[Documents related to Jewish businesses] (ID: 26642)
This grouping contains documents that relate to the registration, acquisition and closure of Jewish businesses. Includes correspondences, forms, newspaper articles, directories, files and other documents that deal with the “Aryanization” of Jewish businesses, appointment of custodians, valuation of Jewish businesses, foundation of Jewish businesses, company relations, credit agencies, business tax, transfer of Jewish businesses, disposal of Jewish businesses, definition of “Jewish” businesses, change of names of former Jewish businesses, businesses owned by “non-Aryans” (Mischlinge, foreigners), protection of retail, correction of the business card file, prohibition of providing information from the register of businesses to Jews, dismissal of Jewish employees, prohibition of clearance of Jewish businesses, prohibition of order and delivery, investment of Jews in German businesses, purchase in Jewish shops, permission of Jewish businesses exclusively for Jews, illegal employment, denunciation, harassment of customers in Jewish shops, boycott of Jewish businesses, surveillance of Jewish businesses, disturbance of business operations, takeover of businesses initially owned by Jews, who then emigrated and Jews being involved in international businesses. Jewish businesses mentioned include factories, agencies, department stores, craft enterprises, wholesale firms, laboratories, agricultural businesses, sanatoriums, banks, shoemakers, tailors and others.
Generating Agency:
- Der Oberbürgermeister
- Milchwirtschaftverband Bayern
- Städt. Gewerbeamt
- Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle München
- Bezirks-Inspektion des 18. Stadtbezirkes
- Bezirks-Inspektion des 24. Stadtbezirkes
- Bezirksinspektion des 16. Stadtbezirkes
- Bezirksinspektion des 27. Stadtbezirkes
- Bezirks-Inspektion des 23. Stadtbezirks
- Bezirks-Inspektion des 11. Stadtbezirkes
- Industrie- und Handelskammer zu München
- Stadtkämmerei
- Der Regierungspräsident von Oberbayern
- Polizeipräsidium
- Bayer. Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft
- Direktion der Städt. Elektizitaetswerke München
- Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei Gauleitung München=Oberbayern
- Der Reichswirtschaftsminister
- Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei Kreisleitung Gross-Frankfurt
- Kreishandwerkerschaft des Kreises Gross-Frankfurt
- Der Landrat in Weissenburg i.B.
- Schocken-Aktiengesellschaft
- Fränkische Tageszeitung
- Regierung von Oberfranken und Mittelfranken
Document Date:
After 10 Apr 1933 - 2 Nov 1944
Persecution Status:
- Jew
- Racial targets (other)
- German
- Polish
Current Location:
- München, Germany
- Ansbach, Germany
- Berlin, Germany
- Bad Mergentheim, Germany
- Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Wiesbaden, Germany
- Mainz, Germany
- Passau, Germany
- Straubing, Germany
- Weissenburg, Germany
- Treuchtlingen, Germany
- Ellingen, Germany
- Crailsheim, Germany
- Nürnberg, Germany
- Bamberg, Germany
- Erlangen, Germany
- Thalmassing, Germany
- Schnaittach, Germany
- Eichstätt, Germany
- Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany
- Bayreuth, Germany
- Leipzig, Germany
- Forth, Germany
- Landshut, Germany
Place To:
- United States of America
- Jerusalem, Palestine
- Prague, Czech Republic
- Czechoslovakia
- England
- Poland
- Switzerland
- Sweden
- France
- "Mischling" (mixed race)
- Business
- Aryanization
- Employee
- Emigration
- Hospital / sanatorium
- 2
- 4 - 12
- 14 - 19
- 21
- 26 - 27
Compiling Agency: