Winton's Children. (ID: 42751)
Authorship or Source:
- Loewinsohn, W. H. (pseud. Friedl Low)
- Czech Children's Section on Transports from Prague.
2013 [originally compiled 2003, based on 1940 records]
Title or Main Description:
Winton's Children. [Internet resource]
Number of Names or Other Entries-- 669 Names.
Type of Work:
HTML document with link to alphabetical registers, name entries of which are linked in turn to electronic images of original source documentation
Alternate or Series Title:
List of children brought over under the auspices of the Czech Children's Section on Transports from Prague : This list is in accordance with the Section's records of 15th February, 1940.
"The document from which this data is taken is headed thus: LIST OF CHILDREN BROUGHT OVER UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE CZECH CHILDREN'S SECTION ON TRANSPORTS FROM PRAGUE. THIS LIST IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SECTION'S RECORDS OF 15th FEBRUARY, 1940. We understand that the document was prepared by W. H. Loewinsohn (who later changed his [sic] name to Friedl Low), Assistant Secretary to Nicky [Winton] in London. The original of this document, and the accompanying scrapbook, is deposited at Yad Vasham [sic], the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem. What follows is a transcript of the information relating to those with whom contact has NOT been made so far, although scanned images are available of all the original pages."--
- Kindertransports (Rescue operations) --Registers.
Kindertransports (Rescue operations) --Great Britain --Directories.
Holocaust survivors --Registers.
Jewish children --Great Britain --Registers.
Refugees, Jewish --Great Britain --Registers.
World War, 1939-1945 --Jews --Rescue --Czech Republic --Registers.
Jewish children in the Holocaust. - [Additional Geographic Keywords: Czechoslovakia, England]
Alphabetical name register of Kinderstransport children of transports from Prague for whom contact has not yet been made by the organization which placed this name register online, as transcribed and excerpted from a larger complete original register of 669 names, page images of which in GIF format linked to by corresponding individual name entries, all images of which can be viewed in the folder (see especially image file names beginning with the word "list..." [e.g., "list16b.gif"]), or through the surname directory page at
"Note that these are not all 669 names on the list, just those with whom contact has yet to be made [...] When initially posted (March 2003) there were 379 names on this list. Those with whom contact has been made are omitted."--
Columnar entries include surname, forename, "SEN No." [?], birthdate, child's present address, guarantor's name & address, re-emigration liability and remarks.
"Note that these are not all 669 names on the list, just those with whom contact has yet to be made [...] When initially posted (March 2003) there were 379 names on this list. Those with whom contact has been made are omitted."--
Columnar entries include surname, forename, "SEN No." [?], birthdate, child's present address, guarantor's name & address, re-emigration liability and remarks.
Language and Other Notes:
Includes glossary of abbreviations at
"Last updated: Wednesday 02 October 2013"
Last Accessed: 5 April 2016.
"Last updated: Wednesday 02 October 2013"
Last Accessed: 5 April 2016.
Location of Electronic or Internet File:
- [Electronic images of original document]
- [Surname directory of original document]