[Name data from] СПИСОК семей, расстрелянных евреев Шевченсковского района г. Львова, имущество которых разграблено и уничтожeно немецко- фашистскими оккупантами. (ID: 26828)
Transliterated Title:
[Name data from] SPISOK semeĭ, rasstreli͡a nnykh evreev Shevchenskovskogo raĭona g. L'vova, imushchestvo kotorikh razgrableno i unichtozeno nemet͡sko- fashistskimi okkupantami.
Title in English:
[Name data from] LIST of Jewish families that were executed in Shevchensky district of the city Lviv. Their property and belongings were stolen and destroyed by the fascist invaders.
Electronic data from a list of those killed in a single district in Lviv city, from a document created by the Soviet Extraordinary Commission. Data includes names, addresses, and numbers of family members.
List Type:
- Death list
- Index
Primary Source Creator:
Чрезвычайная Государственная Комиссия
Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center
Primary Source Document Date:
Between 28 Jun 1943 - 18 Sep 1945
Male and Female
Place of Death:
Lvov, Soviet Union
Created from information in USHMM Archives RG-31.001M, reel 30.
From Collection
Electronic indices of Holocaust survivors and victims, from various sources.