Displaying: 201 225 of 4,524 matches for “❤GODSLIVE❤GODS❤gods5.com❤❤chip_màu❤❤Xem_phụ_nữ_xinh_đẹp_trực_tuyến❤Đăng_ký_nhận_888K❤Gái_xinh_chơi_game_trực_tiếp❤Kiếm_chục_triệu_mỗi_ngày❤Tàixỉuphântíchdữliệuthốngkê,dUuL”
201. A group of children hold hands during an outside game at Aspet.
202. Jewish teenagers play a game with a blindfold at a party hosted by Rudy Acohen (left).
Jewish teenagers play a game with a blindfold at a party hosted by Rudy Acohen (left). Shortly
203. School children play a rope game in the Feldafing displaced persons' camp.
School children play a rope game in the Feldafing displaced persons' camp. Among those pictured
204. The Yugoslav team at the Maccabi games in Palestine poses in traditional folk costumes.
The Yugoslav team at the Maccabi games in Palestine poses in traditional folk costumes. Andor ... Zionist. He belonged to Hashomer Hatzair and the Maccabi sports club and participated in Maccabi games in
205. Ruth Rappaport and a group friends from the Zionist youth group play a ball game.
JEWS (GERMAN); SUMMER CAMPS; TOYS/BALLS/GAMES; WOMEN; YOUTH (13-20 YEARS); ZIONIST GROUPS (HABONIM ... Ruth Rappaport and a group friends from the Zionist youth group play a ball game. The original
206. Atlit/Latroun photographs
Wartime board game and Atlit/Latrun detention camp photographs collection ... The collection consists of a World War II board game, The Road to Victory, and photographs of Atlit
207. Selected records from the Politische Archiv des Auswärtiges Amts-Olympic Games 1936
Contains material from the foreign office on the international issues surrounding the Olympic Games
208. Crianças judias com tigelas de sopa no gueto de Varsóvia.
Crianças judias com tigelas de sopa no gueto de Varsóvia. Varsóvia, Polônia, por volta de 1940.
209. Mulher emaciada vendendo tarjas com a Estrela de David
Uma mulher emaciada vendendo tarjas com a Estrela de David que os nazistas obrigavam os judeus a
210. Bandeira com suástica içada em Versalhes e Paris
As atividades bélicas alemãs no oeste europeu, adentrando com suas tropas pelos Países Baixos e ... -Bretanha retirou suas forças militares da área continental da Europa e a França assinou um armistício com a
211. Europa 1933, com a Alemanha ressaltada no mapa
212. Professor Raphael Lemkin com o Embaixador Brasileiro Gilberto Amado
213. Objetos religiosos encontrados com as vítimas das marchas da morte
são duas pequenas caixas de couro, com uma prece dentro, uma delas colocada na testa pelos judeus
214. Confeitaria de propriedade judaica pichada com inscrições anti-semitas
Confeitaria de propriedade judaica pichada com inscrições anti-semitas. Viena, Áustria. Foto
215. Gerda D.: uma operária com um diagnóstico de esquizofrenia contestado.
Uma operária com um diagnóstico de esquizofrenia contestado, Gerda D., foi esterilizada. Mais
216. Vagões com sacos a serem embarcados para a Alemanha
217. Instalações nazistas equipadas com câmaras de gás, 1939-1945
218. Josef Baldo, partisan de Bielski, com seu filho
com seu filho pequeno. Foehrenwald, Alemanha. foto tirada por volta de 1945.
219. Fritz Glueckstein, piquenique com a família em Berlim
uma sinagoga liberal – e sua mãe era cristã. De acordo com as Leis de Nuremberg de 1935, Fritz
220. Denk fix! [Think Quick] game turntable spinner, cards, and box brought with a young German Jewish refugee
The collection consists of six games, two composition books, documents, and photographs relating to ... Denk Fix! [Think Quick!] card and question/answer game with spinner brought with 8 year old
221. Handmade traffic board game and instructions brought with a young German Jewish refugee
The collection consists of six games, two composition books, documents, and photographs relating to ... Board game made from brightly colored cut construction paper brought with 8 year old Anneliese
222. Sports medal awarded to a young female Polish Jewish athlete during the 1935 Maccabi Games
Medal awarded to 16 year-old Liza (Leah) Grochowska in the Maccabi Games in 1935. She competed in ... 1938. She participated in the Maccabi Games in basketball, and the track and field events and later
223. Klick-Klack handheld pinball game with box brought with a young German Jewish refugee
The collection consists of six games, two composition books, documents, and photographs relating to ... Klick Klack, a handheld pinball game brought with 8 year old Anneliese Centawer when she and her
224. Twelve numbered tiles and box for a game brought with a young German Jewish refugee
The collection consists of six games, two composition books, documents, and photographs relating to ... Game box with twelve numbered wooden tiles brought with 8 year old Anneliese Centawer when she and
225. Drawing of a china cabinet and gaming table drawn by a German Jewish refugee
Still Life of a Cabinet and a Game Table ... Ink drawing of an English styled hutch and game table created by Nelly Rossmann. Nelly was a