Directory for Czernowitz -- For the Year 1936 -- Courtesy of the Czernowitz Regional Archives. (ID: 33296)
Authorship or Source:
- Hauster, Edgar.
- Prodan, Domitian.
Title or Main Description:
Directory for Czernowitz -- For the Year 1936 -- Courtesy of the Czernowitz Regional Archives. [Internet resource]
Place Published or Holding Institution:
[Lent, Netherlands]
- HTML document with links various downloadable computer files (1 computer file in MS-Excel 97-2003 format [5.01 MB] + 2 computer files in PDF format [225 KB, 134 KB] + 2 computer files in JPEG format [288 KB, 1843 KB]).
- Number of Names or Other Entries-- Approx. 30,000 Names
Type of Work:
Computer files
Alternate or Series Title:
- Anuarul General al Municipiului Cernauti, 1936.
- CZERNOWITZ: Directory for Czernowitz - For the Year 1936 - Courtesy of the Czernowitz Regional Archives.
- 1936: Inhabitants of Czernowitz (30,093 datasets).
- Czernowitz Blog of Edgar Hauster. Excerpt
- Excerpt
- Cz1936.xls
Compiled into an Excel format electronic database by Edgar Hauster (Veerdam 5, NL - 6663 KW Lent, Netherlands; Tel. +31 (24) 32 22 157, iPhone: +49 (172) 97 95 295) from the published directory, "Anuarul General al Municipiului Cernauti, 1936 / alcatuit de Domitian Prodan. (Cernauti: Glasul Bucovinei, 1936)"
- Chernivtsi (Ukraine) --Directories.
- Anuarul General al Municipiului Cernauti, 1936. --Indexes.
- [Additional Geographic Keywords: Chernovtsy, Czernowitz, Cernauti, Czernowitz,Tschernowitz]
Downloadable alphabetical directory of prewar residents of Cernauti (i.e. Czernowitz, Chernivtsy, etc.) in 1936 derived from a directory of same published in 1936 as: "Anuarul General al Municipiului Cernauti, 1936." Tabular entries include [sur]name, given name, occupation, street [i.e. type of thoroughfare, e.g. "str.", "piata", "calea"], address [i.e. street name], house number, quarter and index [i.e. page number of entry from original directory].
Language and Other Notes:
- Text of database entries in Romanian with tabular column labels in parallel German and English.
- This downloadable 1936 directory is part of the "Czernowitz Blog of Edgar Hauster" at, which also offers links to other online research resources such as the "Address Book for Czernowitz and its Suburbs - For the Year 1914", "Address Book for Czernowitz and its Suburbs - For the Year 1909", "Directory for Czernowitz and its Suburbs - For the Year 1898", various period maps, etc. (Last Accessed: 19 February 2010).
Location of Electronic or Internet File:
Resource Center Cataloging Notes:
Archival safety copies of the directory datafile [filename: Cz1936.xls], the two associated PDF files "Romanian Occupation Definitions - English Translations" [filename: OccupationDefinitions.pdf] and "Straßenverzeichnis von Czernowitz = Nomenclatura strazilor din Cernauti" [= "Street Directory of Czernowitz", filename: StreetIndex.pdf] and two JPEG format image files of the original work's title page [filename: Cz1936200.jpg] and city map [filename: Cz193x.jpg] were accessed and downloaded by Survivors Registry staff on 19 February 2010 and are available to authorized U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum staff only in the USHMM Computer Network folder S:\DATA\REGLISTS\ChernivtsiDirectory1936\.