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Displaying 125 of 3,703 matches for All Fields: Buchenwald
1. [Names from French deportation lists] (ID: 20564)
Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
2. Natzweiler-Struthof (ID: 20708)
Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
3. Dutch Survivor Lists (ID: 27995)
Eindhoven from the camps Bergen Belsen and Buchenwald 2) List of Jews from the Netherlands, who were found ... List of Jews from the Netherlands, found in Buchenwald on May 4, 1945 and 6) List of Dutch nationals ... concentration camps Bergen Belsen and Buchenwald. Information consists of name, date of birth, last residence ... name and occasional comments. 39 = AA0046 A list of 656 Jews who died in Westerbork or Buchenwald
4. Sachsenhausen "Strength Reports" (ID: 20553)
Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
5. [Sachsenhausen arrival lists] (ID: 20554)
Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
6. Langenstein-Zwieberge Concentration Camp Records (ID: 20890)
Electronic data regarding prisoners who worked as forced laborers at the Buchenwald sub-camp of ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
7. Lists 4 through 12 (lacking 10 & 11) of ca. 1,500 Jewish survivors from the Netherlands / [compiled by the Joodsch Informatiebureau]. (ID: 31036)
Holocaust survivors --Germany --Buchenwald --Registers. ... Jews, Dutch --Germany --Buchenwald --Registers. ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) --Registers. ... -- List van ult. April uit de kampen Bergen Belsen en Buchenwalde in Eindhoven aangekomen Joden
8. [Auschwitz to Buchenwald Transport, January 26, 1945] (ID: 20773)
Electronic data regarding prisoners who arrived in Buchenwald from Auschwitz on January 26, 1945 ... Includes name, date of birth, place of birth, nationality/prisoner group, profession, comments, Buchenwald ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
9. Listina č.3 Osoby zachráněné v Buchenwaldu (ID: 42511)
Title (In English): List number 3, People rescued in Buchenwald
Creator: Sociální Výbor Židú z Československa Relief Committee of Jews from Czechoslovakia
List number 3, People rescued in Buchenwald ... List of people rescued from Buchenwald Concentration Camp. Includes name, date and place of birth ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) Germany
10. Arrivals To Buchenwald on January 22, 1945 (ID: 20793)
Auschwitz to Buchenwald. Index includes name, date and place of birth, Buchenwald prisoner number ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
11. [Jews from Łódź at Buchenwald] (ID: 20809)
Electronic data regarding Jews from Łódź taken from Buchenwald prisoner lists. Index includes ... namename, date and place of birth, occupation, date of arrival at Buchenwald, date departed Buchenwald ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
12. Auschwitz To Hessisch Lichtenau Transport List (ID: 20899)
Lichtenau des Konzentrationslagers Buchenwald 1944/1945: eine Dokumentation, Kassel: Verlag
13. Seznam zachráněných československých občanů z Buchenwaldu. (ID: 22404)
Title (In English): List of of Czechoslovakian citizens rescued from Buchenwald.
List of of Czechoslovakian citizens rescued from Buchenwald. ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
14. Hungarian Jewish Survivors in Buchenwald (ID: 20814)
Hungarian committee of male and female Hungarian Jewish survivors in Buchenwald ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany ... http://www
15. Lijst van in de concentratiekampen Westerbork en Buchenwald overleden Joodsche personen die op Nederlandsche begraafplatsen ter aarde (ID: 30130)
Netherlands who died in the concentration camps of Westerbork (p. 1-15) and Buchenwald ("Persons who died in ... Buchenwald; buried in Diemen", p. 15-16). The cemeteries indicated in these listings chiefly by means of ... code, and grave location. Columnar entries for the list of those who died in Buchenwald and were buried
16. [Gross-Rosen to Buchenwald Transport] (ID: 20767)
Electronic data compiled from a list of prisoners from Groβ Rosen transported to Buchenwald. Index ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
17. 500 Women from Bergen-Belsen to Junkers-Aschersleben (ID: 23809)
Creator: Politische Abteilung, Buchenwald Political Department, Buchenwald
Politische Abteilung, Buchenwald Political Department, Buchenwald ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
18. [Documents related to Nazi persecution] (ID: 26643)
- Der Oberbürgermeister The Senior Mayor
- Bezirksamt District Office
- Gendarmerie Station Partenkrichen Police Station Partenkirchen
- Der Direktor des Reichssippenamtes The Direcot of the National Kinship Office
- Der Personalamtsleiter The Head of the Employment Office
- Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle Kassel Secret State Police State Police Office Kassel
- Polizeipräsidium München Police Station Munich
- Städt. Kulturamt Municipal Cultural Office
- Der Landrat The district administrator
- Der Vorstand der israelitischen Gemeinde The Board of the Jewish Religious Community
- Gend. Station Ellingen Police Station Ellingen
- Der Vorstand des Bezirksamts in Weissenburg The Board of the District Office in Weissenburg
- Gend. Station Treuchtlingen Police Station Treuchtlingen
- Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle Nürnberg-Fürth Secret State Police State Police Station Nürnberg-Fürth
- Bayerische Politische Polizei Bavarian Political Police
- Geheime Staatspolizei Garmisch-Partenkirchen Secret State Police Garmisch-Partenkirchen
- Gemeinde-Kriminalpolizei Municipal Police
- Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle Würzburg Secret State Police State Police Office Würzburg
- Oberkriegsgerichtsrat Judge Advocate
- Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei Gau Bayerische Ostmark National Socialist German Worker's Party District Bavarian East March
- Vertrauensmann der Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland Representative of the National Association of Jews in Germany
Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
19. Lijsten van Joden bevrijd in de kampen in Duitschland en Polen : J. (ID: 30998)
at Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald). Most lists' entries usually include name, place and date of birth ... Holocaust survivors --Germany --Buchenwald --Registers. ... Jews, Dutch --Germany --Buchenwald --Registers. ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) --Registers.
20. Jeunes Gens de Buchenwalde, à la charge de la Division de Police (ID: 48218)
Title (In English): Young people from Buchenwald who are under the charge of the Division of Police
Young people from Buchenwald who are under the charge of the Division of Police ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) Germany
21. [List of former Buchenwald inmates who are currently in Switzerland] (ID: 48223)
Buchenwald (Concentration camp) Germany
22. Czestochowa: Listing of the 195 Jewish prisoners from Tschenstochau (arrival date: 18 Jan 1945) who came to (arrived at) Laura on 30 Jan 1945 (Buchenwald Archive; from USHMM Registry Collection Document #AD0266; 194 persons) (ID: 20841)
Buchenwald January 18, 1945, and came to came to Laura on January 30, 1945 ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
23. [Young people from Buchenwald who are under the charge of the Division of Police] (ID: 48217)
Buchenwald (Concentration camp) Germany
24. Liste der sich in Felsenegg, Zugerberg, befindenden Buchenwald-Kinder, welche vom SRK, Kinderhilfe übernommen werden (ID: 48188)
Title (In English): List of children from Buchenwald who are currently in Felsenegg, Zugerberg, who were taken by the Swiss Red Cross, Children's Aid
Creator: Schweizerischen Rotes Kreuz, Kinderhilfe Swiss Red Cross, Children's Aid
List of children from Buchenwald who are currently in Felsenegg, Zugerberg, who were taken by the ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) Germany
25. [List of Dutch Repatriates] (ID: 20941)
Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany