Item 1 on film #3 (no frame numbers). List of 629 arrivals at Buchenwald from Auschwitz on January 23, 1945. (ID: 30279)
Title or Main Description:
Item 1 on film #3 (no frame numbers). List of 629 arrivals at Buchenwald from Auschwitz on January 23, 1945. List includes two sets of prisoner numbers (not explained but perhaps Auschwitz and Buchenwald numbers), name, date and place of birth and profession. List is broken down by nationality and Jews/non-Jews. Quality of filming is variable. Original provenance of list not stated but probably Buchenwald, or Auschwitz
Number of Names or Other Entries-- 629
Museum or Other Institution Holdings:
- Survivors Registry Collection [microfilm]
- Source Institution: Yad Vashem
- (film #3)
- Buchenwald (Concentration camp)
- Auschwitz (Concentration camp)
- Jews --Germany --Persecutions.
- Jews --Poland --Persecutions.
- Non-Jewish victims (USHMM)
Language and Other Notes:
Text in German.
Resource Center Cataloging Notes:
Former Q&A Name Lists Database File Number-- AA0292