[Documents related to Jewish property and assests] (ID: 26639)
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This grouping contains documents related to the sale, confiscation and administration of Jewish property and assets. Includes correspondence, forms, contracts, bank statements, lists, directories, declarations of property, bills, certificates and other documents that deal with the exploitation of Jewish assets, Jews being forced to leave their homes, the “aryanization” of real estate and farm land owned by Jews, accounts of Jewish organizations, money transfer, taxes, debtors, hypothecary credits, insurances, Jewish landlords, lease and sublease agreements, the exploitation of Jewish property for the means of entertainment (golf course), the disposal of Jewish cemeteries, sale of Jewish businesses, sale of school inventory, sale of community centers and synagogues, confiscation of Jewish documents, books, Torah scrolls and other property owned by Jewish religious communities, description and valuation of Jewish property, inheritance of Jewish property, administration and exploitation of property of emigrated Jews, compulsory auctions, seizure of possessions (e.g. clothing, electronic devices, kitchenware and pets), confiscation of property of “evacuated” Jews (e.g. bicycle, car), lists of confiscated items from Jewish youth clubs, valuation of confiscated items and confiscation of pension benefits.
Generating Agency:
- Der Landrat
- Der Bürgermeister
- Der Generalbaurat für die Hauptstadt der Bewegung
- Städtisches Vermessungsamt
- Der Oberbürgermeister
- Stadtkämmerei
- Stät. Gewerbeamt
- Der Regierungspräsident
- Stadtamt für Leibesübungen der Hauptstadt der Bewegung München
- Bezirksstelle Bayern der Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland
- Stadtrat München
- Bezirksamt
- Geheime Staatspolizei, Staatspolizeistelle Nürnberg-Fürth
- Stadtbauamt
- Regierung von Oberfranken und Mittelfranken
- Der Notar
- Gendarmerieposten Unsleben
- Gendarmerieposten Oberelsbach
- Kreishauptstellenleiter
- Gendarmeriestaion
- Finanzamt Coburg
- Bayerische Staatsbank Coburg
Document Date:
Between 20 Jul 1933 - 1 Jun 1946
Persecution Status:
Current Location:
- Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
- München, Germany
- Gauting, Germany
- Berlin, Germany
- Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Treuchtlingen, Germany
- Ellingen, Germany
- Peppenheim, Germany
- Weissenburg, Germany
- Goppingen, Germany
- Nürnberg, Germany
- Alesheim, Germany
- Gunzenhausen, Germany
- Passau, Germany
- Bad Kissingen, Germany
- Karlsruhe, Germany
- Unsleben, Germany
- Oberelsbach, Germany
- Bad Neustadt an der Saale, Germany
- Breitenberg, Germany
- Coburg, Germany
- Bad Reichenhall, Germany
- Autenhausen, Germany
Place To:
- United States of America
- London, England
- New York, New York, NY, U.S.A.
- Jerusalem, Palestine
- Panama
- Brazil
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
- San Francisco, California, United States
- Money transfer
- Assets / property
- Aryanization
- Bank accounts
- 1 - 2
- 5 - 9
- 14 - 22
- 26
- 28
Compiling Agency: