[Documents related to Nazi persecution] (ID: 26643)
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This grouping contains documents related to the discrimination, assault and arrest of Jews, persons of “mixed Jewish blood” (Mischlinge) and political opponents. Includes correspondences, forms, letters, files, reports, testimonies, certificates and other documents that deal with the assault of Jews, distribution of anti-Semitic leaflets, denunciation, certification about non-Aryan ancestry, registration of non-Aryans, registration of personal data, dismissal of Jewish employees and civil servants, deprivation of German citizenship, stateless Jews that emigrated, change of name to Sara or Israel, restriction of freedom of non-Aryans, laws excluding Jews from society, arrest of Jews, “protective custody”, the interrogation of Jews, assault of Jewish children on their way to school, criminal records of Jews, conviction of “race defilers”, Jews in custody, release from custody, pogrom during “Kristallnacht” (destruction of Jewish apartments, burning of synagogue, arrest of Jews), surveillance of illegal immigrants, the surveillance of members of secret societies, liquidation of Jewish organizations, expulsion of Jews from German towns, German restaurants refusing to serve Jews, exclusion from German organizations, regulations regarding deportation, wearing of a yellow star, internment in concentration camps and escape from camps.
Generating Agency:
- Bezirksamt
- Gendarmerie Station Partenkrichen
- Der Direktor des Reichssippenamtes
- Der Personalamtsleiter
- Der Oberbürgermeister
- Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle Würzburg
- Polizeipräsidium München
- Städt. Kulturamt
- Der Landrat
- Der Vorstand der israelitischen Gemeinde
- Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei Gau Bayerische Ostmark
- Gend. Station Ellingen
- Der Vorstand des Bezirksamts in Weissenburg
- Gend. Station Treuchtlingen
- Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle Nürnberg-Fürth
- Bayerische Politische Polizei
- Vertrauensmann der Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland
- Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle Kassel
- Geheime Staatspolizei Garmisch-Partenkirchen
- Gemeinde-Kriminalpolizei
- Oberkriegsgerichtsrat
Document Date:
Between 13 Jan 1934 - 2 Jun 1946
Male and Female
Persecution Status:
- Jew
- Racial targets (other)
- Political and ideological targets
- German
- Hungarian
- Czech
- Polish
- Dutch
Current Location:
- Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
- München, Germany
- Berlin, Germany
- Pullach, Germany
- Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Würzburg, Germany
- Nürnberg, Germany
- Westheim, Germany
- Schonungen, Germany
- Breuna, Germany
- Haßfurt, Germany
- Wiesenfeld, Germany
- Pfarrweisach, Germany
- Bad Neustadt an der Saale, Germany
- Tel Aviv, Palestine
- Coburg, Germany
- Wiesbaden, Germany
- Marktredwitz, Germany
- Untergriesbach, Germany
- Obernzell, Germany
- Gotha, Germany
- Cabarz, Germany
- Waltershausen, Germany
- Treuchtlingen, Germany
- Ellingen, Germany
- Weissenburg, Germany
- Kitzingen, Germany
- Schnaittach, Germany
- Bad Kissingen, Germany
- Regensburg, Germany
- Breitenberg, Germany
- Prague, Czechoslovakia
- London, England
Place of Incarceration:
- Wegscheid, Germany
- Buchenwald [concentration camp], Germany
- Weissenburg, Germany
- Theresienstadt [concentration camp], Czechoslovakia
- Oranienburg, Germany
- Westerbork, Netherlands
Place To:
- München, Germany
- Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Ingolstadt, Germany
- New York, New York, NY, U.S.A.
Previous Location:
- Bad Salzschlirf, Germany
- Bad Homburg vor der Hohe, Germany
- Hooghalen
- Garmisch, Germany
- "Mischling" (mixed race)
- "Rassenschänder" (race defiler)
- "Sicherungsverwahrt" (security detention)
- Communist
- Concentration camp
- Criminal trial
- Detention center / prison
- Evacuation
- Pogrom
- 2 - 9
- 11
- 13
- 15 - 16
- 18 - 20
- 22
- 25 - 26
- 28
- 1
Compiling Agency: