Neuzugänge am 22. April 1944 vom Arbeitslager Falkensee. (ID: 988)
Title (In English):
Newly admitted prisoners on April 22, 1944, from the Falkensee labor camp.
List Type:
List Organized By:
Prisoner Number
Generating Agency:
Work Camp Dora
Document Date:
22 Apr 1944
Number of Persons (Exact):
- Czech
- Polish
- Russian
- Stateless
Persecution Status:
Political and ideological targets
Prisoner Number:
0800 - 0819
Document Format:
Typed Document
Number of Pages (Exact):
Easily Legible Text
List includes type of prisoner and nationality, prisoner number at DORA, prisoner number at Sachsenhausen, name, occupation, and birthdate.
Former number range was 17477-75574
I have listed DORA as a "place to" above, since the new prisoner numbers appear to be retained at the Falkensee labor camp [part of Dora?] - see Weinmann, ed., Lagersystem, p. 574, lists Falkensee as a Kommando of Sachsenhausen and states that on April 24, 1944 [sic] 20 prisoners were transferred to Kdo. "Dora" of CC Buchenwald (Buchenwald Trf. lists). This "Dora" may be different from Mittelbau-Dora, attached to Buchenwald instead?? See Weinmann, p. 825.
Without stating so explicitly, the prisoners appear to have come from Sachsenhausen at some point.
Former number range was 17477-75574
I have listed DORA as a "place to" above, since the new prisoner numbers appear to be retained at the Falkensee labor camp [part of Dora?] - see Weinmann, ed., Lagersystem, p. 574, lists Falkensee as a Kommando of Sachsenhausen and states that on April 24, 1944 [sic] 20 prisoners were transferred to Kdo. "Dora" of CC Buchenwald (Buchenwald Trf. lists). This "Dora" may be different from Mittelbau-Dora, attached to Buchenwald instead?? See Weinmann, p. 825.
Without stating so explicitly, the prisoners appear to have come from Sachsenhausen at some point.
Place From:
- Falkensee
- Sachsenhausen [concentration camp], Germany
Place To: