[Documents related to Jewish life] (ID: 26644)
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This grouping contains documents related to the life of Jews within Jewish communities. Includes personal and official correspondences, postcards, forms, reports, acknowledgements, curriculum vitas and other documents that deal with Jewish religious communities (“Israelitische Kultusgemeinde”), Jewish organizations, youth clubs and associations, club meetings, language courses operated by the Jewish community, bank accounts of Jewish communities, the registration and surveillance of Jewish residents, births and deaths, reports about housing conditions, rent and sublease, prohibition of shared houses of Jews and non-Jews, welfare for Jews, financial support, Jewish relief organizations, the care of Jewish archival materials, items and cultural assets, non-Jews working in Jewish households, the burial of Jews in municipal cemeteries, the operation of Jewish cemeteries, Jewish World War I veterans, baptized Jews, Germans that have converted to Judaism, interfaith marriage, guardianship, observation of Jewish holidays (Shabbat, Passover), purchase of kosher foods, surveillance of sermons by rabbis, meetings of the rabbinate, registration of community members, registration of personal data, collection of taxes and the liquidation of religious communities.
Generating Agency:
- Gesamtverwaltung der Frankfurter Bibliotheken
- Kulturamt
- Stadtarchiv
- Gendarmerie-Posten Untersiemau
- Der Regierungspräsident
- Gendarmerieposten Coburg
- Regierung von Oberfranken und Mittelfranken
- Bayerische Politische Polizei
- Der Oberbürgermeister
- Direktion des städt. Bestattungsamtes München
- Dezernat 4
- Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
- Städt. Gewerbeamt
- Dezernat 6
- Bezirksstelle Bayern der Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschand
- Israelitische Kultusgemeinde München e.V.
- Der Kreisleiter
- Städt. Wohlfahrtsamt
- Wohlfahrts- und Jugendamt der israelitischen Kultusgemeinde
- Der Generalkonsul
- Der Beauftragte der Geheimen Staatspolizei
- Der Landrat
- Der Bürgermeister
- Die Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle Würzburg
- Bezirksrabbinat Bad Kissingen
- Verband Bayerischer Israelitischer Gemeinden
- Hilfsverein der Deutschen Juden
Document Date:
Between 6 Aug 1899 - 24 Aug 1945
Male and Female
Persecution Status:
- Jew
- Racial targets (other)
- German
- Polish
- Czech
- Stateless
Document Format:
Typed and Handwritten
Current Location:
- Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Untersiemau, Germany
- Ansbach, Germany
- Coburg, Germany
- Sonnefeld, Germany
- Tambach, Germany
- Westheim, Germany
- München, Germany
- Schnaittach, Germany
- Berlin, Germany
- Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany
- Garmisch, Germany
- Leipzig, Germany
- Mannheim, Germany
- Marktredwitz, Germany
- Kassel, Germany
- Schmalkalden, Germany
- Mainz, Germany
- Nürnberg, Germany
- Gotha, Germany
- Weissenburg, Germany
- Treuchtlingen, Germany
- Ellingen, Germany
- Neudörfles, Germany
- Weidach, Germany
- Weidhausen, Germany
- Aschaffenburg, Germany
- Bad Kissingen, Germany
- Würzburg, Germany
- Bad Neustadt an der Saale, Germany
- Cham, Germany
- Moggenbrunn, Germany
Place To:
- Wien, Austria
- Berlin, Germany
- "Mischling" (mixed race)
- Census
- Children
- Correspondence
- Interfaith marriage
- Organization / society
- Rabbi
- Religious community
- 2 - 9
- 11 - 14
- 16 - 22
- 26
Compiling Agency: