[School certificates] (ID: 27050)
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This grouping contains various certificates for students in the Łódź Ghetto. Many of these certificates are in several languages resulting in the same student having multiple certificates. The certificates included in this grouping are: ZEUGNIS/ŚWIADECTWO/תעודה which is a certificate of completed studies that includes name, date and place of birth, school and school year, and grades in various courses (religion, Bible, Hebrew language and literature, and history of the Jews); ZAŚWIADCZENIE SZKOLNE/אשור בית-ספר which is a school certificate that contains name, date and place of birth, school year, and grades in various courses; Schul-Entlassungszeugnis/תעודה סיום which is a completion certificate that includes name, date and place of birth, and school year; BESCHEINIGUNG/באשטעטיקונג which is a certificate for completion of first tear of lyceum in academic year 1940/1941 which includes name, date and place of birth and lyceum attended. The grouping also includes some supporting documents including handwritten notes regarding completion of school and retyped copies of older certificates.
List Type:
Individual document
List Organized By:
Not Applicable
Generating Agency:
- Der Aelteste der Juden in Litzmannstadt
- PRYWATNA SZKOŁA POWSZECHNA STOPNIA III z hebrajskim językiem nauczania
- Rumkowski, Chaim
- Konserwatorium Muzyczne Heleny Kijeńskiej w Łodzi
Document Date:
21 Jun 1939 - 1 Dec 1943
Event Date:
Between 1939 - 1941
Male and Female
- German
- Hebrew
- Polish
- Yiddish
Persecution Status:
Number of Persons (Est.):
200 - 220
Number of Pages (Exact):
Moderately Legible Text
Document Format:
Typed and Handwritten
Current Location:
Łódź, Poland
Place of Incarceration:
Litzmannstadt-Getto, Łódź, Poland
- Student
- School / university
- Ghetto
Compiling Agency: