Displaying: 1 25 of 2,582 matches for “Buchenwald”
1. US troops enter Buchenwald
US soldiers enter the Buchenwald concentration camp following the ... liberation of the camp. Buchenwald, Germany, after April 11, 1945.
2. Forced labor in Buchenwald
Prisoners at forced labor near the entrance to the Buchenwald concentration camp, Germany, 1937
3. Arrival at Buchenwald
Newly arrived prisoners at the Buchenwald concentration camp. Buchenwald, Germany, 1938-1940.
4. Roll call at Buchenwald
Prisoners during a roll call at the Buchenwald concentration camp ... Their uniforms bear classifying triangular badges and identification numbers. Buchenwald, Germany, 1938
5. Execution near Buchenwald
Buchenwald concentration camp. Germany, 1942 or 1943.
6. Survivors of Buchenwald
Emaciated survivors of the Buchenwald concentration camp soon
7. Young survivors of Buchenwald
This photograph taken soon after liberation shows young camp survivors from Buchenwald
8. Overcrowded conditions at Buchenwald
Liberated prisoners demonstrate the overcrowded conditions at the Buchenwald concentration camp ... Photograph taken after the liberation of the camp. Buchenwald, Germany, April 23, 1945.
9. Child survivors of Buchenwald
Buchenwald concentration camp file out of the main gate of the camp. Buchenwald, Germany, April 27, 1945.
10. Child survivors of Buchenwald
Children march out of Buchenwald to a nearby American field hospital where they will receive ... medical care. Buchenwald, Germany, April 27, 1945.
11. Buchenwald prisoners returning from forced labor
stones more than six miles to the Buchenwald concentration camp. Germany
12. Part of the Buchenwald camp
view of the Buchenwald concentration camp after the liberation of the camp. Buchenwald
13. Barracks in the Buchenwald camp
view of barracks in the Buchenwald concentration camp. This ... photograph was taken after the liberation of the camp. Buchenwald, Germany
14. Gallows near the Buchenwald camp
the forest near Buchenwald concentration camp. Buchenwald, Germany, April 1942.
15. Buchenwald main entrance at liberation
Buchenwald concentration camp. Germany, May 1945.
16. Survivors of the Buchenwald camp
Survivors of the Buchenwald concentration camp gather around
17. Young survivors of the Buchenwald camp
Young survivors of the Buchenwald concentration camp soon after liberation. Germany, April-June
18. Survivors in Buchenwald just after liberation
Survivors in Buchenwald just after liberation. Troops of the US ... 6th Armored Division entered Buchenwald on April 11, and troops of the
19. Chaplains inspect the liberated Buchenwald camp
During an inspection by US Army chaplains of the newly liberated Buchenwald concentration camp ... G. Bromley Oxnam (right) views a demonstration of how prisoners were tortured in Buchenwald. Oxnam
20. Victims of the Buchenwald concentration camp
wagon is piled with the bodies of victims of the Buchenwald ... Armored Division overran the camp on April 11, 1945. Buchenwald, Germany, April 11–May 1945.
21. Victims of the Buchenwald camp
Buchenwald concentration camp. Photograph taken following the liberation of the ... camp. Buchenwald, Germany, April 16, 1945.
22. Corpses in Buchenwald after liberation.
Buchenwald, [Thuringia] Germany ... MAJOR CONCENTRATION CAMPS 1940-45 -- Buchenwald -- LIBERATION -- Victims (The Dead) -- General ... BUCHENWALD; CLOSE-UPS; CONCENTRATION CAMPS; CORPSES
23. Resistance group in Buchenwald meets with US troops
entrance to the Buchenwald concentration camp. Buchenwald, Germany, after ... subcamps of Buchenwald. About a third of these prisoners died from exhaustion en route or shortly after
24. Valuables confiscated from prisoners at the Buchenwald camp
The valuables displayed here were confiscated from prisoners by German guards at the Buchenwald ... concentration camp and later found by soldiers of the Third US Army after the liberation of the camp. Buchenwald
25. Waldemar Hoven, head SS doctor at Buchenwald
Waldemar Hoven, head SS doctor at the Buchenwald concentration