Displaying: 251 275 of 7,735 matches for “video”
251. Raoul Wallenberg et le sauvetage des Juifs à Budapest - Notice biographique/Témoignage video
252. Les conséquences de la Seconde Guerre mondiale - Notice biographique/Témoignage video
253. Les procès pour crimes de guerre (version abrégée) - Notice biographique/Témoignage video
254. Les centres de mise à mort (version abrégée) - Notice biographique/Témoignage video
255. Les marches de la mort (version abrégée) - Notice biographique/Témoignage video
256. 4 video programs about the Holocaust: war crimes trials
Master HMM235 Video: D-2 ... Master HMM235 Video: D-2 ... Master HMM235 Video: D-2
257. Highlights from the Film and Video Archive in the year 2006
Master HMM261 Video: DVD ... Master HMM261 Video: DVD ... Master HMM261 Video: DVD
258. Highlights from the Film and Video Archive in the year 2007
Master HMM262 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - small ... Master HMM262 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - small ... Master HMM262 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - small
259. Days of Remembrance ceremony at the VA hospital in Memphis, TN
Video productions of the United States Army Days of Remembrance collection ... America, donated the video recording of the 1990 Days of Remembrance ceremony at the VA hospital in
260. Days of Remembrance ceremonies at Fort Bliss and White Sands Missile Range
Video productions of the United States Army Days of Remembrance collection ... America, donated the video recordings of the 1990 Days of Remembrance ceremonies at Fort Bliss, TX and
261. Video stills produced for the film Resistance
Collection consists of video recordings and supporting documents related to interviews with Jewish ... Peter Powell donated video stills, produced for the film Resistance: Untold Stories of Jewish
262. Les déportations vers et en provenance du ghetto de Varsovie - Notice biographique/Témoignage video
263. Les réfugiés juifs polonais dans le ghetto de Shanghai, 1941-1945 - Notice biographique/Témoignage video
264. 5 revised video programs about the Holocaust: exiles, propaganda, Roma, the others, and collaborators
User HMM142 Video: VHS ... User HMM142 Video: VHS ... User HMM142 Video: VHS
265. Rountable discussion (video) featuring Ruth David, Herbert David, Peter Pintus, Warner Bergh, and Richard Peterson
Video recording of roundtable discussion at the Iowa State Historical Society Museum featuring Ruth ... The Iowa Jewish Historical Society donated audio and video recordings from the IJHS archive to the
266. #SaveSyria
potentially, starvation. This video tells the story of life under siege in Aleppo and chronicles the efforts ... assistance of the following in the production of this video: Physicians for Human Rights Syrian American ... Special thanks to Mahmoud Rashwani and the Aleppo Media Center for providing photos and video footage -
267. Lesson: Connecting the Timeline Activity to The Path to Nazi Genocide
268. Video footage of the pre-Chabannes reunion with Gerda Bikales, Norbert Bikales, Charles Norman, Ruth Keller, Ernst Rosner, Edith Rosner, Inge Roman, Wolfgang Blumenreich, Miriam Blumenreich, Jerry Gerard, Ossi Goldstein, and Charles Roman
Oral history interviews and related film and video images used in the making of the documentary ... Chabannes" (1999), donated the video footage of the pre-Chabannes reunion with Gerda Bikales, Norbert
269. Past Presentations, Roundtables, and Other Events
270. Past Lectures
"] Geoffrey Hartman Yale University and the Fortunoff Video Archive for Video Testimonies “Preserving Living ... Memory: The Challenge and the Power of Video Testimony” May 30, 1995 [audio file="{filedir_2}CAHS ... "Antisemitism: Here and Now" April 29, 2020 Facebook Live Video Alan Steinweis Professor of History and -
271. Tony: el testimonio de un soldado
Anthony Acevedo Video: Entrevista oral histórica con Anthony Acevedo Video: Anthony Acevedo dona ... 1930. Serie de videos animados “Detrás de cada nombre” -
272. Eleanor y Gilbert: la misión de una pareja
fotografías de los 50 niños Videos: Entrevistas orales históricas realizadas para el documental “50 niños: la ... medalla de oro en las Olimpíadas de 1936 en Berlín. Serie de videos animados “Detrás de cada nombre” -
273. Marianne y Jane: la historia de unas amigas por correspondencia
ganar una medalla de oro en las Olimpíadas de 1936 en Berlín. Serie de videos animados “Detrás de cada -
274. Franz: la súplica de un profesor
de videos animados “Detrás de cada nombre” -
275. Gretel: el sueño de una atleta olímpica
style="centeredGallery"] Más información: Video: Testimonio oral histórico de Gretel Bergmann (alias ... capturaron en enero de 1945 y lo trasladaron a un campo alemán de prisioneros de guerra. Serie de videos