Displaying: 651 675 of 13,272 matches for “video”
651. Gerda Haas describes prewar Jewish community life in Ansbach
652. Irene Hizme describes medical experiments at Auschwitz
653. Rene Slotkin describes medical experiments at Auschwitz
654. Liberation of Auschwitz: Victims of medical experiments
655. Medical Case: US prosecutor details illegal experiments
656. Leo Melamed describes going to school in prewar Bialystok
657. Leo Melamed describes the German occupation of Bialystok
658. Leo Melamed describes fear after German occupation of Bialystok
659. Soviet Secret Police massacre in Lvov
660. Lucine Horn describes conditions in the Lublin ghetto
661. Hitler speaks before the Reichstag (German Parliament)
662. Fritzie Weiss Fritzshall describes the selection process in Auschwitz
663. Hana Mueller Bruml describes arrival procedures at Auschwitz
664. Blanka Rothschild describes arrival at the Ravensbrück camp
665. Ruth Moser Borsos describes forced-labor assignments in Westerbork
666. Mussolini meets with Hitler in Germany
667. Joseph Stanley Wardzala describes forced labor in Hannover
668. Allied prisoner of war describes work details
669. Sam Spiegel describes conditions in a forced-labor camp
670. Air raid shelter in London during the Blitz
671. Anti-Nazi protest organized by American Jewish Congress
672. Memorial Pageant calls for the rescue of European Jewry
673. Miso (Michael) Vogel describes arrival at Auschwitz
674. Cecilie Klein-Pollack describes arrival at Auschwitz
675. Abraham Lewent describes deportation to and conditions in Majdanek