Displaying: 901 925 of 979 matches for “Jehovah's Witnesses”
901. Oral history interview with Albert Katz
build airports and dig tank trenches; living in stables with other Jews as well as Jehovah Witnesses ... Contains 209 oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors, witnesses to the Holocaust
902. Geheime Staatspolizeistelle Stettin (Pommern) (Fond 503)
Records relating to the surveillance and interrogation of Jehovah's Witnesses, individual Jews ... Surveillance and interrogation of a suspected Jehovah's Witness workers; 2. Surveillance cases of Jews; 3 ... (case files) and Jewish organizations, Freemasons, and Seventh-day Adventists; relations between Jehovah ... 's Witnesses and government agencies; emigration processes for Jews; internment of non-German Jews during the
903. Oral history interview with Premysl Josef Dobias
the Jehovah's Witnesses in the camp; the resistance organized by inmates; the story of a Czech inmate ... hospitalizations for foot infections; receiving aid from a Polish officer; witnessing the murder of inmates; how he ... aid given to him by fellow Czechs after witnessing the injection of inmates; being transferred to the
904. What does war make possible?
Jehovah’s Witnesses, resistance fighters from all over Europe, German deserters or soldiers who violated
905. Liste des morts infirmerie par Kurnatowski 22.3.45; ...; Liste des Morts infirmerie Mauthausen apres liberation; Liste deportes dans les blocks 4 - 12 - 13 - 14 apres liberation
Jehovah's Witness
906. Creating a National Community: The Propaganda of Exclusion
Jehovah’s Witnesses, and men who engaged in same-sex activity fell into this category. It was possible for
907. Commemorative ribbon for the 50th anniversary of Dachau concentration camp
Jehovah's Witnesses, Roma, homosexuals, repeat criminal offenders, and Jews. The SS used it as the
908. Handcrafted wooden double dished set etched Dachau KZ
as Jehovah's Witnesses, Roma, homosexuals, repeat criminal offenders, and Jews. The SS used it as the
909. Records of Hungarian Royal Home Defense Ministry, Presidential department A-Presidential series
non-Jewish religious organizations, such as Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, and Nazarenes
910. Oral history interview with Anne Weidemann-Russell
to Hitler; her uncle being sent to Sachsenhausen; hearing about a Jehovah’s Witness who was
911. Oral history interview with Janina Pawlica
Jehovah’s Witnesses; the selection of inmates for the crematorium; receiving food parcels from her father
912. SD-Abschnitt Stettin (Fond 1240)
Correspondence and newspaper clippings relating to the Seventh-Day Adventists and Jehovah ... 's Witnesses, the confiscation of their printed materials, and one item about Jewish influence on churches
913. Geheime Staatspolizei-Staatspolizeileitstelle Düsseldorf (RW 0058)
Bibelforscher or Jehovah's Witnesses, Christliche Versammlung); Freemasons; Pacifists, the Catholic Church; the
914. Selected records from collections of the Hunedoara branch of the Romanian National Archive
under forced labor, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the Deva Jewish Democratic Committee’s (CDE) correspondence
915. Sächsische Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden records
Zionist congresses; cases of Rassenschande; restrictions on Mischlinge; Jehovah's Witnesses; homosexuals
916. Concentration camp inmate uniform jacket with number patch and red triangle
for homosexuals, and purple for Jehovah’s Witnesses. These were worn on the left side of the chest or
917. Concentration camp inmate uniform pants
green for criminals, black for asocials or Gypsies, pink for homosexuals, and purple for Jehovah ... ’s Witnesses. These were worn on the left side of the chest or on the left sleeve, and occasionally on the
918. Nazi propaganda poster featuring a religious quote, a swastika, and barley
Catholic Christians, 500,000 Jews, and 25,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses. The quotation on the poster exemplifies
919. Oral history interview with Stephanie Hessel
about concentration camps; the Nazi attitude towards camp inmates; his contact with Jehovah’s Witnesses
920. Oral history interview with Joukje Grandia-Smits
journey to Dachau; the attitude of German civilians to camp inmates; attitude to Jehovah's Witnesses; and
921. Oral history interview with Josef Garlinski
exploitation by the SS and the SS policy of divide and rule; respect for Jehovah's Witnesses; the liberation of
922. Pair of handmade wooden soled suede boots from Mauthausen concentration camp
religious conscientious objectors, such as Jehovah's Witnesses. The camp had a killing center and a staff of
923. Group portrait of IMT Nuremberg trial interpreters.
Waedenswil, where he lived in the home of a florist, who was probably an adherent of the Jehovah’s Witnesses ... witnesses. He was to report to the tribunal the results of his examinations. The judges also gave ... permission to defense counsel to visit the camps to select witnesses to testify about the accused ... 1946 he began to hear witnesses, but quickly found that there were too many for him to cope with alone
924. Alexander Primavesi papers
Sinti, and Jehovah’s Witnesses through the Dortmund Gestapo. ... child, he was disturbed by the events of the Kristallnacht, and witnessing the burning of synagogues in
925. Portrait of Lt. Cdr. Harris, American prosecutor at the commission hearings investigating indicted Nazi organizations.
Waedenswil, where he lived in the home of a florist, who was probably an adherent of the Jehovah’s Witnesses ... witnesses. He was to report to the tribunal the results of his examinations. The judges also gave ... permission to defense counsel to visit the camps to select witnesses to testify about the accused ... 1946 he began to hear witnesses, but quickly found that there were too many for him to cope with alone