Displaying: 626 650 of 694 matches for “estonia”
626. Falsified personal history submitted by Josef Perjell (Solly Perel) while he was in a Hitler Youth training facility in Braunschweig.
defeat at Leningrad, Solly's unit was transferred to Estonia. Von Muenchow told Solly he had to send him
627. Personal information sheet for Josef Perjell (Solly Perel) while he was posing as a member of the Hitler Youth.
defeat at Leningrad, Solly's unit was transferred to Estonia. Von Muenchow told Solly he had to send him
628. Page 2 of a falsified personal history submitted by Josef Perjell (Solly Perel) while he was in a Hitler Youth training facility in Braunschweig.
defeat at Leningrad, Solly's unit was transferred to Estonia. Von Muenchow told Solly he had to send him
629. A communiciation dated May 25, 1943 from Eggemann, chief of the Reich Youth office, eastern command in Berlin to Eggert, head of the Volkswagen factory in Braunschweig, requesting that the youth, Josef Perjell (Solly Perel), who has registered at the Hitler Youth District Office Estland in Reval for training, be assigned a residence and technical apprenticeship at the Volkswagen factory.
defeat at Leningrad, Solly's unit was transferred to Estonia. Von Muenchow told Solly he had to send him
630. Soviet film of atrocities shown at Nuremberg Trials
631. Regina Gruber and Tuvia Sheres papers
Gestapo or after being deported to a labor camp in Estonia. In 1943, Tuvia faked his own death in order to
632. Pacto Alemán-Soviético
oriental. Reconocía a Estonia, Latvia y Besarabia como parte de la esfera soviética. Los signatarios ... incorporaron las repúblicas bálticas de Estonia, Latvia y Lituania. También se apoderaron de las provincias
633. Pakta Jerman-Soviet
Menurut perjanjian ini, Estonia, Latvia dan Bessarabia termasuk dalam wilayah Soviet. Para penanda tangan ... ). Pada musim panas 1940, Soviet menduduki dan memasukkan negara-negara Baltik seperti Estonia, Latvia dan
634. Patto tedesco-sovietico
protocollo riconosceva l’Estonia, la Lettonia e la Bessarabia come parte della sfera sovietica. I firmatari ... Estonia, Lettonia e Lituania. Inoltre, presero il controllo delle province rumene della Bucovina
635. Pacto Germano-Soviético
respectivas esferas de influência soviética e alemã na Europa Oriental. Esse protocolo reconhecia a Estônia ... 1940, os soviéticos ocuparam e incorporaram os Estados bálticos da Estônia, Letônia e Lituânia, e
636. Kolaborasi
berkolaborasi dengan otoritas pendudukan Jerman. Para kolaborator Estonia, Latvia, Lituania, Ukraina, dan etnik ... Estonia, Belorussia, dan Ukraina secara spontan membentuk kelompok-kelompok yang kemudian dibersihkan dan ... Palosuo, editors. Collaboration and Resistance During the Holocaust: Belarus, Estonia, Latvia
637. Alfred Rosenberg
Partido Nazi. Historia Nacido en Reval, Rusia (hoy, Tallin, Estonia), hijo de madre ... estonia y padre alemán báltico, Rosenberg estudió arquitectura en Riga y en Moscú antes de huir de la ... medio millón de judíos habían sido aniquilados; Estonia, parte del Comisariado del Reich para
638. 1943: fechas clave
Estonia. 15 al 28 de agostoDespués de que inicialmente acordaron deportar a ... campo de concentración de Vaivara cerca de Reval, Estonia. 23 de septiembre ... Estonia ocupada por Alemania, y al campo de concentración de Kaiserwald, cerca de Riga, Latvia ... en Estonia, y a Auschwitz. 1° de noviembreEl Cuerpo de inspectores de
639. Lituania
.000 judíos de Lituania fueron deportados a campos de trabajo en Letonia y Estonia, y unos 5.000 fueron
640. Einsatzgruppen (equipos móviles de matanza)
Latvia y Estonia hacia Leningrado. Masacró judíos en Kovno, Riga, y Vilna. Einsatzgruppe B empezó en
641. Escritores e Poetas nos Guetos
poemas. No gueto de Vilna e nos campos de trabalho escravo da Estônia, Hirsh Glik escreveu canções
642. Escritores y poetas en los ghettos
Cracovia. En el ghetto de Vilna y en campos de trabajo en Estonia, Hirsh Glik escribió canciones de
643. La persecución nazi de los prisioneros de guerra soviéticos
Lituania, y Estonia. En septiembre los alemanes sitiaron Sebastopol y
644. Timeline
Union occupied Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. Soviet authorities targeted people they regarded as
645. Populasi Yahudi di Eropa pada 1933: Data Populasi Berdasarkan Negara
.000 jiwa: 95.600 di Latvia, 155.000 di Lituania, dan 4.560 di Estonia. Di sini, persentase kaum Yahudi
646. 1940: le date più importanti
gli Stati Baltici (Lettonia, Lituania ed Estonia), dichiarandoli Repubbliche Sovietiche e parte dell
647. Two place service distinction ribbon bar awarded to a Jewish medical officer, 2nd Polish Corps
Estonia, where he perished. His maternal aunt Gitka, and her husband Israel Obloska, were deported to
648. Ribbon bar with British War Medal 1939-1945 and Polish Army Medal for War 1939-1945 awarded to a Jewish medical officer, 2nd Polish Corps
Estonia, where he perished. His maternal aunt Gitka, and her husband Israel Obloska, were deported to
649. Red medical service collar patch worn by a Jewish medical officer, 2nd Polish Corps
Estonia, where he perished. His maternal aunt Gitka, and her husband Israel Obloska, were deported to
650. Red, white and blue ribbon bar for distinguished service awarded to a Jewish medical officer, 2nd Polish Corps
Estonia, where he perished. His maternal aunt Gitka, and her husband Israel Obloska, were deported to