Liste des morts infirmerie par [Edrnatou…] 22.3.45 (ID: 3518)
Title (In English):
List of dead in the infirmary [ ] March 22, 1945
List Type:
- Death list
- Forced labor
List Organized By:
Generating Agency:
Mauthausen Concentration Camp Administration
Document Date:
22 Mar 1945 - 28 Apr 1945
Number of Persons (Est.):
- Belgian
- Bulgarian
- Croatian
- Czech
- Dutch
- Estonian
- French
- German
- Greek
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Luxembourger
- Albanian
- Polish
- Romanian
- Russian
- Slovak
- Soviet
- Spanish
- Stateless
- Yugoslavian
Persecution Status:
- Jew
- Jehovah's Witness
- Ethnic targets (other)
- Criminal targets
- Military targets
- Homosexual
- Romani
Prisoner Number:
11106 - 137645
Document Format:
Typed Document
Number of Pages (Est.):
Moderately Legible Text
The cover sheet and handwritten notation at the top of p. 1 are illegible, but apparently offer clues to where these prisoners died. I have guessed that this infirmary is somewhere in the Mauthausen complex. The list for April 1, 1945 is also labelled in inscrutable handwriting (perhaps in Polish?).
The lists also include a KL Mauthausen Krankenlager (Mauthausen concentration camp infirmary) stock-taking from April 24, 1945, which gives 4551 as the number deceased, of whom 979 were Jews, 776 "invalids," and 211 "Personal" - also 410 from labor details. Numbers of healthy, convalescing, and severely ill prisoners (in the labor details) are also listed.
The list contains one Par. 175 prisoner, two or three Sinti/Roma, and two Jehovahs Witnesses.
The lists also include a KL Mauthausen Krankenlager (Mauthausen concentration camp infirmary) stock-taking from April 24, 1945, which gives 4551 as the number deceased, of whom 979 were Jews, 776 "invalids," and 211 "Personal" - also 410 from labor details. Numbers of healthy, convalescing, and severely ill prisoners (in the labor details) are also listed.
The list contains one Par. 175 prisoner, two or three Sinti/Roma, and two Jehovahs Witnesses.
Place of Persecution:
Place of Death:
- "Berufsverbrecher" (career criminal)
- "Schutzhäftling" (protective custody prisoner)
- "Sicherungsverwahrt" (security detention)
- "Wehrmachtsangehöriger" (Wehrmact soldier)
- "Zivilhäftling" (civilian prisoner)