Selected records from the Archivio Centrale dello Stato (ID: 28)
Accession Number:
Record Group Number:
Name lists from this collection (Total: 122)
- [Government note from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Fiume and the Prefect of Frosinone written on August 21, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1656)
- [Government note from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Frosinone and the Prefect of Fiume regarding Ladislao Fucak and wife Ljuba] Reel: 1 (ID: 2931)
- [Government note from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Frosinone and the Prefect of Fiume] Reel: 1 (ID: 14079)
- [Government note from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Pola and the Prefect of Frosinone] Reel: 1 (ID: 2941)
- [Government note from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Trieste and the Prefect of Frosinone] Reel: 1 (ID: 2938)
- [Letter from Rosalia Jancic to his Majesty written on June 16, 1943 in Quisca in the province of Gorizia] Reel: 1 (ID: 3253)
- [Letter from Ambrosio Cargonja to the Prefect of the Province of Carnaro written on June 3, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3958)
- [Letter from Angiolina Piri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services written on August 18, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 13900)
- [Letter from Antonio Sulgai to the Ministero della Guerra on June 8, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3256)
- [Letter from Bajc Monizi to the Ministry of Interior, Directorate of Public Security in Rome] Reel: 1 (ID: 1650)
- [Letter from Caterina Remec to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services written in Fraschette di Alatri on August 8, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1668)
- [Letter from Cecila Fućak to the Prefect of Fiume written on July 1, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2932)
- [Letter from Dragutino Tomac to the Prefecture of Fiume written on July 6, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3941)
- [Letter from Elena Mersnik to the Ministry of Interior, Inspectorate of War Services, Rome written on March 10, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2914)
- [Letter from Felice Blažević to the Ministry of Interior, Office of War Prisoners, Rome written on May 29, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3956)
- [Letter from Giorgio Klepac to the Ministry of Interior, Directorate of Prisoners, Rome written on February 6, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3961)
- [Letter from Giovanna Mrak to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 9, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 14078)
- [Letter from Giulia Černilogar to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 17, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 13646)
- [Letter from Giuliana Peternel to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 14, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3943)
- [Letter from Giuseppe Ferlan to the Ministry of Interior in Rome via the Prefect of Fiume written on July 5, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 13835)
- [Letter from Giuseppina Pangaro to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 18, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2940)
- [Letter from Giuseppina Sdrinsciach to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate for Public Security written on July 2, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1640)
- [Letter from Giuseppina Turk to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 9, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3930)
- [Letter from Isabella Durjava in Crainich to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services in Rome written in June 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3248)
- [Letter from Jerka Kasya to the Ministry of Interior, Inspectorate of War Services, Directorate of Prisoners in Rome written on April 23, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1670)
- [Letter from Juricev Maria to the Ministry of Interior, Inspectorate for War Services, Directorate for Prisoners in Rome written on April 21, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 288)
- [Letter from Lucia Rutar to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on May 20, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2920)
- [Letter from Luigia Blasi to the Ministry of Interior, Office of Civilian War Prisoners written on July 6, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1637)
- [Letter from Luigia Bratina to the Ministry of Interior, Office of Public Security written on August 17, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1655)
- [Letter from Luigia Stucin to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome, written on August 21, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3955)
- [Letter from Maria Benedetti to the Ministry of Interior, Rome written on August 19, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3953)
- [Letter from Maria Jan to the Ministry of Interior, Office of Public Security, Rome written on August 19, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2936)
- [Letter from Maria Poniś to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 15, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2935)
- [Letter from Maria Zagoda to the Ministry of Justice, Rome written on August 13, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 13813)
- [Letter from Teofila Svara to the Ministry of Interior. General Directorate of War Services written on August 18, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3951)
- [Letter from Teresa Klić to the Ministry of Interior, Prisoners' Office, Rome written on May 3, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 295)
- [Letter from the Comando 240 Compagnia Speciale Lavoratori in Turin to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services in Rome on July 27, 1945] Reel: 1 (ID: 3452)
- [Letter from the Minister to the Prefect of Frosinone and the Special Police Inspectorate for Venezia Giulia written in Rome on September 2, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 14395)
- [Letter from the Minister to the Prefect of Gorizia and the Prefect of Frosinone] Reel: 1 (ID: 1651)
- [Letter from the Minister to the Special Police Inspectorate for Venezia Giulia in Trieste and the Prefecture of Gorizia and Frosinone written on August 5, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 13899)
- [Letter from the Ministero della Casa di S. M. Il Re e Imperatore to the Ministry of Interior on June 28, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3255)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Fiume and the Prefect of Frosinone written on August 11, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 13671)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Fiume and the Prefect of Frosinone written on July 16, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1641)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Frosinone and the Prefect of Zadar written on August 24, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1645)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Frosinone written on August 14, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1654)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Gorizia and the Prefect of Frosinone written on July 21, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1638)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Gorizia and the Prefect of Frosinone written on August 20, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1661)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Gorizia and the Prefect of Frosinone written on July 17, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3249)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Zadar and the Prefect of Frosinone regarding Maria Iuricev written on July 30, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 13758)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Zadar and the Prefect of Frosinone written in August 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2244)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefecture of Fiume and the Prefecture of Frosinone written on August 10, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2901)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefecture of Gorizia and Frosinone] Reel: 1 (ID: 3271)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefecture of Gorizia and the Prefecture of Frosinone written on August 23, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1648)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior to the Special Police Inspectorate for Venezia Giulia in Trieste and the Prefecture of Gorizia and Frosinone written on August 10, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1667)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Frachette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 22, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2937)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Fraschette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate for War Services in Rome written on August 25, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1669)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Fraschette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate for War Services, Rome written on August 22, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3952)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Fraschette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services in Rome written on August 21, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1647)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Fraschette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome and the Prefects of Gorizia and Frosinone written on August 17, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 14456)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Fraschette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome and the Prefects of Trieste and Frosinone written on August 17, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2899)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Fraschette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 17, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1673)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Fraschette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 21, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2923)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Fraschette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 22, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3962)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Fraschette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 24, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3945)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Fraschette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 24, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3954)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Fraschette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 24, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2933)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Fraschette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 24, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2934)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Fraschette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 26, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2939)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Fraschette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on September 1, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3942)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Concentration Camp, Fraschette di Alatri to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome, written on August 22, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3944)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Fraschette di Alatri Concentration Camp to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services in Rome written on August 25, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1639)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of Public Security, Division of General and Reserved Affairs, Second Section to the Stato Maggiore del R. Esercito, Office of War Prisoners, Military Post 9, and the General Directorate of War Services, Main Office, and the Gabinetto dell'Ecc. Il Ministro, Main Office written on August 19, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2897)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services to the Prefect of Fiume and the Prefect of Frosinone written on July 13, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3957)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior, Special Police Inspectorate for Venezia Giulia to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services on August 26, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 285)
- [Letter from the Ministry of Interior,General Directorate for War Services, Concentration Camp to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate for War Services, Rome written on August 27, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 13786)
- [Letter from the Prefect of Fiume to the Prefect of Frosinone written on July 5, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3264)
- [Letter from the Prefect of Fiume to the Prefect of Pesaro that is sent along with the handwritten request of Elena Grabar in frames 1172-1173] Reel: 2 (ID: 14864)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Carnaro to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Assistance Office, Rome and the Prefecture of Frosinone written on August 16, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2921)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Carnaro to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Assistance Office, Rome and the Prefecture of Frosinone written on September 1, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2913)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Carnaro to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Assistance Office, Rome and the Prefecture of Frosinone written on September 13, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2900)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Fiume to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Assistance Office, Rome and the Prefecture of Frosinone written on August 10, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 300)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Fiume to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Assistance Office, Rome and the Prefecture of Frosinone written on July 17, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 14458)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Fiume to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Assistance Office, Rome and the Prefecture of Frosinone written on July 5, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3959)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Fiume to the Prefecture of Frosinone written on June 1, of an unknown year] Reel: 2 (ID: 14862)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Frosinone to the Ministry of Interior in Rome, the Special Police Inspectorate for Venezia Giulia in Trieste and the Prefecture of Gorizia written on July 17, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1666)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Frosinone to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services and the Prefecture of Gorizia written on July 22, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1658)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Frosinone to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services and the Prefecture of Gorizia written on July 22, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1646)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Frosinone to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services and the Special Police Inspectorate for Venezia Giulia in Trieste and Gorizia on July 7, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 298)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Frosinone to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services in Rome and the Prefecture of Zadar written on July 16, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1672)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Frosinone to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services on July 8, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 279)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Frosinone to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome and the Prefectures of Fiume and Frosinone written in July 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2912)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Frosinone to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome written on August 27, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 13767)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Frosinone to the Prefecture of Gorizia written on September 2, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3263)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Gorizia to the Ministry of Interior and the Prefecture of Frosinone on August 16, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3266)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Gorizia to the Ministry of Interior and to the Prefecture of Frosinone on August 9, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3262)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Gorizia to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome, and the Prefecture of Frosinone written on August 25, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 290)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Gorizia to the Prefecture of Frosinone on August 3, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3261)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Gorizia to the Prefecture of Frosinone on July 5, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3247)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Gorizia to the Prefecture of Frosinone written on July 2, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3246)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of the Province of Carnara to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Assistance Office and the Prefecture of Frosinone written on August 21, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1642)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Zadar to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services and the Prefecture of Frosinone on August 6, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1643)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Zadar to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services written on August 8, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1644)
- [Letter from the Prefecture of Zadar to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Rome, and the Prefect of Frosinone written on August 22, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2245)
- [Letter from the Regia Prefettura per la Provincia del Carnaro to the Ministry of Interior on August 23, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3265)
- [Letter from the Regia Prefettura per la Provincia del Carnaro to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate for War Services, Assistance Office and the Prefecture of Frosinone written on August 16, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 2285)
- [Letter from the Regia Prefettura per la Provincia del Carnaro to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Assistance Office, Rome and the Prefecture of Frosinone written on August 23, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 14457)
- [Letter from the Regia Prefettura per la Provincia del Carnaro to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Assistance Office, Rome and the Prefecture of Frosinone written on August 24, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 3960)
- [Letter from the Regia Prefettura per la Provincia del Carnaro to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Assistance Office, Rome and the Prefecture of Vicenza written on August 23, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 13766)
- [Letter from the Regia Questura di Roma to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services and to the Prefect of Frosinone written on July 18, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1652)
- [Letter from the Regia Questura di Roma to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of War Services, Assistance Office written on July 24, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 1653)
- [Letter written by Antonio Jancic to the Ministry of Interior on June 12, 1943 in Perugia] Reel: 1 (ID: 3254)
- [Letter written by Elena Grabar to the Ministry of Interior in Rome on June 3, 1943] Reel: 2 (ID: 3479)
- [Letter written by Lucia Yuricic to the Ministry of Interior on April 10, 1943 from the Fraschette Alatri concentration camp] Reel: 1 (ID: 3267)
- [Letter written by Stanislavo Sencar on August 12, 1943 to the Honorable Minister of the Interior] Reel: 2 (ID: 14863)
- [Letter written from Felice Blažerc from the Ufficio Parrochiale of Cervi to the Ministry of Interior in Rome on May 29, 1943] Reel: 2 (ID: 3486)
- [Letter written from the Ministry of Interior to the Special Police Inspectorate for Venezia Giulia and the Prefecture of Frosinone on August 4, 1943] Reel: 1 (ID: 280)
- [Letter written from the Prefecture of Frosinone to the Ministry of Interior in Rome on June 14, 1943] Reel: 2 (ID: 1296)
- [Letter written from the Regia Prefettura per la Provincia del Carnaro to the Ministry of Interior in Rome on August 23, 1943] Reel: 2 (ID: 3480)
- [Note from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Frosinone and the Prefect of Zadar] Reel: 1 (ID: 1671)
- [Note from the Ministry of Interior to the Prefect of Gorizia and the Prefect of Frosinone] Reel: 1 (ID: 2246)
- [Response from the Prefecture of Pesaro to the Ministry of Interior in Rome regarding Elena Grabar's request to liberate five prisoners] Reel: 2 (ID: 14865)
- Oggetto: Internati Felker Raffaele e Uremovio Rosetta. Reel: 2 (ID: 1294)