Displaying: 126 150 of 372 matches for “estonia”
126. "Stolpersteine"
for Selma Heimann, who was deported in September 1942 and killed in Raasiku, Estonia. Mrs. Heimann
127. Rivka Lozansky-Bogomolnaya collection
128. Records relating to Jews and Roma in Berlin
129. Doris Perlhefter Rauch memoir
and from there, to Raasiku, Estonia, in 1942, where her mother was immediately shot and Doris was
130. Pair of small tefillin brought to the United States by Nisson Bespaloff or a family member
Tallinn (Estonia) ... experiences of Nisson Bespaloff, his associates, and his extended family in Estonia, France, the Soviet Union
131. Oral history interview with Philip Maisel
Estonia--History--German occupation, 1941-1944. ... September 1943; being sent to extract shale oil (Ölschieferwerk Frommern) in Estonia work camps; being sent
132. Oral history interview with Yocheved Arie
Estonia; reuniting with her mother in Estonia; being transported to Stutthof; going to Gdansk where she
133. Leon Kliot memoir
perished. In fall of 1943, Kliot was deported to the Vaivara concentration camp complex in Estonia. Leon ... ’s prewar life in Vilna, Poland, in the Vilna ghetto and Vaivara concentration camp complex in Estonia
134. Asna Hirschman Lutwak and Max Lutwak papers
Kovno Ghetto, the Vaivara camp in Estonia in August 1943, then Stutthof concentration camp in Poland ... camp in Estonia in August 1943, then Stutthof concentration camp in Poland, and liberated January 1945
135. Risa Silbert papers
to a labor camp in Estonia and then to Stutthof concentration camp. ... October 26, 1943 the Germans deported 2,800 Jews from the Kovno ghetto to work camps in Estonia. Risa was ... caught during this aktion and deported to a slave labor camp in Tallinn, Estonia. At first she was ... facing the advance of the Red Army, the Germans removed the Jews from the slave labor camps in Estonia to
136. Gurwicz family photograph collection
Nizhniy Novgorod and in Tartu, Estonia, where he was wounded on July 21, 1941. He was treated in a ... hospital in Tallinn, Estonia, later evacuated to Kronshtadt and Leningrad, Soviet Union. After his ... Nizhniy Novgorod and in Tartu, Estonia, where he was wounded on July 21, 1941. He was treated in a ... hospital in Tallinn, Estonia, later evacuated to Kronshtadt and Leningrad. After his recovery he served in
137. Causes and Motivations
democratic pluralism. Peoples in the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) and eastern Poland who
138. Pin
Kovno Ghetto, the Vaivara camp in Estonia in August 1943, then Stutthof concentration camp in Poland
139. Cap worn by a young girl in a concentration camp
years. After the ghetto, they were sent to Poland and Estonia to different camps. One of the camps was
140. Margarete Borchardt Rund memoir
General to Panama and Estonia in the Weimar Republic. During their marriage both her husband (and later
141. Oral history interview with Irving Simon
), discusses his deportation from Swir to the Vilna ghetto; internment in a labor camp in Estonia; internment
142. Asna Hirschman Lutwak and Max Lutwak Collection
Kovno Ghetto, the Vaivara camp in Estonia in August 1943, then Stutthof concentration camp in Poland
143. Tetyana Kotlyarska papers
as a soldier in the Soviet Army in Tallinn, Estonia, in 1941. Tatiana, her parents, and her maternal
144. Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes Committed on Soviet Territory from the USSR
Estonia--History--German occupation, 1941-1944. ... regions; 2: Belarus regions; 3: Russia regions; 4. Lithuania regions; 5. Latvia regions; 6. Estonia
145. Zalman Lubocki memoir
Kunda (Estonia). ... Morris, and Meilach. The Lubocki brothers arrived in Port Kunda, Estonia, without the rest of their
146. Oral history interview with Berko Kolodner
Lagedi (Estonia) ... being sent to several camps in Estonia, including Vaivara, Kuremäe, Lagedi, and Goldfields; the
147. Oral history interview with Arie Troitze
Tallinn (Estonia) ... Viivikonna (Kohtla-Järve, Estonia)
148. Oral history interview with Anushka Freiman
Estonia. ... separation from her husband and daughter who both perished; her time in Vaivara concentration camp in Estonia
149. Oral history interview with Ileen Green
Estonia. ... arriving in the camp a year later; being sent to Dunjeje in Estonia, and then to Kaiserwald in Lithuania in
150. Meilach Lubocki memoir
Kunda (Estonia) ... Chaim, Morris, and Zalman. The Lubocki brothers arrived in Port Kunda, Estonia, without the rest of