Displaying: 151 175 of 694 matches for “estonia”
151. Scene during deportation from the Kovno ghetto
deportation from the Kovno ghetto, probably to Estonia. Kovno, Lithuania
152. Stacked corpses of victims at Klooga
Estonia, 1944.
153. Writers and Poets in the Ghettos
Vilna ghetto and in labor camps in Estonia, Hirsh Glik wrote resistance songs including the famed "Song
154. Yolanda Friedmann Gold Holocaust memoirs
Goldfill, Estonia. In Estonia, she was forced to work in a pine forest and then was briefly sent to Danzig
155. Policías estonios juzgados por crímenes de guerra
Las fuerzas auxiliares estonias colaboraron con los Einsatzgruppen alemanes (equipos móviles de ... Gerrets y Jaan Viik fueron miembros de la policía de seguridad estonia durante la ocupación alemana. Esta ... Socialista Soviética de Estonia. La Corte Suprema de Estonia los declaró culpables y los sentenció a muerte
156. Oral history interview with Arie Distel
Kingissepa (Estonia) ... Lagedi (Estonia) ... Tartu (Estonia) ... along with his group to Tartu, Estonia, and then to camps in Soski, Gorodenko, Kurome, Yama (Kingisepp
157. Oral history interview with Boris Nemko
Estonia. ... in Estonia; his life in the work camp; his transfer to another camp in Estonia; selections and the
158. Oral history interview with Leya Koltun
Kohtla-Jarve (Estonia) ... Tallinn (Estonia) ... ghetto in May 1942; her brother's murder; her remaining until 1943, when she was sent to Estonia/Kohtla
159. Photograph collection from the Russian State Archive of Film, Video and Photo Records
Kingissepa rajoon (Estonia) ... Klooga (Estonia) ... Tallin (Estonia)
160. Lithuania
Latvia and Estonia. About 5,000 Jews were deported to
161. Einsatzgruppen and other SS and Police Units in the Soviet Union
Union. Einsatzgruppe A fanned out from East Prussia across Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia toward
162. Nazi Persecution of Soviet Prisoners of War
troops. Within weeks, German divisions conquered the Baltic republics of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia
163. Jewish Population of Europe in 1933: Population Data by Country
4,560 in Estonia. Here, Jews comprised 4.9%, 7.6%, and 0.4% of each country's population
164. Vilna
Estonia, while the women were sent to labor camps in Latvia
165. 1940: Key Dates
(Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania), as Soviet
166. Joël Nommick
Estonia. Joël’s parents had known each other growing up and married in Paris after immigrating there in
167. German Wartime Expansion
. Between July and early December 1941, German troops conquered the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and
168. Children's Aid Society (Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants)
their deaths. Two older children and Miron Zlatin where killed by a firing squad in Estonia. The site of
169. Rochelle Blackman Slivka describes the formation of the Vilna ghetto
Jewish council member, was killed in a camp in Estonia. When the ghetto was liquidated in 1943
170. Rochelle Blackman Slivka describes a death march from Stutthof
Jewish council member, was killed in a camp in Estonia. When the ghetto was liquidated in 1943
171. Locating the Victims
Latvia, Estonia), and the Soviet Union, in many cases in mostly Jewish communities readily located by the
172. George Kadish
Estonia. In July 1944, after escaping from the ghetto, across the river, he photographed the ghetto
173. Bespaloff family collection
experiences of Nisson Bespaloff, his associates, and his extended family in Estonia, France, the Soviet Union
174. [Verzeichnis der in dem "Harkuer KZ geweilten Zigeuner", die am Morgen des 27. Oktober 1942 der Sonderbehandlung unterzogen worden sind.]
Harku camp, Estonia
175. Nathan Koenig articles from the Washington Jewish review and the Jewish daily bulletin