built in 1939 ... Memorial Centre captures all those stories in the database of "A Name and a Face". Data from various ... archives are linked to this database in order to get as complete a picture as possible of the fate of the
2. [Index to Dutch Married Women] (ID: 20633)
lists of Jewish Holocaust victims by the Netherlands War Graves Foundation; data includes names, and ... Oorlogsgravenstichting Netherlands War Graves Foundation ... Netherlands
3. Dutch Survivor Lists (ID: 27995)
in hiding either in the Netherlands or in other countries. A substantial percentage of these ... registrants were born outside the Netherlands, primarily Germany, and there are significant numbers of persons ... to the Netherlands after the war. ... Jews who were in hiding in Ferwederadeel, the Netherlands. Entries include date of birth, former
4. SUPPLEMENT AI [to: Alphabetische lijst van zich in Nederland bevindene Joden] / Centraal Registratiebureau voor Joden; Afdeeling van (ID: 30226)
Supplement AI to the alphabetical list of Holocaust survivors in the Netherlands issued by the ... Lists, from March 1945, totaling c. 4000 Jewish survivors in the Netherlands. ... This list was created by the Central Registration Office for Jews in Eindhoven, Netherlands. ... Joods Historisch Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
5. Lists 4 through 12 (lacking 10 & 11) of ca. 1,500 Jewish survivors from the Netherlands / [compiled by the Joodsch Informatiebureau]. (ID: 31036)
directories, some alphabetical, of Holocaust survivors in and from the Netherlands published by the Joodsch ... Joods Historisch Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
6. Eichberg Euthanasia List (ID: 45682)
Yugoslavia, Poland, the Netherlands, Norway and the Ukraine died at Eichberg. In addition, hundreds of ... disabled patients situated near Eltville-Erbach in the Rheingau region. Index includes name, date of birth ... place of birth, date of death, place of origin, and alleged diagnosis. The information was gather from ... -Erbach in the Rheingau region. In the early 1930s, forced sterilizations were carried out in
7. 6e Supplement AI [to: Alphabetische lijst van zich in Nederland bevindene Joden] / Centraal Registratiebureau voor Joden; Afdeeling (ID: 31008)
6e Supplement AI to the alphabetical list of Holocaust survivors in the Netherlands issued by the ... survivors in the Netherlands. ... Alphabetical list (6e supplement A1) of c. 2000 Jewish survivors in the Netherlands. ... Joods Historisch Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
8. Alphabetische lijst van Joden, geregisteerd in het bevrijde Ned. gebied (Enschedé, Neede, Ommen, Eibergen, Haaksbergen, Groenlo en (ID: 31004)
survivors in the Netherlands published by the Joodsch Informatiebureau [=Jewish Information Bureau] in ... Alphabetical lists totaling c. 3000 Jewish survivors in the Netherlands. ... Joods Historisch Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands). Joodsch Informatiebureau. ... Amsterdam"], those liberated in the district of Twente [i.e. "Lijst van in Twente bevrijde Joden"], and
9. Supplement 8 op de alphabetische lijst van zich in Nederland bevindende Joden / Joodsche Coördinatie Commissie afdeeling Centraal (ID: 31022)
Alphabetical directory of approx. 2,700 Jewish Holocaust survivors in the Netherlands, many of ... whom were born outside of the Netherlands. ... survivors in the Netherlands. ... Alphabetical list of c. 2700 Jewish survivors in the Netherlands.
10. Alphabetical list (Supplement A5) of ca. 2000 Jewish survivors in the Netherlands. (ID: 31033)
Alphabetical name register of Holocaust survivors in the Netherlands, both Dutch and foreign born ... Commission for the liberated area of the Netherlands].
11. Lists 1 and 3 [partial] of ca. 800 Jewish survivors from the Netherlands / [compiled by the Joodsch Informatiebureau]. (ID: 30993)
survivors in and from the Netherlands published by the Joodsch Informatiebureau [=Jewish Information Bureau ... survivors from the Netherlands who were in Belgium; Algiers, Algeria; Germany; Netherlands; Theresienstadt ... 'Lists 1-4' include a total of c. 800 Jewish survivors from the Netherlands who were in Belgium
12. The St. Louis: Full Passenger List and Associated Documents (ID: 49482)
Belgium, and the Netherlands each admitted a percentage of the passengers upon their return to Europe in ... St. Louis after they were dispersed to England, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands in the summer of ... In May 1939, the German liner St. Louis sailed from Hamburg, Germany, to Havana, Cuba, carrying 937
13. Lijst van in de concentratiekampen Westerbork en Buchenwald overleden Joodsche personen die op Nederlandsche begraafplatsen ter aarde (ID: 30130)
Netherlands who died in the concentration camps of Westerbork (p. 1-15) and Buchenwald ("Persons who died in ... in the camps of Westerbork and Buchenwald and are buried in the Netherlands. ... buried in the Netherlands. ... Red Cross. Netherlands. Nederlandsche Roode Kruis. Informatiebureau. Opsporing Joodsche Personen.
14. Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog zijn 616 joden uit Friesland verjaagd, vermoord. (ID: 20606)
Title (In English): During World War II 616 Jews were deported from Friesland and murdered
The Dutch version of this list contains 616 names, whereas the English version contains 600 at time ... Friesland Netherlands
15. Supplem. IV op de alph. lijst van Maart 1945. (ID: 30106)
Netherlands issued by the Central Registration Bureau for Jews in Eindhoven (Andover) in March 1945. This ... ), dated May 1945, of c. 500 Jewish survivors in the Netherlands. ... survivors in the Netherlands. ... Joods Historisch Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
16. Listina V, Terezín (ID: 21701)
Title (In English): List 5, Terezín
Creator: Sociální Výbor Židú z Československa Relief Committee of Jews from Czechoslovakia
the transport ... Amsterdam Netherlands ... The names in this collection were made ... searchable through the World Memory Project
17. [Documents related to travel and emigration] (ID: 26650)
- The Foreign Service of the United States of America
- Gendarmeriemeister Police Constable
- Die Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle Nürnberg-Fürth The Secret State Police State Police Office Nuremberg-Fürth
- Auswanderer-Beratungsstelle Information Center for Emigrants
- Zollfahndungstelle Nürnberg Customs Investigation Office Nuremberg
- Gemeindekriminalpolizei Municipal Police
- Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland Benevolent Society of Jews in Germany
- Amtsgericht Weissenburg i.Bay. Dirstrict Court Weissenburg in Bavaria
- Königliche Schwedische Gesandtschaft Budapest Royal Swedish Delegation Budapest
- Finanzamt Coburg Revenue Office Coburg
- Der Landrat The district administrator
- Der Polizeiamtsvorstand The Head of the Police Station
- Der Bürgermeister The mayor
- Polizeipräsidium Police Station
- Bezirksamt District Office
- Die Industrie- und Handelskammer The Chamber of Industry and Commerce
- Badisches Bezirksamt- Passamt District Office Baden- Passport Office
- Hess. Polizeiamt Offenbach a.M. Hessian Police Station Offenbach am Main
- Gendarmerie-Station Ellingen Police Station Ellingen
- Regierung von Oberfranken und Mittelfranken Kammer des Inneren Government of Upper Franconia and Middle Franconia Office of the Interior
- Stadtrat City Council
- Gendarmerie-Station Police Station
- Bayerische Politische Polizei Bavarian Political Police
- Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle München Secret State Police State Police Station Munich
- Der Bürgermeister der Stadt Treuchtlingen The Mayor of Treuchtlingen
- Deutsches Generalkonsulat German Consulate General
deal with the emigration of Jews (mainly to the United States, Palestine, Switzerland and Great Britain ... ), the preparation for emigration, the registration of emigrated Jews, the application for passports ... the extension of passports, the deprivation of passports, the rejection of passport applications, the ... objection to rejection of passport applications, the registration of personal data of passport applicants
18. [Documents related to Nazi persecution] (ID: 26643)
- Der Oberbürgermeister The Senior Mayor
- Bezirksamt District Office
- Gendarmerie Station Partenkrichen Police Station Partenkirchen
- Der Direktor des Reichssippenamtes The Direcot of the National Kinship Office
- Der Personalamtsleiter The Head of the Employment Office
- Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle Kassel Secret State Police State Police Office Kassel
- Polizeipräsidium München Police Station Munich
- Städt. Kulturamt Municipal Cultural Office
- Der Landrat The district administrator
- Der Vorstand der israelitischen Gemeinde The Board of the Jewish Religious Community
- Gend. Station Ellingen Police Station Ellingen
- Der Vorstand des Bezirksamts in Weissenburg The Board of the District Office in Weissenburg
- Gend. Station Treuchtlingen Police Station Treuchtlingen
- Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle Nürnberg-Fürth Secret State Police State Police Station Nürnberg-Fürth
- Bayerische Politische Polizei Bavarian Political Police
- Geheime Staatspolizei Garmisch-Partenkirchen Secret State Police Garmisch-Partenkirchen
- Gemeinde-Kriminalpolizei Municipal Police
- Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle Würzburg Secret State Police State Police Office Würzburg
- Oberkriegsgerichtsrat Judge Advocate
- Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei Gau Bayerische Ostmark National Socialist German Worker's Party District Bavarian East March
- Vertrauensmann der Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland Representative of the National Association of Jews in Germany
This grouping contains documents related to the discrimination, assault and arrest of Jews, persons ... letters, files, reports, testimonies, certificates and other documents that deal with the assault of Jews ... ”, the interrogation of Jews, assault of Jewish children on their way to school, criminal records of Jews ... the surveillance of members of secret societies, liquidation of Jewish organizations, expulsion of
19. Lijst van in het district Sneek opgedoken Joden, 19.6.45. (ID: 30585)
in the area of Sneek in the province of Friesland in the Netherlands. Entries include name, date of ... 400 Jews who came out of hiding in the county of Sneek, the Netherlands. ... the Netherlands. ... Joods Historisch Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
20. In de Provincie Friesland opgedoken Joodsche minderjarigen / Geregistreerd door de Afd. (ID: 29663)
Undated alphabetical register of children who came out of hiding in the Netherlands province of ... Friesland. Most of those listed had formerly been resident in areas of the Netherlands outside of Friesland ... Jewish children in the Holocaust --Netherlands --Friesland --Registers. ... Jewish children in the Holocaust --Netherlands --Directories.
21. Lijsten van Joden bevrijd in de kampen in Duitschland en Polen : J. (ID: 30998)
). [="List of Jews coming from the Netherlands (not of Dutch citizenship) who found themselves in the ... Joods Historisch Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands) ... [Eindhoven, Netherlands] ... Holocaust survivors --Netherlands --Registers.
22. Tweede Supplement op de alph. lijst van Maart 1945. (ID: 29890)
Netherlands issued by the Central Registration Bureau for Jews in Eindhoven (Andover) in March 1945. This ... Formerly cataloged under the title: Alphabetical list of c. 300 Jewish survivors in the Netherlands. ... Alphabetical list of c. 300 Jewish survivors in the Netherlands. ... Joods Historisch Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
23. Lijst van zich in Zweden bevindende Joden, befrijd in Duitschland. (ID: 30975)
name, birth date and place and former (pre-War?) city of residence in the Netherlands. ... Joods Historisch Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands) ... Eindhoven, Netherlands ... Holocaust survivors --Netherlands --Registers.
24. Eerste Supplement op de Alph. Lijst van Maart 1945. (ID: 30952)
"First Supplement" to the alphabetical list of Holocaust survivors in the Netherlands issued by the ... Jewish children in the Holocaust --Netherlands --Registers. ... Jewish Holocaust survivors in the Netherlands. ... List, created in April 1945, of c. 250 Jewish Holocaust survivors in the Netherlands.
25. Namen van te Leeuwarden opgedecken Joden. (ID: 30612)
Joods Historisch Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands) ... [Leeuwarden, Netherlands?] ... Netherlands. Columnar entries include last name, first name or initial, date of birth and official address ... Hilversum, Amstersdam, 's Gravenhage, Rotterdam, Scheviningen, Eindhoven, etc. The final leaf 11 contains