Displaying: 1 25 of 694 matches for “estonia”
1. Estonia
Estonia is the northernmost and smallest of the Baltic states. Between the end of World War I and 1940 ... Estonia was an independent republic. In 1939, the Jewish population of Estonia numbered about 4,500, a
2. Estonia
occupied Estonia. Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, and ethnic German collaborators played a
3. Estonia - Photograph
4. Estonia
Estonia es el estado báltico más pequeño y más septentrional. Desde el final de la Primera ... Guerra Mundial hasta 1940, fue una república independiente. En 1939, los habitantes judíos de Estonia
5. Estonia - Animated Map/Map
6. Mass execution site in Estonia
Estonia, after September 1944.
7. Mass execution site in Estonia
Estonia, after September 1944.
8. Estonia - Fotografía
9. Oral history interviews of the Estonia Documentation Project
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Oral History Branch produced interviews for its Estonia ... Oral history interviews of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Estonia Documentation
10. Selected records from the National Archives of Estonia in Tartu, Estonia related to the history of the Jewish communities of Estonia
the Jewish communities of Estonia ... Estonia--Politics and government--20ty century. ... Tartu (Estonia)--History.
11. Estonia 1941-1945
ESTONIA ... Estonia
12. Selected records related to history of the Jewish Community of Estonia from the National Archives of Estonia in Tallinn
of Estonia in Tallinn ... Estonia--Politics and government--20ty century. ... Tartu (Estonia)--History.
13. Klooga, Estonia Forced Labor Camp Prisoners July, 1944
Klooga [labor camp] Estonia
14. Estonia - Mapa animado/Mapa
15. Kalevi-Liiva concentration camp, Estonia
Estonia ... Footage and photographic stills of Kalevi-Liiva concentration/extermination camp in Estonia
16. Portrait of the Aronovich siblings [?]in postwar Estonia.
Tallinn, Estonia ... Portrait of the Aronovich siblings [?]in postwar Estonia. Pictured from left to right are Roche ... 1913). Deborah's parents were Shlema-Zalman Meirtal (born 1889 in Tallinn, Estonia) and Roche Leah
17. German military welcomed in Estonia
Estonia, Eastern Front, Summer 1941] ... Reel 2: 00:24:31 A German military convoy crossing a bridge into a town (Narva, Estonia). Panning
19. Alphabetical list of Jewish intellectuals who died at different camps in Estonia.
Alphabetical list of Jewish intellectuals who died at different camps in Estonia. Compiled 8/7/45
20. List of Jewish doctors missing from transport from Kivoli to Erreda, Estonia. compiled 8/7/45.
List of Jewish doctors missing from transport from Kivoli to Erreda, Estonia. compiled 8/7/45
21. Refugees from Poland, Latvia, Estonia now in Russia. 11/42. Entries include where from, address.
22. Two lists of Jews found in a transport of dead going from Kivoli to Erreda, Estonia.
Two lists of Jews found in a transport of dead going from Kivoli to Erreda, Estonia. Entries
23. Jews in the Kovno ghetto are boarded onto trucks during a deportation action [probably to Estonia].
were shipped to Auschwitz; all others were sent to Klooga in northern Estonia. Almost no one survived
24. Jews in the Kovno ghetto are boarded onto trucks during a deportation action to Estonia.
were shipped to Auschwitz; all others were sent to Klooga in northern Estonia. Almost no one survived
25. Jews in the Kovno ghetto are boarded onto trucks during a deportation action to Estonia.
were shipped to Auschwitz; all others were sent to Klooga in northern Estonia. Almost no one survived