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Displaying 126150 of 384 matches for All Fields: ss
126. [Documents related to passengers of the S.S. Theodor Herzl] (ID: 49944)
Creator: The Palestine Police Force
aboard the S.S. Theodor Herzl in September of 1947. These documents consist of Memoranda of Personal Data
127. [Documents related to passengers on the S.S. 23] (ID: 19582)
Creator: The Palestine Police Force
This grouping contains documentation for individuals who attempted to enter Palestine aboard the S.S
128. [Documents related to passengers on the S.S. Astir and the schooner Marsis] (ID: 19523)
Creator: The Palestine Police Force
illegally aboard the S.S. Astir, and later the schooner Marsis (see note below for more information). These
129. [Documents related to passengers on the S.S. Balboa-Hagana] (ID: 19568)
Creator: The Palestine Police Force
This grouping contains documentation for individuals who attempted to enter Palestine aboard the S.S
130. [Documents related to passengers on the S.S. Bracha Fold] (ID: 19578)
Creator: The Palestine Police Force
This grouping contains documentation for individuals who attempted to enter Palestine aboard the S.S
131. [Documents related to passengers on the S.S. Darien II] (ID: 19560)
Creator: The Palestine Police Force
aboard the S.S. Darien II in March of 1941. These documents consist of Particulars of an Illegal
132. [Documents related to passengers on the S.S. Henrietta Szold] (ID: 19576)
Creator: The Palestine Police Force
This grouping contains documentation for individuals who attempted to enter Palestine aboard the S.S
133. [Documents related to passengers on the S.S. Hilde] (ID: 19561)
Creator: The Palestine Police Force
aboard the S.S. Hilde in January of 1940. These documents consist of Applications for an Order of
134. [Documents related to passengers on the S.S. Katriel Yaffe] (ID: 19583)
Creator: The Palestine Police Force
This grouping contains documentation for individuals who attempted to enter Palestine aboard the S.S
135. [Documents related to passengers on the S.S. Nicolas] (ID: 19557)
Creator: The Palestine Police Force
aboard the S.S. Nicolas in May 1939. These documents consist of Applications for an Order of Deportation ... The target sheets have alternate spellings of the ship name: S.S. Nicolaus and S.S. Nicholas ... forms in this grouping have the ship name listed as S.S. Nicolas.
136. [Documents related to passengers on the S.S. Pacific, S.S. Atlantic, S.S. Milos, and S.S. Patria] (ID: 19584)
Creator: The Palestine Police Force
This grouping contains documentation for individuals who attempted to enter Palestine aboard the S.S ... Pacific, S.S. Atlantic, and S.S. Milos in November of 1940 (see note below for more information regarding ... George Papstraropoulos, captain of the S.S. Milos.
137. [Documents related to passengers on the S.S. Parita] (ID: 19556)
Creator: The Palestine Police Force
aboard the S.S. Parita. These documents consist of Applications for an Order of Deportation (form P.252
138. [Documents related to passengers on the S.S. Rim] (ID: 19566)
Creator: The Palestine Police Force
aboard the S.S. Rim in August of 1939. These documents consist of Applications for an Order of
139. [Documents related to passengers on the S.S. Rudnicher] (ID: 19531)
Creator: The Palestine Police Force
aboard the S.S. Rudnicher. These documents consist of identification photos (including a series entitled
140. [Documents related to passengers on the S.S. Tiger Hill] (ID: 19551)
Creator: The Palestine Police Force
aboard the S.S. Tiger Hill in September 1939. These documents consist of Applications for an Order of
141. [Documents relating to Jewish workers] (ID: 23141)
- Der Gouverneur des Distrikts Radom Abteilung Finanzen The Governor of Radom District, Finance Department
- Der SS- und Polizeiführer im Distrikt Radom The SS and Police Leader in Radom District
- Generalgouvernement Der Distriktschef In Radom -Amt fur Preisüberwachung General Government, the District Chief in Radom -Office of Price Monitoring
- Generalgouvernement Amt des Chefs des Distrikts Radom General Government, Office of the Chief of Radom District
- Generalgouvernement Der Chef des Distrikts Radom General Government, the Chief of Radom District
- Generalgouvernement für die Besetzten Polnischen Gebiete, Der Chef des Distrikts Radom General Government for the occupied Polish territories, the Head of the Radom District
- Aeltestenrat in Tschenstochau, Abteilung Erfassung u. Statistik Council of Elders in Częstochowa, Department of Records and Statistics
Der SS- und Polizeiführer im Distrikt Radom The SS and Police Leader in Radom District
142. Elenco dei refugiati miiltari,civili, ebrei nei Monasteri di Clausura di Roma durante l'invasione Tedesca Settembre 1943 - Giugno 1944 per iniziativa del Padre Giovanni da S. Giovanni Consigliere Eccles. Onorario e Cappellano della R. Ambasciata d'Italia presso la S.S. e Visitatore Apostolico dei Monasteri Romani (ID: 11001)
Title (In English): List of military, civil and Jewish refugees in the monasteries of Rome during the German invasion from September 1943 to June 1944, an initiative by Father Giovanni from the San Giovanni Honorary Eccleciastical Counselor and Chaplain from the Religious Embassy of Italy to the Holy See and Visiting Apostle of the Roman Monasteries.
143. Entlassung (ID: 15146)
Title (In English): Release [from prisoner infirmary]
Creator: Concentration Camp Mittelbau Administration, Häftlingskrankenbau
Günzerode (IV. SS-Baubrigade)
144. Erh Lager verstorben 3.7.44 (ID: 12478)
Title (In English): Died in Erholungslager [convalescence camp], July 3, 1944
Creator: Concentration Camp Mauthausen, Political Branch Konzentrationslager Mauthausen, Polit.-Abtlg.
No names provided. Second page consists of signature (illegible) of SS-Hauptsturmführer und
145. Fahndungsbefehl Nr. 19 (ID: 24735)
Title (In English): Search Request Number 19
Creator: Der Chef des Kommandostabes The Chief of the Command Staff
List of SS deserters. Includes name, date and place of birth, notes regarding situation under
146. Fahndungsbefehl Nr. 20 (ID: 24734)
Title (In English): Search Request Number 20
Creator: Der Chef des Kommandostabes The Chief of the Command Staff
List of an AWOL soldier and deserters from the SS. Includes name, date and place of birth, notes
147. Folgende 26 Häftlinge [ ] (ID: 10743)
Title (In English): The following 26 prisoners [ ]
Creator: Buchenwald Concentration Camp Administration
The prisoners were transferred from labor detail "Köln" to the SS building or contruction brigade V
using a variety of sources from all over the world (the SS destroyed the original index cards listing
149. [German Jewish refugee children who arrived in Southampton from Germany on the S.S. Manhattan] (ID: 40227)
150. Handwritten list of former passengers of the 'SS Dora' who were interned in the 'Forteresse de Courias [sp?]'. (ID: 31575)