Displaying: 226 250 of 13,272 matches for “video”
226. Oral history interview with Hal Myers
Remember The Children: Hadasah Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face Presentations
227. Oral history interview with Jack Kleinman
Remember The Children: Hadasah Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face Presentations
228. Oral history interview with Harold Koppel
Remember The Children: Hadasah Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face Presentations
229. Oral history interview with Lissa K. Keller
Remember The Children: Hadasah Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face Presentations
230. Oral history interview with Joseph Klein
Remember The Children: Hadasah Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face Presentations
231. Oral history interview with Erika Gold
Remember The Children: Hadasah Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face Presentations
232. Oral history interview with Zev Harel
Remember The Children: Hadasah Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face Presentations
233. Oral history interview with Jacob Hennenberg
Remember The Children: Hadasah Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face Presentations
234. Oral history interview with Arnold Friedman
Remember The Children: Hadasah Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face Presentations
235. Oral history interview with Betty Gold
Remember The Children: Hadasah Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face Presentations
236. Oral history interview with Gita Frankel
Remember The Children: Hadasah Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face Presentations
237. Oral history interview with Roman Frayman
Remember The Children: Hadasah Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face Presentations
238. Oral history interview with Betty Gurfein Berliner
Remember The Children: Hadasah Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face Presentations
239. Oral history interview with Max Edelman
Remember The Children: Hadasah Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face Presentations
240. Oral history interview with Esther Frank
Remember The Children: Hadasah Zehman Video Collection of Face to Face Presentations
241. Video footage of a medals ceremony
Collection consists of video recordings and supporting documents related to interviews with Jewish ... Peter Powell donated video footage of a medals ceremony, produced for the film Resistance: Untold
242. Les Chemins de fer allemands et la Shoah - Notice biographique/Témoignage video
243. L'invasion de la Pologne, septembre 1939 - Notice biographique/Témoignage video
244. Les conséquences de la Shoah (version abrégée) - Notice biographique/Témoignage video
245. La persécution des homosexuels sous le Troisième Reich - Notice biographique/Témoignage video
246. Le génocide des Tsiganes européens, 1939-1945 - Notice biographique/Témoignage video
247. Les enfants pendant la Shoah (version abrégée) - Notice biographique/Témoignage video
248. La Seconde Guerre mondiale en Europe (version abrégée) - Notice biographique/Témoignage video
249. Le tribunal militaire international de Nuremberg (version abrégée) - Notice biographique/Témoignage video
250. Les femmes pendant la Shoah (version abrégée) - Notice biographique/Témoignage video