Displaying: 226 250 of 836 matches for “stalin”
226. Oral history interview with Anna Post
passport until after Stalin died; and the comparison of Ravensbrück and Auschwitz.
227. Oral history interview with Chaim Shapiro
Lithuania in 1954 after Stalin’s death; graduating from high school; working at a factory; attending the
228. Oral history interview with Agnieszka Holland
reactions to the Communist Party and Stalin’s death; her father’s death in 1961; how she became interested
229. Oral history interview with Gennadiy Zaster
under Stalin; experiencing discrimination after attending technical school when he could not advance
230. Oral history interview with Frode Jakobsen
last name when traveling in Germany; developing an interest in the politics of Stalin and Trotsky
231. Oral history interview with Samuel Halpern
Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin to address the plight of the Jews during World War II.
232. Lucy Lipiner papers
When Stalin allowed the foreigners to leave Siberia in 1941, Lucy’s father obtained a permit, and the
233. Natan Shafir collection
Shafir worked as Secretary of the Communist Youth newspaper "Stalin's Tribe." In May of 1941, he enlisted
234. Miniature propaganda card exposing the Jewish conspiracy links to the Allied Nations
Hetzer. / Hinter der / Sowietkuisse : / JUD / MOSES- / SOHN / Stalins / Schwiegervater, und 406 jüdisches ... backdrop : / JUD / MOSES- / SON / Stalin's / father-in-law, and 406 Jewish government members!!] front
235. Poster of the Allied powers as partners in the Jewish conspiracy
Exhibition in Belgrade from October 22, 1941, to January 19, 1942. It has cartoons of Stalin, Roosevelt, and ... uniform, Joseph Stalin, motioning with his hands for a tall, skinny, smiling Franklin D. Roosevelt, his
236. Nazi propaganda poster warning Germans that an Allied victory will enslave their children
Bunde mit Stalin ihren / teuflischen Ausrottungskrieg gegen das deutsche Volk krönen. / Welches ... Churchill and Roosevelt in alliance with Stalin to crown their evil war of extermination against the German
237. Poster of a Jewish man whipping tops with faces of Allied leaders
Joseph Stalin. Italy, under the Fascist dictatorship of Mussolini, was an Axis member and entered World ... man with thick black hair, unibrow, and mustache, Stalin. The title is in Italian across the bottom
238. Annexation of Austria; Munich Pact; Invasion of Poland and Denmark
demonstrating for war against Poland. 05:25:14 23 August 1939: Joseph Stalin and Joachim von Ribbentrop sign non ... STALIN, JOSEPH
239. Mussolini and Hitler
of these five men rest the destiny of the world" CUs with titles of Mikado, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini ... STALIN, JOSEPH
240. DPs; German prisoners; VE Day in Paris; German civilians
marching and carrying Stalin's picture and red flags (with inscription in Russian). Speeches in courtyard ... STALIN, JOSEPH
241. Nazi propaganda poster exposing the Jewish conspiracy links to the Allied Nations
einziger Ver- / trauter, intimster Berater, Stellvertreter und / Schwiegervater Stalins. Dazu: 406 Juden ... / zählen; [c) Lazarus Mosessohn Kaganowitsch, Stalin’s sole confidant, intimate adviser, deputy and ... Exchange] front right bottom, printed, black ink : c) Der Judenschwiegersohn Stalin, ver- / heiratet mit
242. Nazi propaganda poster exposing the Jewish conspiracy links to the Allied Nations
Kaganowitsch, einziger Ver- / trauter, intimster Berater, Stellvertreter und / Schwiegervater Stalins. Dazu ... Baruchs / zählen; [c) Lazarus Mosessohn Kaganowitsch, Stalin’s sole confidant, intimate adviser ... Der Judenschwiegersohn Stalin, ver- / heiratet mit Mossessohns Tochter Roisa. b: front, right bottom
243. Defendant Hermann Goering consults with his lawyer, Dr.
photographer for Stalin, covered the Potsdam conference, and later the International Military Tribunal at ... 's privileged status ended abruptly in 1948 with the onset of Stalin's anti-cosmopolitan campaign that targeted ... development work. His situation began to improve only after the death of Stalin in 1953. In 1959 Khaldei was ... Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet leader Josef Stalin, stated
244. THE BOOK OF SORROWS / Gitel Gubenko ; translated by Sergei Chulaki, Natalia Strelkova and Natalia Piaskowski.
"Stalin district colony of the Voikov State Metallurgy Works" (p. 181) and "Kirov town district" (p. 181 ... Simferopolsky district, Smidovich kolkhoz, Smidovichi, Sots-gavet kolkhoz, Spark kolkhoz, Stalin district colony
245. Women working at sewing machines; fashion
beauty parlor. INT, room of people being groomed. Wall covered in pictures of Joseph Stalin. In staff ... STALIN, JOSEPH
246. Annexation of Austria; Munich Pact; German invasion of East and West; Territorial expansion
demonstrating for war against Poland. "23 August 1939" Joseph Stalin and Joachim von Ribbentrop sign non ... STALIN, JOSEPH
247. Liberation of Ukrainian and Belorussian lands from Polish landlords
thousand workers. Ukrainians, Poles, and Jews - all are together as a symbol of Stalin's ideal of ... hatred against the Ukrainians and Jews. We pronounce Lenin and Stalin's words here. People are deeply
248. Annexation of Austria; Munich Pact; German invasion of East and West; Territorial expansion
demonstrating for war against Poland. "23 August 1939" Joseph Stalin and Joachim von Ribbentrop sign non ... STALIN, JOSEPH
249. Past Conferences and Workshops
Soviet territories, and wartime Stalinism. Immigration in Comparative Perspective (2012) College
250. Le président Truman assiste à la Conférence de Postdam
l'Union soviétique et de la Grande-Bretagne (Joseph Stalin, Winston S. Churchill, et plus tard