Odessa Oblast Archives records (ID: 3)
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Accession Number:
Record Group Number:
- [A letter from Ms. Eva Ghelman to the Governor of Transnistria, Tiraspol, asking for the location of her family members] Reel: 3 (ID: 2945)
- [A letter from the Secretary of Interior to the Governor of Transnistria detailing Jews who have been approved to travel to Mogilev and Balta to organize the assistance to the deported Jews] Reel: 3 (ID: 2944)
- [A list of Jews who would like to move to the Cetvertinova in Tulcin to join their families who were recently evacuated there] Reel: 3 (ID: 2953)
- [An order to take measures to immediately liberate and return to their homes Jews with American citizenship] Reel: 3 (ID: 2955)
- [Approval for Jews and their families to move from Moghilev] Reel: 3 (ID: 2952)
- [Approval for Jews and their families to move from Mogilev in Cetvertinova Commune, Tulcin County] Reel: 3 (ID: 2950)
- [Approval for Jews and their families to move in the Cetvertinova Commune, Tulcin County] Reel: 3 (ID: 2951)
- [Approval for the transfer of the following Jews, experts in making goose pastrami, from Moghilev Ghetto to the sugar factory Spicov in Tulcin] Reel: 14 (ID: 14005)
- [Berezovca county Prefecture’s decision No. 2592 from December 1, 1943, on the salary for the listed Jews from Economical and Commercial Offices.] Reel: 18 (ID: 15446)
- [Berezovca county Prefecture’s decision to hire the listed Jews in Economical and Commercial Offices.] Reel: 18 (ID: 15444)
- [Berezovca county Pretura’s decision No. 6562 from December 11, 1943, on the salary for the listed Jews.] Reel: 18 (ID: 15447)
- [Borderaus, receipts, and payrolls regarding payments made according to Government orders] Reel: 18 (ID: 14921)
- [Borderaus, receipts, and payrolls regarding payments made according to Government orders] Reel: 17 (ID: 14934)
- [Bordereaux regarding payments made to Jews according to Government orders] Reel: 10 (ID: 13536)
- [Certificate that states the work done conscientiously done by the listed Jewish doctors] Reel: 16 (ID: 13590)
- [Certificate that states the work done conscientiously done by the listed Jewish doctors] Reel: 16 (ID: 14920)
- [Correspondence regarding Jewish dispersal in the area of Cetatea Albă] Reel: 24 (ID: 45126)
- [Correspondence regarding Jews moving from the Mogilev region] Reel: 3 (ID: 45125)
- [Creation of the committee of Jews from Golta county and a list of its leading members.] Reel: 10 (ID: 13528)
- [Decision 2592 from December 1, 1943 to set the salaries for temporary Jewish employers form Berezovca county companies.] Reel: 21 (ID: 19539)
- [Decision 26961 from December 15, 1943 to set the salaries for temporary Jewish employers form Berezovca county.] Reel: 21 (ID: 19541)
- [Decision 36196 from December 15, 1943 to set the salaries for Jewish doctors form Berezovca county] Reel: 21 (ID: 19540)
- [Decision 6565 from December 11, 1943 to set the salaries for temporary Jewish employers form Berezovca county companies.] Reel: 21 (ID: 19538)
- [Decision confirming that the salary situation of the following five Jewish doctors has been remedied. They will be paid the stated sums going forward.] Reel: 19 (ID: 773)
- [Docket of receipts of sums paid to the Jewish deportees in the Vapnearca Ghetto] Reel: 8 (ID: 13952)
- [Documents about repatriation] Reel: 13 - 15 (ID: 45185)
- [Documents relating to Jews in Transnistria] Reel: 3 - 21 (ID: 45145)
- [Handwritten letter by Jewish victims in the Bersad Ghetto asking the Prefect to investigate the order whereby they will be deported for 6 months to the Vapniarca Camp (Lager).] Reel: 13 (ID: 13998)
- [Handwritten letter by Jewish victims in the Bersad Ghetto asking the Prefect to investigate the order whereby they will be deported for 6 months to the Vapniarca Camp (Lager).] Reel: 13 (ID: 13997)
- [Handwritten letter by Jewish victims in the Bersad Ghetto asking the Prefect to investigate the order whereby they will be deported for 6 months to the Vapniarca Camp (Lager).] Reel: 13 (ID: 13996)
- [Health reports from Berezovca] Reel: 19 (ID: 45291)
- [Jewish laborers who are leaders of subunit work details] Reel: 3 (ID: 1850)
- [Jewish professionals retained at the Odessa center for their special skills] Reel: 1 (ID: 1821)
- [Jewish tailors available for labor in Odessa] Reel: 15 (ID: 14039)
- [Jews approved for transfer from Balta to Odessa.] Reel: 13 (ID: 5283)
- [Jews assigned to work on a sewerage project to connect the Bank of Transnistria to the new officers' mess] Reel: 15 (ID: 45260)
- [Jews authorized to go from Balta to Birzula for work] Reel: 15 (ID: 45259)
- [Jews from Mogilev who were approved to move into Obodovca] Reel: 3 (ID: 1851)
- [Jews from Suceava Mogilow who were approved to move to Obodovca, Balta] Reel: 3 (ID: 1844)
- [Jews to be utilized in the graphic arts workshop of the Governor] Reel: 13 (ID: 13989)
- [Jews who escaped from their labor assignment] Reel: 3 (ID: 1848)
- [Jews who stayed as of April 18, 1942.] Reel: 21 (ID: 19609)
- [Jews who wanted to change their valuables (estimates in Romanian Lei) into German Marks] Reel: 3 (ID: 1841)
- [Jews with American citizenship in Moghilev camp who need to be liberated] Reel: 3 (ID: 2954)
- [Jews with Romanian lei who appealed to the General Inspector to change their money into German marks] Reel: 3 (ID: 1840)
- [Letter from Balta county prefecture for districts Bersad, Obodovca and Balta with copy of Transnistrian Government's order No. 25857/942. ] Reel: 10 (ID: 13548)
- [Letter from February 5, 1943 from Berezovca county Prefecture to the Pretura with listed Jewish doctors that were assign to work in Berezovca county.] Reel: 21 (ID: 19532)
- [Letter from January 31, 1942 about Jews that were found in Berezovca.] Reel: 18 (ID: 15448)
- [Letter from Mărgineni penitenciary, Prahova county confirming the money sent for the Jews transferred to Wapniarca-Transnistria] Reel: 12 (ID: 13512)
- [Letter requesting permission to purchase coats and shoes for Gypsies working at the Suhaia-Balae farm.] Reel: 19 (ID: 13592)
- [Letter requesting the dismissal of Jews from their public assignments to be transferred to the Ghetto] Reel: 5 (ID: 11264)
- [Liberation list of laborers in Mogilev who were sent home] Reel: 3 (ID: 2949)
- [List laborers brought from Kiev to work at the German depot to repair train wagons.] Reel: 5 (ID: 1108)
- [List No.2 of deported Jews for factory labor in Transnistria from January 1941] Reel: 6 (ID: 8782)
- [List Nr. 1 of utilizing Jews in Berezovca County] Reel: 19 (ID: 778)
- [List of 14 partisans under the leadership of the laborer Alexandrov Anatolie] Reel: 2 (ID: 1835)
- [List of confirmed recipients of five boxes with 86 parcels.] Reel: 13 (ID: 1378)
- [List of deported Jews sent back to the ghetto from the factory due to their inability to work] Reel: 15 (ID: 1048)
- [List of deported Jews to receive sums of money sent under the Government order No. 060058 dated September 7, 1942.] Reel: 15 (ID: 763)
- [List of descendants of Jewish veterans of the Romanian Armed Forces who were deported] Reel: 15 (ID: 45227)
- [List of individuals that agent Cazarev Pautelei used to infiltrate the Transnistrian leadership with Communist ideology] Reel: 2 (ID: 914)
- [List of individuals that the mechanic Culibaba Maxim entrusted Scarlov Vladimir to recruit to infiltrate the Transnistrian leadership with Communist ideology] Reel: 2 (ID: 1834)
- [List of Jewish doctors who have presented for service] Reel: 19 (ID: 14053)
- [List of Jewish doctors who will replace the first series of doctors sent from Romania to be used in hospitals as part of the 90 day forced labor schedule] Reel: 19 (ID: 770)
- [List of Jewish skilled laborers in the Balta Ghetto] Reel: 15 (ID: 45251)
- [List of Jews deported at the Berezovca Ghetto for labor] Reel: 6 (ID: 11722)
- [List of Jews deported at the Berezovca Ghetto for labor] Reel: 6 (ID: 15267)
- [List of Jews deported from various districts] Reel: 15 (ID: 45229)
- [List of Jews deported to Moghilev to work on reconstructing the city.] Reel: 5 (ID: 10967)
- [List of Jews deported to Obodovca, Transnistria. Based on a government administrative order No. 60658 of September 7, 1942.] Reel: 15 (ID: 1052)
- [List of Jews deported to the Balta Ghetto] Reel: 15 (ID: 45225)
- [List of Jews evacuated to Moghilev and used for hard labor to work on roads.] Reel: 5 (ID: 45155)
- [List of Jews evacuated to Moghilev and used for hard labor to work on roads.] Reel: 5 (ID: 10988)
- [List of Jews from Cernauti employed at the City Hall in Odessa, Department of Industry (Housing Operations Service) since February 1943.] Reel: 14 (ID: 14042)
- [List of Jews in Ghetto] Reel: 15 (ID: 45249)
- [List of Jews in labor unit] Reel: 15 (ID: 45228)
- [List of Jews requested for promotion by the Governor] Reel: 3 (ID: 1842)
- [List of Jews that were living in Bolgrad on October 31, 1941] Reel: 21 (ID: 19555)
- [List of Jews who lived in Liubasevca rural district prior to evacuation.] Reel: 21 (ID: 19606)
- [List of Jews who received relief parcels] Reel: 14 (ID: 14006)
- [List of Jews who resided on the territory of Krichunovo rural district.] Reel: 21 (ID: 19605)
- [List of Jews who serve as office workers at City Hall] Reel: 5 (ID: 15251)
- [List of Jews with denied liberation applications] Reel: 3 (ID: 2948)
- [List of Jews] Reel: 15 (ID: 45256)
- [List of Liberated Jews] Reel: 3 (ID: 2947)
- [List of local personnel who left their labor assignment and were incarcerated in Odessa Ghetto] Reel: 6 (ID: 1113)
- [List of members of Moghilev County Jewish Labor Organization Bureau] Reel: 13 (ID: 13622)
- [List of money disbursements] Reel: 5 (ID: 11014)
- [List of money sent to Jews under forced eviction] Reel: 5 (ID: 933)
- [List of names of the Jewish Committee and labor bureau presented to the Golta Police] Reel: 13 (ID: 2500)
- [List of names of Jews in the Pesceana Ghetto who have received objects] Reel: 13 (ID: 11543)
- [List of Polish Jews from Bucovina and Bessarabia who were deported to Transnistria] Reel: 1 (ID: 648)
- [List of receipts for sums paid to Jews from Domanovca district.] Reel: 10 (ID: 13529)
- [List of receipts for sums paid to Jews from Domanovca district.] Reel: 10 (ID: 13530)
- [List of Remittance to Jewish deportees from Romania and staying in Transnistria la Jugestru County] Reel: 8 (ID: 10906)
- [List of Remittance to Jewish deportees from Romania and staying in Transnistria la Vapnearca/ Jugestru County] Reel: 8 (ID: 1362)
- [List of Remittance to Jewish deportees from Romania and staying in Transnistria la Vapnearca/ Jugestru County]" Reel: 8 (ID: 13950)
- [List of Remittances to Jewish deportees from Romania and staying in Transnistria la Jampol/ Jugastru County] Reel: 8 (ID: 1363)
- [List of Remittances to Jewish deportees from Romania and staying in Transnistria la Vapnearca/ Jugastru County] Reel: 8 (ID: 13951)
- [List of Roma having received items] Reel: 19 (ID: 15434)
- [List of Roma vaccinated against cholera] Reel: 19 (ID: 771)
- [List of Romanies who received the cholera vaccine] Reel: 19 (ID: 45292)
- [List of skilled laborers from the village Savrani, County Balta] Reel: 15 (ID: 45240)
- [List of skilled Ukrainian workers] (ID: 45241)
- [List of the Jews assigned to labor in the Balta ghetto] Reel: 15 (ID: 45254)
- [List of war orphans and former state employees in Rabnita Ghetto] Reel: 13 (ID: 15030)
- [List of workers assigned to companies in Balta] Reel: 15 (ID: 45245)
- [List of workers assigned to companies in Balta] Reel: 15 (ID: 45246)
- [List with deliveries for Jews from Vapniarca concentration camp, Jugastru county, payment received from Mărgineni penintenciary, Prahova county.] Reel: 12 (ID: 13511)
- [List with Jewish doctors that were sent to Berezovca prefecture’s Sanitary Services] Reel: 21 (ID: 19537)
- [List with Jewish doctors that were starting their forced work in Balta county hospitals and were replacing the first round of Jewish doctors that were sent back to Romania according to order No. 191788/942] Reel: 16 (ID: 45264)
- [List with Jewish doctors that were starting their forced work in Balta county hospitals and were replacing the first round of Jewish doctors that were sent back to Romania according to order No. 191788/942] Reel: 16 (ID: 14923)
- [List with Jews from Ladajin colony that were supposed to receive payment as stated in the Tulcin county Prefecture’s order No. 12917 from 18/XII 1942 but were no longer present in colonies.] Reel: 12 (ID: 45178)
- [List with Jews from Ladajin colony that were supposed to receive payment as stated in the Tulcin county Prefecture’s order No. 12917 from 18/XII 1942 but were no longer present in colonies.] Reel: 12 (ID: 13559)
- [List with Jews that were assigned assistant bookkeepers in Berezovca county] Reel: 21 (ID: 19533)
- [List with new hired Jewish pharmacists from Balta county.] Reel: 16 (ID: 1401)
- [Name list of deported Jews sent to County of Golta] Reel: 15 (ID: 1047)
- [Names list of skilled Jewish laborers and their families to be selected for labor according to their skills] Reel: 5 (ID: 11259)
- [Names of Jews proposed to be included in the Bureau of Jewish Labor in Golta county] Reel: 3 (ID: 1843)
- [Names of Jews selected for labor according to their strength.] Reel: 5 (ID: 11260)
- [Names of Jews selected for labor according to their strength] Reel: 5 (ID: 11261)
- [Names of Jews who were sent money through the Romanian National Bank] Reel: 5 (ID: 11277)
- [Names of Jews who were sent money] Reel: 5 (ID: 15335)
- [Names of Jews who were sent money] Reel: 5 (ID: 45157)
- [Names of Jews who were sent money] Reel: 5 (ID: 14548)
- [Names of Jews who were sent money] Reel: 5 (ID: 15333)
- [Names of Jews who were sent money] Reel: 5 (ID: 1111)
- [Names of Jews who were sent money] Reel: 5 (ID: 45159)
- [Names of Jews who were sent money] Reel: 5 (ID: 15334)
- [Names of Jews who were sent money] Reel: 5 (ID: 45158)
- [Notă pentru Biroul Administrativ Berezovca despre medicii evrei angajați în județ.] Reel: 18 (ID: 15433)
- [Offical report confirming that 4,475 RKKS have been handed over to the Jews specified in the attached dockets, except for the three people named who could not be found in the County.] Reel: 19 (ID: 736)
- [Offical report confirming that the following Jews have been handed over the remittances in the sums shown next to their names.] Reel: 19 (ID: 737)
- [Offical report confirming that the remittances have been handed over to the following Jews.] Reel: 19 (ID: 753)
- [Offical report of Jewish doctors that have completed the 90-day force labor schedule and have been replaced and sent back to Romania.] Reel: 19 (ID: 14910)
- [Offical report regarding the repatriation of 88 named individuals on November 1, 1943] Reel: 19 (ID: 15435)
- [Offical report with a list of Jewish doctors who have been assigned to serve in the Office of the County Chief in Berezovca District] Reel: 19 (ID: 748)
- [Official report of five receipts have been sent to confirm the remittances made to the following Jews in the following sums.] Reel: 19 (ID: 15441)
- [Official Report of packets that have arrived from Braila and which have been handed over to the Jewish addressees below] Reel: 14 (ID: 13553)
- [Official Report of packets that have arrived from Iasi and which have been handed over to the addressees who have signed for the packets on the back of the box] Reel: 14 (ID: 13991)
- [OFFICIAL REPORT to the Golta County Labor Department List of Jews who will comprise the Jewish Bureau of Labor in Domanevka] Reel: 13 (ID: 2501)
- [Order of service for Jewish doctors completing 90-day forced labor to go to Odessa and will be replaced by other doctors on the 90-day forced labor schedule] Reel: 19 (ID: 772)
- [Phone note No.1986 from April 2, 1943 List the Jews that worked for Berezovca praetura] Reel: 21 (ID: 19535)
- [Phone note No.990 from April 2, 1943 Request to list the Jews used by Berezovca praetura in administrative work] Reel: 21 (ID: 19534)
- [Raport cu privire la prezenţa în Cernăuţi a numiţilor evrei.] Reel: 3 (ID: 1037)
- [Referat în vederea deportării numiţilor evrei.] Reel: 3 (ID: 745)
- [Report detailing that the five Jewish people cannot be found in the jurisdiction of this Legion.] Reel: 19 (ID: 751)
- [Report to the Department of the Civil Governor of Transnistria about persons who have been persecuted by the Bolsheviks'] Reel: 3 (ID: 2943)
- [Request for train tickets for Jewish doctors that were returning to Bucuresti, Iasi, Roman, Braila, Balta-Radauiti] Reel: 16 (ID: 14924)
- [Request for two seamstresses with special skills from the Jewish Ghetto in Moghilev be sent to work in the ladies clothing workshop.] Reel: 13 (ID: 14000)
- [Request from Police Station in Odessa to Printing Shops of the Transnistrian Government in Strada to verify whether these Jews listed below are still at work in the printing shops.] Reel: 14 (ID: 14001)
- [Request not to send Jewish doctors to 90-day forced labor because they can be utilized as doctors for their counties in the ghettos. List of Jewish doctors in various ghettos in Balta County.] Reel: 13 (ID: 13616)
- [Request of Romanian Credit Bank to Administration and Organization of Basarabia, Bucovina and Transnistria Cabinet of a return money transfer.] Reel: 12 (ID: 13549)
- [Request to approve allowing the Jewish doctors to be utilized according to their specialties in the ghettos. List of Jewish doctors and their specialties in various ghettos in Balta County.] Reel: 13 (ID: 13988)
- [Request to bring the ten Jewish graphic artists named below from Jugastru, Golta, and Tulcin County to the printing houses in Odessa due to the high volume of work that they would otherwise not be able to handle with the current regular and Jewish employees.] Reel: 13 (ID: 13990)
- [Request to establish whether the five Jewish workers work in the workshop because they have been sent money from Romania but cannot be found in the Mostovoi Ghetto.] Reel: 19 (ID: 750)
- [Scrisoare anonimă prin care se cere învestigarea numiţilor evrei suspecţi de a fi comunişti.] Reel: 3 (ID: 783)
- [Scrisoare despre plata sumelor indicate de Centrala Evreilor din Romania catre evreii listati aici din judetul Balta] Reel: 17 (ID: 15413)
- [Scrisoare din 15 Noiembrie 1943 către Prefectura județului Balta în legătură cu trimiterea jn ghetouri a evreilor listați aici care ocupau funcții publice.] Reel: 18 (ID: 15428)
- [Scrisoare din partea Serviciului Sanitar către Prefectura Berezovca despre medicii evrei angajați în județ.] Reel: 18 (ID: 15432)
- [Table with Jewish people who have done forced labor during October and November in the Veselinov district.] Reel: 19 (ID: 15453)
- [The Governor of Transnistria has approved the transfer for one month of the following Jews, without their families, to the printing shops of the Culture Department of the Government.] Reel: 14 (ID: 14004)
- [Transnistria Government sending four Jewish doctors to work for Balta County Health Service] Reel: 16 (ID: 14894)
- 46 oameni din fosta fabricǎ de încǎlţǎminte din Odesa. Reel: 6 (ID: 11762)
- Am onoare a vǎ înainta alǎturat tabel de evreii din comuna Ciorna care au lucrat la postul şi Sectorul Jandarmi Ciorna, la vǎruit, reparatul cazǎrmii şi diferite încǎperi ce au fost necesare pentru post şi Sector. Reel: 21 (ID: 5164)
- Arbeitsunfähige jüdische Arbeitskräfte Reel: 4 (ID: 45154)
- Avem onoare a vă inainta anexat, adresa Legiunei de Jandarmi No.4156/942, însoţită de cererile a evrei: Reel: 3 (ID: 45148)
- Avem onoare a vă ruga să binevoiţi a dispune să se plătească în contul Guvernământului, următoarele sume în R.K.K.S. evreilor indicaţi mai jos şi să ni se trimită chitanţele de predarea sumelor, în dublu exemplar pentru a se ordonanţa pe seama acelei Prefecturi şi a se da descărcara.- Reel: 5 (ID: 2980)
- Avem onoare a Vă trimite, mai jos, repartizarea medicilor evrei trimişi de Direcţiunea Sănătăţii pentru munca de folos obştesc de 90 zile, rugându- Vă să binevoiţi a dispune supravegherea lor: Reel: 18 (ID: 15431)
- Avem onoare ruga să binevoiţi a dispune să se plătească în contul Guvernământului, următoarele sume în RKKS. Evreilor indicaţi mai jos şi să ni se trimită chitanţele de predarea sumelor în dublu exemplar pentru a se ordonanţa pe seama acelei prefecturi şi a se da descărcarea.- Reel: 5 (ID: 10974)
- Avem onoare vă rugă să binevoiţi a dispune să se plătească în contul Guvernământului următoarele sume în R.K.K.S, persoanelor indicate mai jos şi să ni se trimită chitanţele în dublu exemplar de paredarea sumelor pentru a se ordonanţa pe seama acelei Prefecturi şi a se da descărcare.- Reel: 5 (ID: 11282)
- Avem onoare vă rugă să binevoiţi a dispune să se plătească în contul Guvernământului următoarele sume în R.K.K.S, persoanelor indicate mai jos şi să ni se trimită chitanţele în dublu exemplar de paredarea sumelor pentru a se ordonanţa pe seama acelei Prefecturi şi a se da descărcare.- Reel: 5 (ID: 11281)
- Avem onoare vă rugă să binevoiţi a dispune să se plătească în contul Guvernământului, următoarele sume de R.K.K.S, evreilor indicaţi mai jos şi să ni se trimită chitanţele de predarea sumelor, pentru a fi ordonanţate pe seama acelei Prefecturi şi a se da descărcarea cuvenită.- Reel: 5 (ID: 10992)
- Avem onoare vă rugă să binevoiţi a dispune să se plătească în contul Guvernământului, următoarele sume în R.K.K.S, evreilor indicaţi mai jos şi să ni se trimită chitanţele de predarea sumelor, pentru a fi ordonanţate pe seama acelei Prefecturi şi a se da descărcarea cuvenită: Reel: 5 (ID: 11288)
- Avem onoare vă rugă să binevoiţi a dispune să se plătească în contul Guvernământului, următoarele sume în R.K.K.S, evreilor indicaţi mai jos şi să ni se trimită chitanţele de predarea sumelor, pentru a fi ordonanţate pe seama acelei Prefecturi şi a se da descărcarea cuvenită: Reel: 5 (ID: 11280)
- Avem onoare vă rugă să binevoiţi a dispune să se plătească în contul Guvernământului, următoarele sume în R.K.K.S, evreilor indicaţi mai jos şi să ni se trimită chitanţele de predarea sumelor, pentru a fi ordonanţate pe seama acelei Prefecturi şi a se da descărcarea cuvenită: Reel: 5 (ID: 11272)
- Avem onoare vă rugă să binevoiţi a dispune să se plătească, de urgenţă, în contul Guvernământului următoarele sume în R.K.K.S, persoanelor indicate mai jos şi să ni se trimită chitanţele, în dublu exemplar, de predarea sumelor, pentru a se ordonanta pe sema acelei Pretecturi şi a se da descărcare: Reel: 5 (ID: 11276)
- Avem onoare vă rugă să binevoiţi a dispune să se plătească, deurgenţă, în contul Guvernământului următoarele sume în R.K.K.S, persoanelor indicate mai jos şi să ni se trimită chitanţele, în dublu exemplar, de predarea sumelor, pentru a se ordonanta pe seama acelei Pretecturi şi a se da descărcare: Reel: 5 (ID: 11286)
- Avem onoare vă rugăm să binevoiţi a dispune să se plătească în contul Guvernământului, următoarele sume în R.K.K.S, evreilor indicaţi mai jos şi să ni se trimită chitanţele de predarea sumelor, pentru a fi ordonanţate pe seama acelei Prefecturi şi a se da descărcarea cuvenită: Reel: 5 (ID: 11284)
- Avem onoarea a vă informa ca v'am virat prin Banca Naţională a Romaniei, contrul No. 1230 urnătoarele nume, notate mai jos, cu rugămintea să plătiţi aceste sume persoanelor indicate, avizandu-ne efectuarea plăţii. Reel: 12 (ID: 13537)
- Avem onoarea a vă ruga să binevoiţi a dispune să se plătească în contul Guvernământului următoarele sume în RKKS evreilor indicaţi mai jos şi să ni se trimită chitanţele în dublu exemplar de predarea sumelor, pentru a se ordonanţa pe seama acelei Prefecturi şi da descărcare: Reel: 5 (ID: 2978)
- Avem onoarea a vă ruga să binevoiţi a dispune să se plătească în contul Guvernământului următoarele sume în RKKS evreilor indicaţi mai jos şi să ni se trimită în dublu exemplar chitanţele de predarea sumelor pentru a se ordonanţa pe seama acelei prefecturii şi a se da descărcara: Reel: 5 (ID: 2979)
- Borderou [chi]tanțele cu sumele achitate evreilor din Lagărul []pearca conform ord. Prefecturei N.6402 din 12 Mai 1943. Reel: 9 (ID: 13544)
- Borderou asupra cererilor adresate Onor. Guvernamant al Transnistriei prin Comitetul Evreesc Moghilău Reel: 12 (ID: 13550)
- BORDEROU asupra platirilor efectuate evreilor din Jud. Moghilev Reel: 8 (ID: 10899)
- Borderou coletelor indiviudale expediati din Galati Comitetului Evreesc Murafa Reel: 14 (ID: 14008)
- BORDEROU de chitanțele cu sumele achitate evreilor din Lagărul Văpnearca conform ord. Prefecturei No 4378/943 Reel: 11 (ID: 13556)
- BORDEROU de chitanțele cu sumele achitate evreilor din Lagărul Văpnearca conform ord. Prefecturei No 4378/943 Reel: 11 (ID: 45175)
- Borderou de chitanțele cu sumele achitate evreilor din Lagărul Văpnearca conform ord. Prefecturei No 4381/943 Reel: 11 (ID: 13557)
- Borderou de platerile facute evreilor aflata in Jud. Berezovca Reel: 19 (ID: 754)
- Borderou No.245 asupra plǎţilor effectuate evreilor din Judeţul Mogilev la data de 18 Decembrie 1942 în oraşul Moghilev. Reel: 10 (ID: 9779)
- Borderou No.65 asupra plǎţilor effectuate la data de 11 Februarie 1943 la Moghilev. Reel: 10 (ID: 9778)
- BORDEROU Nr. - asupra platirilor efectuate la data de 17 Julie 1943 la Moghilau Reel: 8 (ID: 11865)
- BORDEROU Nr. 146 platitilor efectuat din ziua de 4 Mai 1943 Reel: 8 (ID: 11857)
- BORDEROU Nr. 147 platitilor efectuat din ziua de 4 Mai 1943 Reel: 8 (ID: 11858)
- BORDEROU Nr. 148 platitilor efectuat din ziua de 4 Mai 1943 Reel: 8 (ID: 11859)
- BORDEROU Nr. 149 asupra sumelor platite din ziua de 4 Mai 1943 Reel: 8 (ID: 11860)
- BORDEROU Nr. 151 asupra platirilor ce s-au efectuat la data de 13 Mai 1943 in Gorai Reel: 8 (ID: 11861)
- BORDEROU Nr. 152 asupra platirilor ce s-au efectuat la data de 18 Mai 1943 la Crasna Reel: 8 (ID: 11862)
- BORDEROU Nr. 153 asupra platirilor ce s-au efectuat la data de 18 Mai 1943 la Lurineti Reel: 8 (ID: 11863)