Displaying: 376 400 of 762 matches for “video”
376. Norbert Wollheim describes forced labor at the Buna works
377. Ruth Meyerowitz describes sabotage effort in Malchow munitions factory
378. Alice (Eberstarkova) Masters describes leaving Czechoslovakia on a Kindertransport (Children's Transport)
379. Edward Adler describes deportation to and arrival at the Sachsenhausen camp
380. Edward Adler describes forced labor and conditions in the Sachsenhausen camp
381. Tomasz (Toivi) Blatt describes the Izbica Jewish council (Judenrat) and German attacks (Aktionen) there
382. Bella Jakubowicz Tovey describes a meeting between her father and the Jewish council leader in Sosnowiec
383. Max Karl Liebmann describes arrival at and conditions in the Gurs camp
384. Beatrice Stern Pappenheimer describes struggle among prisoners for meager food rations in Gurs camp
385. David (Dudi) Bergman recalls the importance of work for survival in the Plaszow labor camp
386. Alan Zimm describes a hanging in the Dora-Mittelbau camp
387. Robert Wagemann describes secret Jehovah's Witness prayer meetings in Nazi Germany
388. David Stoliar describes engine troubles experienced by the Struma upon leaving Constanta, Romania
389. David Stoliar describes conditions on board the Struma during the journey to Istanbul
390. David Stoliar describes holding onto a piece of wreckage from the deck of the torpedoed Struma
391. David Stoliar describes how he survived the sinking of the Struma
392. David Stoliar describes being the only witness to the fate of the "Struma"
393. Ivo Herzer describes assistance from Italian soldiers during his family's escape from Croatia
394. Vladka (Fagele) Peltel Meed describes clandestine cultural activities in the Warsaw ghetto
395. Protest in Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp over return of "Exodus 1947" passengers
396. Renee Schwalb Fritz describes her experience as a Jewish child hiding in a Catholic convent
397. Barbara Ledermann Rodbell describes her reaction to Nazi-mandated schools for Jewish children in Amsterdam
398. Jerry von Halle describes hunger while in hiding in Amsterdam
399. Carla Heijmans Lessing describes the fear her family felt while in hiding
400. Helen (Helene Katz Wohlfarth) Waterford describes giving up her daughter to be sheltered